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Preview University of Massachusetts Boston Corporate, Continuing, and Distance Education Bulletin, Summer 2010

UMass Boston 2010^Summer Bulletin ?A summer.umb.edu 617.287.7900 - UMASS BOSTON Key Dates & Deadlines Summer 2010 Academic Calendar - Session 1 CEl CE2 CE3 CEOnline June1-July1 June1-July15 June1-July29 June1-August26 Registration begins March29(M) March29(M) March29(M) March29(M) Earlyregistrationdeadline May13(Th) May13(Th) May13(Th) May13(Th) Lateregistration begins^ May14 (F) May14 (F) May14 (F) May14 (F) Classesbegin June1(Tu) June1(Tu) June1(Tu) June1(Tu) Lastdaytoregisteronline^ June1(Tu) June1(Tu) June1(Tu) June4(F) Dropdeadline^ June3(Th) June3 (Th) June3 (Th) June3 (Th) Add/Changedeadline^ June8(Tu) June8(Tu) June8(Tu) June8(Tu) Pass/fail/withdrawaldeadline June18(F) June25(F) July9(F) July23(F) Lastdayofclass July1(Th) July15(Th) July29(Th) August26(Th) Summer 2010 Academic Calendar - Session 2 CE4 CE5 CE6 July6•August5 July19-August5 July19•August26 One Stop Registration begins March29(M) March29(M) March29(M) Earlyregistrationdeadline June15(Tu) July1(Th) July1(Th) Office Hours Lateregistrationbegins^ June16(W) July2(F) July2(F) Classesbegin July6(Tu) July19(M) July19(M) M-Th 8:30am-5:00pm Lastdaytoregisteronline^ July6(Tu) July19(M) July19(M) F 8:30am-4:30pm Dropdeadline^ July8(Th) July22(Th) July22(Th) Add/Changedeadline^ July13(Tu) July27(Tu) July27(Tu) University Pass/fail/withdrawaldeadline July23(F) July30(F) Aug13(F) Holidays Lastdayofclass Aug5(Th) August5(Th) Aug26(Th) (theUniversitywiii beciosed) ^A$25latefeewill beassessedforall registrationsonorafterthisdate Patriots’ Day April 19(M) ^CODEonlineregistrationforBostoncampusandoff-campuscourseswill beclosedat8:30amonthedayof thefirstclassmeeting.Onlineregistrationforonlinecourseswillbeclosedat3:00pmon Friday,June4. Memorial Day May31(M) ^Duringthe50%refund perioda “W”-Withdrawal-isposted unlesssimultaneouslyaddinganothercourse. BunkerHill Day June 17 (Th) Independence DayJuly4(Su) RefundSchedule Deadlinefor100%refund Deadlinefor50%refund Independence DayJuly5(M) CEl,CE2,CE3,Online June3(Th) June8(Tu) (observed) CE4 July8(Th) July13(Tu) CE5,CE6 July22(Th) July27(Tu) Norefundswillbegivenafterthe50%refunddeadline. Registration and refund policies: please see pages 96-98 or visit ccde.umb.edu/moreinfo/registration/how/ Make summer your count. With one ofthe largest and most varied summer programs in New England, Boston’s public university offers a dizzying array ofchoices for summer learning. Here’s a quick tally ofsome ofthe opportunities available this summer at UMass Boston: Undergraduateand graduatecourses. Thisyearwe’vescheduledover6oocourse sectionsinmorethan6osubjects,fromAccountingandFinancetoWomen’s Studies.Takeacoursetogetaheadonyourdegreeprogress(atUMassBostonor elsewhere),totestthewatersforapossiblereturntouniversitystudy,orsimply forthejoyoflearning.Coursesareofferedinanyofseveralsessionformats(see “KeyDatesandDeadlines,”opposite),eitheroncampusoronline(more informationaboutouronlineprogramsisonpage74).OurCourseMatrix(pages 4-17)givesyoumostoftheinformationyouneedtoregisterintableformat, MoreInformation whilecoursedescriptionsandprerequisitescanbefoundonpages18-63. summer.umb.edu International programs. EachsummerandwinterUMassBostonoffersstudents Contact Us thechancetoparticipateininternationalprogramsbasedallacrosstheplanet. Thesetwo-tofour-weeklongprogramswillexposeyoutoanarrayofunique Tel 617.287.7900 Fax617.287.7922 cultures,people,politics,histories,languages,arts,andarchaeologicaltreasures. [email protected] EveryprogramisaccompaniedbyanexperiencedUMassBostonfaculty VisitUs member. NewforSummer2010:anMBAprograminBrazil.See page 64 UMassBoston Field study programs and summerinstitutes. Fieldstudyprogramsgivestudents WheatleyHall 2nd Floor,Room203 anopportunitytogobeyondtheclassroomandgettheirhandsdirty,whether Boston,MA02125-3393 it’sstudyingarchaeologyinRhodeIslandormarinebiologyonNantucket.Our summerinstitutesareuniqueopportunitiesforeducatorsandscholarsto Hours exploreasubjectareaindepth. See page 68 Mon-Thu8:30am-5;00pm Fr8:30am-4:30pm Professional trainingand non-credit programs. Non-creditofferingsincludeour highlysuccessfulEnglishasaSecondLanguageprogramsaswellasgraduate testpreparationcourses. See page81 mmM Whafs Inside Summer 2010 Key Dates and Deadlines i Summer Courses 4 Course Matrix 18 Undergraduate Course Descriptions 52 Graduate Course Descriptions 64 International Programs, 68 Field Study, Off-Campus Programs and Summer Institutes CODE Degree, Certificate & Professional Training Programs 74 Online Learning 75 Degree & Certificate Programs 81 Professional Training Programs 84 English as a Second Language (ESL) 85 Test Preparation 86 Centers, Consortia & Partnerships General Information 90 Contact Information & Directions 91 Offices, Services & Resources 93 Academic Information 96 Fees & Payments 98 Registration Information 99 Registration Form for Non-Credit Programs 100 Registration Form for Credit Courses 101 Campus Map Summer2010 Volume31,Number4 llieI'MassIJoslonBulletin(USPS5()6-()‘>0)isiiublislied((UiirleiiybyUM.issBoston.100Morrisseyliivti.,BosI Massaehusclts02I2.'>-3;W:{. IVriocliealsPoslai>ePaidat Boston,,\1A022().\ Posiinasl.T;Semiaddressehangesto;I’MassBoston.100MorrisseyBlvd.,Bo.slon..Mav-aeluiselts02125-3303, Allinformationinthispublicationi.ssubjeettoeliange.Formosteurrcmlinformation,visiteede.umb.edu. I'o requestanalternate-formatversionofthisbulletin,pleaseeulJ617.287.7900. Course Matrix Summer 2010 • Courses markedwith “PR” in “Prereq" column have prerequisitesorpermission requirementsthat mustbemetbeforeenrolling; for details, seecoursedescriptionsstartingon page 18. Forsessionstartandenddates,see “Key Datesand Deadlines” (insidefront cover). Foran explanationofDiversityand Distribution Codes, see”SpeciflcCLA/CSM Requirements” on page 93.@= International programs(see pages 64-67). Catalog# CourseTitle Pre- Dist Div Cr Class# Type Session Days Times Room Instructor Fee Lab req Fee UNDERGRADUATE COURSES Accounting&Finance 1Pleaserefertoeligibilitymformationonpage94beforeenrollinginCollegeofManage^mentcourses. AF201 PersonalFinance 3 1527 Lect CEO Online Staff 960 ! AF210 FinancialAccounting PR 1528 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-034 A.Florczak 960 1 1529 Lect CE2 MW 6:oo-9:oopm M-1-418 N.LaPointe 1 1530 Lect CEB MW 6:oo-9:oopm M-1-617 A.Vogel AF2H ManagerialAccounting PR 3 1531 Lect CE? MW io:ooam-i:oopm M-1-608 E.Connors 960 i 1532 Lect CEB TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm M-2-116 M.Sharif 1897 Lect CEB MW i:30-4:3opm M-3-204 A.Vogel AF301 IntroductiontoFinancialManagement PR 3 1533 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm M-2-206 K.Callahan 960 1534 Lect CEB TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm M-3-617 K.Callahan AF315 AccountingInformationSystems PF 3 3331 Lee CE2 MW 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-063 E.Connors 960 AF433 AccountingforNon-BusinessOrganizations PR 3 1535 Lect CE2 MW io:ooam-i:oopm W-2-198 T.Hogan 960 AF480 Internship Seepage95formoreinformationaboutinternshipsthroughtheCollegeofManagement. SpecialDates:6/1-8/26 1:AF495 FinancialPolicy PR 1898 Lect CE2 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm M-1-409 A.Florczak 960 1in1 AfricanaStudies HaitiToday:People,CultureandPolitics Internationalstudyprogram.Seepage65fordetails. AFRSTY101 IntroductiontoAfricanaStudies WC 1 3 1213 Lect CE2 MW 6:oo-9:oopm M-1-617 Staff 960 AFRSTYiio African-AmericanHistory1 HU 3 1267 Lect CEB TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-057 Staff 960 AFRSTY220 FreeandSlaveintheNewWorld,1492-1888 3 1762 Lect CE2 MW io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-034 Staff 960 AFRSTY250 TheCivilRightsMovement 3 1268 Lect CEB TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-020 Staff 960 AFRSTY300L WomeninAfricanCultures 1 1771 Lect CEB TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-034 A.ElJack 960 AmericanStudies | AMST101 PopularCultureinAmerica HU 1004 Lect CEB TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-064 G.Mason 960 AMST206 TheSixties PR HU N 3 1005 Lect CEB MW 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-012 J.Hess 960 AMST212G TheUSintheEighties PR 3 1003 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-042 RChassler 960 AMST215 AmericaonFilm PR AR N 3 1006 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-055 R.Goff 960 AMST225L SoutheastAsiansintheUnitedStates SB N 3 1871 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-010 S.Tang 960 AMST310 TelevisioninAmericanLife PR 3 1007 Lect CEB MW i:30-4:3opm W-2-126 K.Lindsey 960 AMST375 BestSellersinAmericanSociety PR HU N 3 1008 Lect CE2 MW 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-030 RRaub 960 Anthropology ] i@ FieldSchoolinPrehistoricArchaeologyin Belize 1 FieldSchoolinArchaeology: ' HassanamesittWoodsProject Internationalandfieldstudyprograms.Seepages64-68fordetails. FieldSchoolinArchaeology: HistoricalandUrbanArchaeology AITTH105 IntroductiontoBiologicalAnthropology NS 3 1444 Lect CE2 Online A.Todd 960 ANTH106 IntroductiontoCulturalAnthropology SB 3 1009 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm M-2-213 R.Fazell 960 1010 Lect CEB TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-010 A.Waters ANTH220G IndigenousPeoplesandCulturalChangein PR 3 1446 Lect CEB MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-061 R.Sieber 960 Amazonia ANTH223G Afro-CaribbeanReligions PR 3 1371 Lect CE2 MW 6:oo-9:oopm M-1-0619 A.Waters 960 ANTH260 AnthropologyOnFilm 3 1214 Lect CEB TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-l-OiO A.Waters 960 ANTH271 PeoplesandCulturesoftheMiddleEast 1 3 1011 1 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm M-2-208 R,Fazell 960 ANTH272 PeoplesandCulturesofAfrica WC 1 3 1372 Lect CEO Online B.Worley 960 ANTH363 EnvironmentalAnthropology 3 1445 Lect CE2 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm M-1-418 J.Martinez 960 Reyes ANTH366 TheAnthropologyofReligion PR 3 1447 Lect CEB MW 6:oo-9:oopm M-3- J.Pasto 960 20^ ANTH367 SocialandCulturalPerspectiveson PR WC 3 1448 Lect CEO Online B.Worley 960 j ]WitchcraftandSorcery 1ANTH372 1jAnthropologyofDeath PR 3 1254 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm 1W-1-020 A.Waters 960 4 • Summer2010 visitwww.ccde.umb.eduorcall617.287.7900formoreinformation. Descriptionsandprerequisitesonpage18-63 UndergraduateCourses Catalog# . CourseTitle Pre- Dist Div Cr Class# Type Session Days Times Room Instructor Fee Lab req Fee Arabic | ARABIC101 ElementaryArabic1 WL 4 1458 Lect CE2 MTuWTh io:oo-ii:3oam W-1-009 A.Berrahmoun 1280 25 ARABIC102 ElementaryArabicII PR WL 4 1942 Lect CE6 MTuWTh io;oo-ii:3oam M-3-204 A.Berrahmoun 1280 25 Art 1 ART100 TheLanguageofArt AR 3 1408 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm M-3- C.Scollans 960 0407 ART101 AncientandMedievalArt AR 3 1012 Lect CE2 TuTh B;oo-9;oopm M-3- C.Scollans 960 1 0407 ART102 RenaissancetoModernArt AR 3 1013 Lect CEB MW B;oo-9:oopm M-3- C.Scollans 960 0430 ART210 IslamicArt andArchitecture 3 1814 Lect CE2 Online M.MIchalidis 960 ART252 AmericanArt inBoston 3 1409 Lect CEB MW i:3o-4:3opm M-3- C.Scollans 960 0407 ART281 Drawing1 AR 3 1014 Lect CE2 TuTh 9:ooam-i2:30pm H-8-009 K.Dacey 960 20 1215 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-5:oopm H-8-009 K.Dacey 1015 Lect CEB TuTh i:30-5:oopm H-8-009 A.Norfolk ART286 IntroductiontoSculpture AR 4 1982 Lect CE2 M 9:ooam-5:oopm H-8-01B E.Levine 1280 ART293 Photography1 PR AR 4 1410 Lect CEB MWTh 9:ooam-i:oopm H-8-025 M.Shook 1280 60 1745 Lab CEB TuF 9:ooam-i:oopm H-8-025 M.Shook ART 380 StudioonNantucket;SummerLight CourseofferedonNantucketIsland.Seepage69fordetails. | AsianAmericanStudies | ASAMST221L IntroductiontoAsianAmericanWriting PR HU N 3 1867 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm W-2-198 G.U 960 ASAMST225L SoutheastAsiansintheUnitedStates SB N 3 1868 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-010 S.Tang 960 ASAMST238L AsianAmericanPsychology SB N 3 1869 Lect CEB TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-084 J.Tawa 960 ASAMST333 AsianAmericanPoliticsandSocial 3 1414 Lect CEB TuTh i:30-4:30pm W-i-oBo Staff 960 Movements AsianStudies @ { ChinaToday:Culture,HistoryandPolitics Internationalstudyprogram.Seepage65fordetails. ASIAN232I AslanReligions WC 3 1748 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4;3opm W-1-084 M.Lafargue 960 ASIAN359L WomeninModernChina WC 3 1760 Lect CE2 Online J.Babbitts 960 ASIAN363L ModernJapan 3 1759 Lect CE2 Online C.Kim 960 Biochemistry | BIOCHM383 Biochemistry1 PR EH1016 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm S-1-008 M.Sugumaran 960 Bloiogy 1 BIOL100 CoastalEcology CourseofferedonNantucketIsland.Seepage69fordetails. \ BIOL101 TheBasisofLife NS 3 1017 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-081 G.Venkata- 960 krishnan 1631 Lect CE2 Online J.Tenzar BIOL108 IntroductiontoNutrition NS 3 1018 Lect CE2 MW io:ooam-i:oopm S-2-065 A.Bradley 960 1019 Lect CE2 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm S-2-085 R.Eriksen 1020 Lect CEB MW i;30-4:30pm S-1-008 R.Whitehouse BIOL111 GeneralBiology NS 4 1021 Lect CE2 MTuWTh 10:00-11:30001 W-2-158 M.Gammon 1280 100 1023 Lab CE2 MW i:oo-4:oopm M-1-114 Staff aNoltaeb:sPelcetiaosne.registerforbothalectureand 1022 Lect CE2 MW B:oo-9:oopm S-1-008 J,Stark 1024 Lab CE2 TuTh B:oo-9:oopm M-1-114 Staff BIOL112 GeneralBiologyII PR NS 4 1026 Lect CEB MTuWTh 10:00-11:30001 W-1-005 A.Toto 1280 100 1028 Lab CEB MW i;oo-4:oopoi W-2-030 Staff Note:Pleaseregisterforbothalectureand alabsection. 1029 Lab CEB TuTh i2:oo-3:oopoi W-2-030 Staff 1027 Lect CEB MW B:oo-9:oopm W-1-031 J.Porter 1030 Lab CEB TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm W-2-030 Staff BIOL207 AnatomyandPhysiology1 PR 4 1031 Lect CEi MTuWThF 8:oo-io:ooam M-2-0118 H.Dean 1280 125 1032 Lab CEi MWF i:30-4;3opm M-1-0115 H,Dean aNoltaeb:sPelcetiaosne.rSegeiestpeargfeor2b4otfhoraspleeccituarleand 1033 Lab CEi MWF io:i5am-i:i5poi M-1-0115 H.Dean restrictionsonenrollmentforBIOL207. 1034 Lab CEl TuThF 10:15a01-1;ispofi M-1-0115 H.Dean BIOL208 AnatomyandPhysiologyII PR 4 1035 Lect CE4 MTuWThF 8:oo-io:ooam M-2-0118 H.Dean 1280 125 1036 Lab CE4 MWF i:30-4;30pm M-1-0115 H.Dean Note:Pleaseregisterforbothalectureand alabsection.Seepage24forspecial 1037 Lab CE4 TuThF io;i5aofi-i:i5poi M-1-0115 H.Dean restrictionsonenrollmentforBIOL208. 1038 Lab CE4 MWF io:i5am-i:i5poi M-1-0115 H.Dean UMassBoston DivisionofCorporate,Continuing&DistanceEducation Summer2010 5 Course Matrix Summer 2010 • Catalo'g# CourseTitle Pre- Dist Div Cr Class# Type Session Days Times Room Instructor Fee Lab req Fee BIOL209 MedicalMicrobiology PR 4 1039 Lect CE2 MTuWTh 10:00-11:30301 W-1-061 G.Venkata- 1280 125 krishnan Note:Pleaseregisterforbothalectureand 1040 Lab CE2 TuTh ii:45am-2:45pm W-2-082 T.Durant atabsection. 1041 Lab CE2 MW ii:45am-2:45pm W-2-082 Staff BIOL306 MarineandCoastalEcologicalResearch CourseofferedonNantucketIsland.Seepage69fordetails. \ BIOL372 MolecularBiology(Lecture) PR 3 1042 Lect CE2 MTuWTh 8:i5-9:45am W-2-0127 S.Ackerman 960 1 BusinessCommunication Pleaserefertoeligibilityinformationonpage94beforeenrollinginCollegeofManagementcourses. BC230 FundamentalsofBusinessCommunication PR 3 1389 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm M-1-212 R.Cummins 960 &CriticalAnalysis 1390 Lect CE2 MW 6:oo-9:oopm M-1-608 R.Cummins 1638 Lect CE6 MW i;30-4:3opm W-1-048 M.Giarhiari BC290 ProfessionalWrittenCommunication& PR 3 1387 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-060 M.Cadieux 960 CriticalAnalysis 1683 Lect CE2 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-053 M.Giarhiari 1388 Lect CE6 TuTh i:30-4:3opm M-1-213 M.Giarhiari 1516 Lect CE6 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-047 R.Cummins Chemistry { CHEMiiiL EnvironmentalConcernsandChemical NS 3 1589 Lect CEO Online M.Schwartz 960 Solutions CHEM115 ChemicalPrinciples1 PR NS 3 1294 Lee/ CE2 MW 5:30-9:oopm S-2-03A Staff 960 Disc 1293 Lect CE2 MTuWTh io:oo-ii:3oam S-1-006 Staff Note:Pleaseregisterforbothalectureand 1295 Disc CE2 Tu ii:3oam-i2:2opm S-2-062 Staff aredgiisstceursisnigofnorseccltaisosn,#u1n2l9e4s,swyhoiucahrceombines 1296 Disc CE2 W ii:3oam-i2:2opm W-1-063 Staff lectureanddiscussion. 1297 Disc CE2 Th ii:3oam-i2:20pm S-1-006 Staff CHEM116 ChemicalPrinciplesII PR NS 3 1302 Lee/ CE6 MW 5:30-9:oopm S-2-03A Staff 960 Disc 1301 Lect CE6 MTuWTh io:oo-ii:3oam S-1-006 Staff Note:Pleaseregisterforbothalectureand 1303 Disc CE6 Tu ii:3oann-i2:2opm S-2-064 Staff aredgiisstceursisnigofnorseccltaisosn,#iu3n0l2es,swhyiocuhacreombines 1304 Disc CE6 W ii:3oam-i2:2opnfi S-2-064 Staff lectureanddiscussion. 1305 Disc CE6 Th ii:3oam-i2:20pm W-1-063 Staff CHEM117 ChemicalPrinciples1Lab PR 2 1298 Lab CE2 MW i2:30-4:30pm S-2-039 Staff 640 150 1299 Lab CE2 TuTh i2;30-4:3opm S-2-039 Staff 1300 Lab CE2 TuTh 6:oo-io:oopm S-2-039 Staff CHEM118 ChemicalPrinciplesIILab PR 2 1306 Lab CE6 MW i2:30-4:30pm S-2-039 Staff 640 150 1307 Lab CE6 TuTh i2:30-4:3opm S-2-039 Staff 1308 Lab CE6 TuTh 6:oo-io:oopm S-2-039 Staff CHEM251 OrganicChemistry1 PR NS 3 1580 Lect CE2 MTuWTh io:oo-ii;3oanfi S-2-003A Staff 960 1811 Disc CE2 M ii:3oam-i2:2opm S-2-003A Staff Note:Pleaseregisterforbothalectureand 1812 Disc CE2 Tu ii:3oam-i2:2opm S-2-003A Staff adiscussionsecbon. 1813 Disc CE2 Th ii:3oam-i2:2opm S-2-003A Staff CHEM252 OrganicChemistryIt PR NS 3 1583 Lect CE6 MTuWTh io:oo-ii:3oam S-2-003A Staff 960 1584 Disc CE6 M ii:3oam-i2:2opm S-2-003A Staff Note:Pleaseregisterforbothalectureand 1585 Disc CE6 Tu ii:3oam-i2:2opm S-2-003A Staff adiscussionsection. 1586 Disc CE6 Th ii:3oam-i2:20pm S-2-003A Staff CHEM255 OrganicChemistry1Lab PR 2 1581 Lab CE2 MW i2:30-4;3opm S-2-094 Staff 640 150 1582 Lab CE2 TuTh i2:30-4:3opm S-2-094 Staff CHEM256 OrganicChemistryIILab PR 2 1587 Lab CE6 MW i2:30-4:3opm S-2-094 Staff 640 150 1588 Lab CE6 TuTh i2;30-4:3opm S-2-094 Staff CHEM481 AdvancedLaboratoryinChemistry1 PR 1-4 1043 CE2 Byarr. Staff var. 75 Chinese ‘| CHINSE101 ElementaryChinese1 WL 4 1044 Lect CE2 MTuWTh io:oo-ii:3oam W-2-125 Y.Wu 1280 25 CHINSE102 ElementaryChineseII WL 4 1045 Lert CE6 MTuWTh io:oO'ii:3oam W-2-123 S.U 1280 25 Ciassics 1 1 CLSICS161 DemystifyingLanguage:EnglishVocabulary SB 13 11427 Lect CEO Online E.McDermott 960 ! CLSICS280 Life&WorksofJuliusCaesar 3 1935 Lect CEO Online R.Colaizzi 960 ' CLSICS288 ImageandReality;TheWomenofRome HU 3 1891 Lect CE2 MTuWTh io:oo-ii:3oam W-1-064 LLeblanc 960 CLSICS383 Heroes,WarsandQuests AR 3 1892 Lect CEB TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-055 V.Holtz 960 6 • Summer2010 visitwww.ccde.unib.eduorcall617.287.7900formoreinformation. Descriptionsandprerequisitesonpage18-63 UndergraduateCourses Catalog# CourseTitle Pre- Dist Div Cr Class# Type Session Days Times Room instructor Fee Lab req Fee CommunicationStudies | COMSUI100 IntroductiontoCommunication SB 3 1216 Lect CEO Online R.Raben 960 1679 Lect CEO Online R.Raben COMSTU105 OralCommunication 3 1047 Lect CE2 MW io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-037 B.Hendrix 960 1048 Lect CE6 TuTh io:ooam-i;oopm M-2-208 B.Hendrix COMSTU210 UsingInternetCommunication 3 1049 Lect CEO Online E.McMahon 960 COMSTU250 AnalyzingMedia PR SB 3 1688 Lect CEO Online K.Lachlan 960 COMSTU280 CommunicationAcrossSocialMedia 3 1463 Lect CEO Online R.Vining 960 COMSTU300 informationTechnologyandHuman SB 3 1319 Lect CEO Online R.Raben 960 Communication ComputerScience | CS105 AnIntroductiontoComputerConcepts PR MT 3 1906 Lect CE3 MTuTh B:oo-7:3opm W-1-040 Staff 960 CS110 IntroductiontoComputing PR MT 4 1058 Lect CE3 MTuTh B:oo-7:30pm M-2-B21 Staff 1280 50 CS114L IntroductionToJava PR MT 3 1907 Lect CE3 MTuTh B:oo-7:3opm M-2-417 Staff 1000 50 CS210L IntermediateComputingwithData PR MT 4 1468 Lect CE3 MTuTh B;oo-7:30pm M-1-210 Staff 1280 50 Structures CS240 ProgramminginC PR 3 1415 Lect CE3 MTuTh 7:45-9:i5pm M-1-210 Staff 1000 50 CS310 AdvancedDataStructuresandAlgorithms PR 3 1349 Lect CE3 MTuTh B:oo-7;3opm M-1-420 Staff 1000 50 CS320L AppliedDiscreteMathematics PR 3 1271 Lect CE3 MTuTh 7:45-9:15?^ W-2-200 Staff 960 20 CriminalJustice CRMJUS262L Criminology PR SB 3 1310 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-04B J.White 960 1314 Lect CE6 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-04B LHansen CRMJUS321L RacialandEthnicRelations PR SB N 3 1354 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm w-1-047 RKretsedemas 960 CRMJUS351L MethodsofSociologicalResearch PR 3 1054 Lect CE2 MW B:oo-9:oopm w-2-124 M.Peel 960 1055 Lect CE6 MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-0B4 C.Feldscher CRMJUS363L Corrections PR 3 1316 Lect CE2 MW B:oo-9:oopm W-1-047 G.Horgan 960 CRMJUS461L InternshipinLawandCriminalJustice PR 6 1221 Lect CE8 M B:oo-9:oopm w-1-053 E.Stern 1920 CRMJUS465L TtiePoliceinSociety PR 3 1056 Lect CE2 Online M.Morabito 960 CRMJUS467L TheSociologyofLaw PR 3 1057 Lect CE2 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm w-1-057 R.Tyler 960 Critical Reading&Writhig | CRW282 ElementsofWritingProficiency |3 1979 Lect CEO Online D.Boudreau 960 | | | | | | | | | | | Dance | DANCE134 ModemDance1 AR 3 1460 Lect CE6 TuTh i:30-4:3opm M-3-B12 S.Kim 960 DANCE181 TopicsinDance:HaitianRhythms AR 3 1880 Lect CEi MTuWTh ii:45am-i:45pm c-UL-018 J.Appolon 960 Economics : { ECON101 IntroductiontoMicroeconomics PR SB 3 1064 Lee CE6 Online J.Spitz 960 1062 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-05B RGranberry 1063 Lect CE2 MW B:oo-9:oopm W-1-0B4 S.Abdullah 1065 Lea CE6 MW i:30-4:3opm w-1-034 K.Carlson 1066 Lect CE6 TuTh B:oo-9:oopm w-1-052 FMartin ECON102 IntroductiontoMacroeconomics PR SB 3 1344 Lee CE2 Online N.Aman 960 1067 Lea CE2 TuTh B;oo-9:oopm W-1-05B J.Millman 1343 Lea CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-0B4 RGranberry 1068 Lea CE6 MW B:oo-9:oopm W-1-052 K.Carlson 1227 Lea CEB TuTh i:30-4:3opm w-2-127 S.Abdullah ECON201 MicroeconomicTheory PR SB 3 1069 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm w-1-034 J.Millman 9B0 ECON202 MacroeconomicTheory PR SB 3 1070 Lea CEB MW i:30-4:3opm W-i-oBo N.Aman 960 ECON205 StatisticalMethods PR MT 3 1071 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm w-1-057 FMartin 960 ECON372 ComparativeEconomicSystems PR 3 1226 Lea CEB MW B:oo-9:oopm w-1-009 N.Aman 960 English Pleaserefertopage30formformationaboutenrollinginEnglishclasses ENGL101 FreshmanEnglish1 PR 3 1072 Lea CE2 MW io:cx)am-i:oopm w-1-058 1.Halevi 960 *ESLsection,Class#1077 3 1073 Lea CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-2-12B LLawrence 3 1074 Lea CE2 MW B:oo-9:oopm W-2-127 N.Tavares •1077 Lea CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm w-1-048 M.Martinez Eartey T” 1075 Lea CEB TuTh i:30-4:3opm w-1-030 RDyson 33~ 1076 Lea CEB TuTh io:ooam-i;oopm W-i-oBi J.Piazza 1377 Lea CEB MW io;ooam-i:oopm W-1-05B H.Davis UMassBostonDivisionofCorporate,Continuing&DistanceEducation Summer2010 • 7 Course Matrix Summer 2010 • Catalogs CourseTitle Pre- Dist Div Cr Class# Type Session Days Times Room Instructor Fee Lab req Fee ENGL102 FreshmanEnglishII PR 3 1078 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-045 J.Hess 960 1 ESLSection,Class#1229 1079 Lect CE2 MW i:3o-4:3opm W-1-057 V.Kingsley 1080 Lect CE2 TuTh io;ooam-i:oopm W-1-045 J.Hess *1229 Lect CE2 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-030 M.Martinez- Eariey 1596 Lect CE2 MW io:ooam-i:oopm w-1-057 V.Kingsley 1081 Lect CE6 MW 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-030 K.Morrissette 1082 Lect CE6 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-056 R.Saunders 1083 Lect CE6 TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-061 J,Piazza 1597 Lect CE6 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-012 RDyson ENGL200 UnderstandingLiterature PR AR 3 1084 Lect CE6 MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-046 C.Center 960 ENGL201 FiveBritishAuthors PR HU 3 1085 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-045 R.Romanow 960 ENGL202 SixAmericanAuthors PR HU 3 1086 Lect CE2 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-058 A.Diwer 960 ENGL210 IntroductiontoCreativeWriting PR AR 3 1970 Lect CE6 MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-056 H.Davis 960 ENGL211 CreativeWriting:Poetry PR 3 1916 Lect CE6 TuTh io:ooam-i;oopm W-2-200 J,McDonough 960 ENGL212 CreativeWriting:Fiction PR 3 1616 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-2-198 J.Torra 960 ENGL221L IntroductiontoAsianAmericanWriting HU N 3 1870 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:30pm W-2-198 G.U 960 ENGL273G ArtofFiction PR 3 1228 Lect CE2 MW 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-019 R.Romanow 960 ENGL274G TheArtofDrama PR 3 1917 Lect CE6 MW i:30-4:30pm W-1-020 N,Finn 960 ENGL276G TheArtofLifeWriting PR 3 1230 Lect CE6 MW io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-046 C.Center 960 ENGL307 WritingforthePrintMedia(A) PR 3 1918 Lect CE6 TuTh i:30-4:30pm W-2-200 J.' McDonough 1 960 ENGL324 ShortStory(C) PR AR 3 1919 Lect CE6 TuTh i:30-4:3opm W-1-056 M.Walsh 960 ENGL337 ShortNovel PR 3 1257 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:30pm W-1-046 D.Nelson 960 ENGL345 LiteratureoftheAmericanSouth PR 3 1920 Lect CE6 MW i:30-4:3opm W-l-009 A.Hasratian 960 ENGL366 WomenandMeninNineteenthCentury PR 3 1376 Lect CE2 TuTh io;ooam-i:oopm S-2-064 J.Medoff 960 Literature ENGL371 TheAdolescentinLiterature(D) PR 3 1256 Lect CE2 MW 6:oo-9:oopm W-1-046 D.Nelson 960 ENGL383 Shakespeare(Later)(E*) PR 3 1338 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:3opm W-1-063 S.Malsano 960 ENGL401 TheMedievalPeriod(D*) PR HU 3 1914 Lect CE2 MW io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-060 M.Shaner 960 ENGL410 TheModernPeriod(D) PR 3 1915 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm w-1-031 A.Diwer 960 ENGL415 IrishLiterature(D) PR 3 1088 Lect CE6 MW i:30-4:3opm w-1-037 M.Walsh 960 Environmental, EarthandOceanScience | EEOS101 TheGlobalEnvironment NS 3 1060 Lect CE2 MW io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-010 M.Mensoian 960 EEOS102 WorldRegionalGeography 1 3 1358 Lect CEO Online D.Merwin 960 EEOS110 Earth'sDynamicSystems 4 1910 Lect CE2 MTuWTh io:oo-ii:3oam s-3-035 D.Nellis 1280 50 1911 Lab CE2 MTuWTh ii:45am-i;i5pm s-3-035 D.Nellis EEOS115 EnvironmentalGeology 3 1912 Lect CE6 MTuWTh io:oo-ii:3oam w-1-060 D.Nellis 960 EEOS225 WeatherandClimate PR NS 3 1061 Lect CE2 MW i:30-4:30pm W-1-010 M.Mensoian 960 EEOS380 IntroductiontoGeographicInformation PR 4 1356 Lect CE2 M io:ooam-i:oopm s-3-034 D.Merwin 1280 100 Systems 1357 Lab CE2 W io:ooam-i:oopm s-3-020 D.Merwin EnvironmentalStudies ] ENVSTYioi TheNatureofEnvironmentalProblems NS 3 1091 Lee CEO Online N,Mohanty 960 3619 Lee CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm W-2-200 S.Rudnick 960 ENVSTYiiiL EnvironmentalConcernsandChemical 3 1590 Lee CEO Online M.Schwartz 960 Solutions Exercise&HealthScience | EHS 150 IntroductiontoNutrition PR 3 1485 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm M-2-116 D.Wein 960 EHS 160 Fitness&Wellness PR 3 i486 Lect CE2 TuTh i:30-4:3opm w-1-019 K.Meinnis 960 EHS 240 PreventionandCareofSportInjuries PR 3 1947 Lect CE2 MTuWTh io;oo-ii;3oam w-1-005 S.Medeiros 960 EHS 250 NutritionforSprots&Performance PR 3 1946 Lect CE6 TuTh io:ooam-i:oopm w-1-058 D.Wein 960 EHS 260 PhysicalActivity&Health PR 3 1487 Lect CE6 MW io:ooam-i:oopm M-2-206 0.Commesso 960 EHS 280 StaUsticsforHealthProfessionals PR 3 1488 Lect CEO Online LMilllken 960 EHS 340 HealthBehaviorChange PR 3 1948 Lect CE2 TuTh 6:oo-9:oopm M-2-616 A.O'Neil 960 EHS 360 WellnessCoachingTechniques PR 3 1945 Lect CE2 MW io:ooam-i:oopm M-3-204 D.Commesso 960 EHS 370 ExerciseProgramDesign PR 3 1626 Lect CE2 TuTh io:ooam-i;oopm W-i-oig K.MeInnis 960 EHS 400 PracticuminAdultFitness PR 3 1627 Lect CE6 MW i:3o-4:3opm M-2-206 D.Commesso 960 EHS460 ResearchMethods1 PR 3 3553 Lect CE6 MW io:ooam-i:oopm W-1-055 M.Munoz 960 8 • Summer2010 visitwww.ccde.umb.eduorcall617.287.7900formore information.

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