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Preview Union Government, Weekly, 2006-01-21, Part IV, Ref. 430 GI/2005

‘Peete. Se HT) -Osooar200305 REGISTERED fo, DL(N)-040007/200305 Rita = Vista Che Gazette of Gudia TERPRAVERKLY arftrere & sentir PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY #3 aE few, after, saad 21a 27; 2006 CTH 1, 1927) ‘Ne3}_NEW DELHI, SATURDAN, JANUARY 21-~ JANUARY 27,2006 (AGHA 1, 1927) Fa am Ft fi po dan Foie t fred fir ae Stern ier FEF aT TT (Separate paging is glven to this Part in order that I may be Filed ns » separate compilation) aay [PART IV] [teacard eater she trae eemel & forges ote ered [Advertisements und Notices Iseued by Private Tndividusls and Private Bodles} NOTES NO LEGAL RESPONSIBILITY [5 ACCEFTED FOR INONCES Bh THIS PARR OF THE CAZETIG OF (NOMA. [NOTICES WALL REMAN SOLELY, RUSPOSSIMLEHOR THE LEGAL CONSEQUENCES AND ALSO FOR ANY OTHER, Cente 9 obictoe a te serra ya ah led & a 8 ep TA, aad fg, fara Wn ffe arms, 20 anf, Rea, ‘wp, Fsf-nio0e, & are aera fet ah we spear Ra ob wa ate Re sth er ig ren oer ic ge ah ae at am fer #1 ea Ri as Coen gat a & ager) wf 4 ee we Come ey gE se, fe eT a hh eR Fer Ra, 5 2H, feng reer te Aree, aN eT tl aa fregde atde Se e ¢ P #g H fen ate fy a fie fee sae fra son fir co A lt xy ret aan cer) Change of Names 1, hither known ae DINESH RANI daughter of Sh." MANGI RAM KBANDUIA, ceiing ot 18, Gopal Puck, Nese Chander Neg, Dulb-120051.. hase changed ny name wid tall hereafier be Known as ADISHA KHANDUIA It ie cetfied that Ihave complied with het leat regutements on hie connection DINESH RANE 6m exiting ofl nae)) ‘Bijan a THE GAZETTE OF INDIA. JAKUARY 23, 206 (MAGHA 1, 1927 1. fothare known as PRITT ARORA duvyhtor of Sori SURESH AXOKA, employed us logirnoe Advisor in the ACICI Protenial Life Inurance Co, Lid, Dc resdiog ot 32, Libespor Hood, Samir, Debi 110042, fave changed my name aad stall bereafes be Known 15 PREETI ARORA. Tes canad th T ave vompliad with other Tega! requreents 20 this connec se ‘PRITL ARORA [Signatry Ga exiniag oll mare 1. Nitena keane as CHETAN GUPTA san of 5h BABU RAM GUPTA, residing at GC-2, Shiva Enc, Tein Garden, Near Aajoui Garden, New Delhi-110027, Tae changed aay ae and shal ercaer be Fue CHIRAC GLFEA. Ins emit tht I hase complied with wher legal sequcerena in this conection, CHETAN GUPTA [Signature Gi exiving old ramet) 1. Witherts hogien ak RENU daughter of Sa, RAMESH CHAND, soudenvusoe 214776, WEA. ‘Krishna Marker, Karol Bagh, New Delhi-L 10005, residivg at 476: WEA,, Kesbaa Marks, Karel Bagh, ‘New Delti-110005, hive changed my name and shall bereatier be knot a+ RERU SAKORIYA, Ge conified that | have compliod with ether Jegs reauremcats in this conn RENU (Sigaatue fin exisieg old 1039) [. biherto Know as RAMESH CHAND sue of TNATHU RAM employed as proper in the Import BH Aled Servis w 4716, WEA. Krista Mike, Kal Bagh Neo Delhi-110005. rendlng at 4776, WEA. eta Market, Kad gh, New Dethi-L 10005, have thafged my oime und sbait feeouler be krowe af RAMLSH CHAND SAKORIYA, 1 ie eetiied har 1 have eoumind wilh ther feat requirements in ws vonnetien, RAMESH CHAND [Sigame (2 exiing old wars)] L. hitherto kmswn a GEETA DEVT wife of Sh. RAMESIL CHAND favsenile, ending at 4776, Aiea. Reishns Mather, Knol Bagh, Now Det OOS, tage emg my mine and shall eves be Hawn a (GEETA DEVI SAKORIYA, ie is comabad hat Ihave complied ath thor legs GEE DEM [Siynacae sn exiting ld nati} 1, hilherla kaown as RAZENDER SINGH son of Sh. PYAREC LAL. employed ax Sarton Oficor im te Mivisuy of Commicice & Toduemy Department IRAE residing at House No. 31, Aaya Mohall, Nanloi, eb 4. ave changed my nae and shill hgeates Be So 3 LAJENDER SINGH KAUSEOI 1 cetiiod thal 1 have complisd with ther legal equiamsoe in this connection AAJERDER SINGH iSiqeaue (in evsting old name] hitherts known as YUAY KUMAR son of Sh MISHAMBER NATH. sesfing ot, No. 95, Atv ‘Apunen, AbFuarda, New Dull 10019, have chawged fy came and shall hereatlr be Snown a» VIIAY TANDON. ie cei tha T hase sommlied wh other leg rogsrenent ji thin conection, ‘VUISY KUMAR ISignwune Gn exiting kL mee 1, bier known af MUNSHL MUSTAK IBRAHIM son of Sh, MUNSHT TRRAMIM empoyel yw Seuiae ‘Technica inte Spae Applieions Crowe, Anmesdabat, residing a D212. Vitra Nagar. BIH TSCON, Anmedsbsd-58, heve changed my name aod shall berefler bs Anown at MUNSHI BABUBMAT [ERAMIM. (sis ceviint tae 1 have semplid wilh other Ie requirements in this enonecton. (MUNSHI MUSTAK TaRARO ISugnatre Gn exivlng wld name] 1, hitherto kven is PARASHURAM. SHANKAR, DHANGE seo of St. SHANKAR, BALAPPA. DHANGL, smployed ae Povist Asean inthe Peel epuriter, rooliig w APO -Niponi, Dist Helgeom-591207 hae Changed my mame aad skal heres be Fronen i TARASHURAM RAMAPPA DASANATTL Peer 1¥1 “TB GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 21, 2006 QHAGHA 1, 1971) % 1 i cericd that I have cdimplled with ster legal ‘squitenems im thie ooanection. PARASHURAM, SHANKAR, DHANGE [Signaure On exiting off nume)) 1, Nitesto known ay MOTAPPA son of SUBSANTA LAMAN, (x Serviceman) Age: 47 years Ose ~ Wale, in Crane a japan, red ac Bap, have chsnzed ‘my same and sl) barafer be kode ny °MOFILAL veo of SUBBANNA NAYAK” is certified thar T eve complied with ole legal requirements thir connection MCFTADPA ISigratoe (exiting ob rae! 1, hile kaowe ay BHOLA CHAMAR soa of Late RAM KRISHAN, employed 33 Belper in the To. 245, C&W Deparant, Basta Raivay, No, resting Rly Qe, No SARC, Nikhil Nagar Rey Bahadur Rood PO, Nata, B.S, Hagolat Dist 21 Porganas (Non ‘Wea Bregm, have changed my same and shal rear ta: now ag BHOLA RAM 1s conied chat C have complica wid other Ieg equitements in this conoscuct, HOLA CHAMAR [sigauime (i exsting ofd nary 1, hitherto knows ay RAM SEVAK son uf Late DURIODHAN. employed a Moxon, Gr. the Se Section Engine, Non ns, SF. Rly, Kharypne have hanged my eame sod shall herealier be Know ax POTURAIU RAH SENAK, cin cetied hat [ave coping with elec legat roqvirements in this wurnes tio RAM SEVAK (Sgeaure Gin existing ald name) 1, hithests known ax SUMAN KUMARI wife of Shi PRAN NATH SETH, residing a¢ C-208, Defence CColony, Deli LIOR, Have eheaged my name and shall hereafter be known ay SUMAN SETH. 1 ie colted hat 1 ave complied with other Jegat roglzements in this comnestion. SUMAN KUMARE (Seamive Gi existing old nee) 1 pheno known a2 SANGITA AGARWAL wife of h.'KAPIL, 2 Housewife, reidisg aH, No, 23. Mira ita. Sandesh Viner, Pam Pura DelbicLLOO34, have ‘ckanged. my ave end shall hetesfer be knot a5 SANGERTA AGGARWAL. ie conified at T have complied with other legal equitesonts in his-connction SANCITA AGARWAL (Signa Gin exiing old mame} 1, hitherto keown a5 Mohd. ZISHANT som of Shot ABDUL LATTE, ws Businessman, residing 21 8. No 8, Horgobnd Enclave, Vikas Mary, Dofhi-1 10082, hate hanged wey narue and shall hereafter be known 35 "SHAN LATIF. 1 is cefied hak have complied cb aber egal requirebonis in this sonnesin, ‘Mohd. ZISHANY [Sigasire Gn existing 018 nume)] J. itherta known as Mohd. IMRAN sum of ‘Shi! ABDUL LATIF ap Businsoman, residing ot H. No. 80, Hashing Enclve, Vitae Mp, Dell-110092, he changed my name and shall betestier be known 85 TRAN LATIF Sie centfied shat have complied wth ater Kal requremons inthis connection. Mohd, IMRAN [Signature (in existing off named] 1, twee knows as KAVITA GOEL wife of Sh MUNEESH SUNEIA, » Hoosewift, eeiding a MATE, EEA, Kiel Bagh, Hew Delhi, ve changed ra mene and shall hereator be brown ap Mrs, ANIALL SUMED, 1k Js cenified dat 1 have complied with ote begat requitemers in this connection, RAVITA GOEL Signature (in exiting old name} 1, hues knawn tx NEERU ARORA davghier of Shri SS, ARORA, eroployed as Offee charge in the Shyam Telecom, A-60 Newwing, New Delhi 110028 reriding a TH, Subhash Mayas, Newe Delhi-110027. Inve chinged may namo and shall bereaer be Reown 15 TRIASWAN 1s gonad thar T have compliod with oter legal rogbiremens In shis eoenecton, NFRRU ARORA [Szeaiore Gin existing wht ceed) a6 "THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 21, 1006 {MAGHA |, 1827) [PaetT¥ 4, htbena now as RENDIYA GROVER dager uf 5. JOGINDITE SINGH, ssing at AAR, Shalimar Bag, New Peli (4008, ive changed my name and xl hereafter be lnuwn ax GURPREET KAUR 1 ie cetfied chat have compliod with ther Tegel equitemcats fa this conaction BINDIYA GROVE [Signatae (in existing ol name] 1. hiherta Known ax MANENDRA RANE si of LT BHAGAT SINGH RANE, employed as SclF-Emplosad s+ Propet inthe Rene Intemational, OBO. Bor Ne, 351, New Delhi TOW, residing ot B2ASCA, Vikas, New Delhi, hose changed myname and hall Ierefer be koown a MANENDERA. RAINE, 1 cortfied tol bave womplied with ober requirements 5a this comnetin, MANENDRA RANE [signe Go exisung, fd came) 1, beso Inuwn at SARAN DAS GAUTAM son of Sha HS. GAUTAM, rsiing al H, No, 1614, Bear Sumi airy Block "E" IE 60 Foot Rosd, Molarband Gxt Badarpur, New Defi-1LO08s, hata chatged my name ‘and stl! Yeraftcr bo known as SIDDHANT’GACTAM, 1s conified that T have eompliod wih ethsr Tegal equrements in this congestion. SARAN DAS GAUTAM. [Signature Gi exicing. name] 1, higher nowy a3 SUNITA BANSAL wife of SHAWLENDRA AGARWAL, reining at 999272 Soni ida, NR, Row, Bei, have changed oy some end shall boretcr be kage a¢ RICHA AGARWAL. 1 is confi that T have ootpliog with ther Teg queens im this cammactan, SUNITA BARSAL [Signe Gin existing old name) 1, hithesta known ax SWEKTY KEDIA wife of ‘ie NAYAN PATODIA, os hocner, ring st C498, [bt Floor, Yojana Vit, New Delhi- 110005, hive chong my name and shall betcafiet be keove as SWATI PAIODIa. 1 fs ceed that T have eompliod with other Tess! seguinements in Gis connection. SWEETY KEDIA, [Sigoazre Gn exiting old n2r8)] Sy iene known ss KULDERP SINGH son of PRATAP SINGH, resuing at Gali Rimayas, VEO, Pooth Khu Dethi-38, have changed my name ad shall hereafe be knowa as BHUPENDLR SINGH is esd that T have complied with ether legal recone. {8 this commen, KULDEEP SINGH [Signanus (in existing ald ears) 3, hitherto kun an PURSHOTIAM LAL PURSHOTTAM JOBLY, son of Shei GURDIAL RAM employed as Inspector jn the Ineome-Tex Department, (Ministry of Finance), residing at 156, Boba Kharak Siagh Marg, New Deli-110001, have changed my rane fad sell Reeate be kaon as PURSHOTTAM FOLLY [kis cenit that T have complied with oxher toga, requitemens in this connection PURSHOTTAB LAL @ PURSHOFTAM JOHLY [Signature Go exiing old nani 4, hitherto koows as BRU BAMBA son of Shel ANIL KUMAR BAMA, resiug a4, Sara Vis, New Delhi-110076, have changed my maroc and shal eater be brown iw DHRUY ANAND BAMEA. is ceria thar 1 have coolio ith otter legal requlzeents inthis eouction, DHRIY RAMBA+ Signe Ga existiog wld name] 1 itera known as RAFU. SINGH ave of ALKA, SINGH MAIITHIA. 4 4 Sladent in the Kuni Academy of Tries CP, New Belk, residing at 61352, DS, ‘asuat Kun Mew DeIti- 110070, have changed my ware sad shall hereafier be known a8 RAHUL SINGH MANTA, Wis ceria hat 1 have complied ith other legal requirements in this conection RAHUL SINGH. [Signature Gn esstiog old named J, VIDYA KUMARL wife of Sho HARMINDER SINGH, reviling at H. No, 172-1, Susot No. 1, Eas Mod Bagh, Sani Rohl. Delni-1J0007. have changed the wana of nila son GAUBAY, Aged 17 Yer ed he shal hecafer be Kiowa a8 GAUKAY BIEAUT. He ie cst tha T ee sample with other Tega requirements in thir conection, ‘VIDYA KUMARI [Sigaarwe of Guten] Pear M1 ‘THE GaZBTTE OF INDIA. JANUARY 11, 2006 (MAGHA 1. 1927) w 1, bttenn tngwn as POONAM SACHDEVA wife of ‘Suri PARVEEN KUMAR NAGEAL, residing A209, Socond Flor, Rajonsi Garden, New Dell-!10027, buve changed miy namie ang shall hereafter be Enown as ‘OBETANIALTNAGPAL, It is ceed hat L have complied with ther legal requiem in tis connection POONAM SACHDEVA, {Sienotore Gin exining ol anme)] |, hitherto known as RAKESH KUMAR son of ‘Sue JATKISHAN, employed as Accounts Clerk im the Mis. Globe Agency. C-1, Shopping Centre, Raghubir [Nagar N, Deh, residing at 39 Aryans) Head, Una ‘Magar Delhi, sve changed rey same sn aall Reser ve known as RARESH KUMAR CARG. 1 is eonificd tat T have complied with other Hegel eqvicementy a the eoneection RAKESH KUMAR [Sigaanee fia existing old carey] [ hitherto own’ ab BALWINDER SINGH on of Sh SURINDER SINGH, naiding 10-D, Pockets, Dilstod ‘Gaydon, Debit 0005, have changed ny name ard shall ‘reat be known af “BALWWINDER SINGH SADT ie cetiied hat Thave complied with othr lps requirements in this connection DALWINDER SINGH [Signore (a ening old name] I, hither knots as ABHAY SINGH IAIN aoe of DILERP KUMAR JAIN, employod ss Retaach Asseclae in the EVA Sore, 4h Flocr, LMD- Rogeat Square, DLE Pease I, Gurgpon 122002, residing at F196, Upper ‘Ground oar, Cups Colony, Khiski Estacion, Mabiya Nagar, Ne Dadhist 10017, ve changed my same and ‘hall erent be known as ABHAY JAIN, 1c is cared et I ave cope with ener leg roqitemens in hit conser. ‘ABHAY SINGH JAIN [Sigestoe Ga existing ofd name) [ hilesa Know an MANISH NATYAR t00 of GX, NAYYAR, employed as Supervisor in we Private Co. residing at HL No. 1197, Secu 21, Gucgaoo atyans fave changod my namac and sta Resear be know ws MOHNISH NAYYAR. 18 is eetfed thal T have complied with otber legal fequireoents in thie comecton, ‘MANISH NAY'YAR [ignmnze (in existing ol¢ nares) 1, itso own 96 CHANDER KANTA, RHUTANT séfe of Sut VAY KUMAR KHANEIA, redding = 7, ‘Ghar Dham Appts. Plot No, 28, Secerd, Rohis, Debi ‘Pio 1108S, have changed my ance and shll bereuer tbe Known ao VIBHA KHANEIA. is ceniod dat have complied with eter Tees! sageirement inthis Semnectin, (CHANDEH KANTA BHUTAN [Signature (n-exising old nae] 1, hitherto known a5 SURENDER SINGH CHAHAL son‘of Lala Sik CURCHARAN SINGH, reidng at 08, DBA SHS, Golden ble Agrurtnens, Sector Hl, Rehln. Dels-110085, bave changed my same and ell beater be Kawa @ AKASH CHARAL, js cori that 1 hwo sonplcd with thar legal requirements in wis comsecion, SUKENDER SINGH CHAHAL [Sigoace Gn exiting 0M ane) 1, Winns hagon as YUAY KUMAR MASTE 0a of ‘Shei BRI MOHAN, residing «7.7, Nzaxaudin Wes, (New Debs. have changed ay name spd shall herafiee ‘be Soon au MARTIN LOTHER, Weis erited that L have compli oth other legal requirements in this connection, ‘VHAY KUMAR MASIH [Signature (in existing old mare) 1 binerto known ss PRERNA KOUL wife of 24x. SHUBEENDU AMITABH, employed a5 Special Corespondent ia The HindustauTimes, New Delhi, _esilng et Apariment No. $51, Abhinav COHS, Block B- 12, Vatundlva Beolee, DelN/1 100%, hase changed my ume and shall refer be btwn a PRERNA,KOUL MISHRA, 1c ie cetiied tat 1 have'eompied th they Legat requremeats fa this conection, PRERNA KOUL [Sigaatoe Ga oviaing old came 1, bites kam au SHANTI DEN onoghter of Laie Sh.’ BANARSI DASS, employed as Clerk in the PGI. Chandige, siding aH No. 11T8A, Sector {2AR, Chandigarb, have. changed my nsbe and thal tereater be Known or SHANTA KAPOOR 1 is cestid oat T heve complied with ther legs! requirements i hiv comeston, SHANTI DEV [Sigasure Gn exising sid camel] ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 21, 2006 (MAQHA T, 1927) (agri 1, bitheno town as HEERA KUMAR MISUIRA soe of Shei SUDHIR MISHRA, residing at K-7-A, Kuali, New Tethi-1J0OH8. bave changed my name aad shal bereafer be known as ASKISH KUMAR MISITRA, ein ceniind har 1 have complied wih after leg sequtements in this commecdon HERA KUMAR MISHRA [Sipracue Ga existing old aan} 1, hilbeta mown as SANIEEV MOBAN son of ‘Sh VED PRAKASH, otploye a an Adecat,reiiog {2 E-32, Saynont Nagar, Asbok Vor, Phase, New Delt, have changed my anme and atell hereaficr be own af SANIEEV BHARDWAI 1 is cetied that 1 have complisd wis other Tegal requicomane in hia conseeton. SANIBEV MOHAN (Sigasture Ga exiting od rams) 2, bithere known af HUAWNA GUPTA wile of Sh. SANTEEY KUMAR, residing ot 8116, Sou Cit, Gurgeos, Haryana, have changed my name und shall erator be kane ex SONIA AGGARWAL 1 ie ceiid tha | have eompfied wilh otter legal equizeroais in 8s eomnection BELAWNA GUPTA [Siguscus fin existing old name 1, hither kag as FAHATOD RAM IATAY son of ‘aud Sh HIRA LAL TATAN, employed as Upper Division Cerk Reed ithe Othe of the Execute Engineer LSE PW.L, Cvalon. esiling a 7A, New Neb Oslony ‘Thitipen Meme, Gwalior. have changod my name-and ‘Soll heuer he knoen as PRARASHRAT BBARTTYA, Ue ts ened ah {have complied wih other legal requicemenis an this commotion, [EAHALOG HAM JATAV [Signaure Gn existing of nae] |. ino town as HEMANT KUMAR GURATYA ny of PAHALGO RAM GURATYA, emphyed a Sub- Enginecr in the Office of dhe MR Rossing, Board, Gralin, rsidiog at 746A, New Nein /Cotoay Thai, Morat, Gwalior, hare changed oy mame snd stall herealce be hago HEMANT KUMAR BHARTIVA 1 ie eri tha 1 hove compied lh othe legal requtements inthis eamection, HBMANT KUMAR GURATYA, (Signe Gi esining old nameyt [histo known’as RAVI RAMAN YADAV son of PANDOO RAM YADAY, employed xs Junior Teleco (Mer jn the Bharal Doer Sanchar Nigam Lad. Gio, fasiding at H-A, New Netry Coloey Thai, Marr, Goalie, bave changed my name and shall heeafer be boowe as RAVI RAMAN BHARTIYA. 1k ie cetied that U have complied with adr lege requirments in Uns connection, RAVLRAMAN YADAV ‘ature (om existing old ous] | hither known as KAVIRAL YADAV ai of BXHLOO. BAM YADAN, cinployed a Pawar in the Of8c0 of the Sub-Divisional Magistrate DABARA (Revenue Deptt), raiding at 74.4, New Nebra Colony Thtipu Mora, ‘Goalog, hve changed my wae and shall Rereafer be tnowe is KAVIRAT BHARTIVA, 1k ie cet thet have somplind with othe Tegal reqitenent ie this commen. RAVIRAT YADAV [Sigeatuee fn eueting oid pam} 1, fiera known es HITENDRA SINGH YADAV son of TAHLOO RAM YADAY, esdig af 75-8, New Nebr Colony Thatipur, Moca, Giro. bave chaaged my nant ‘and stall heosfer ho nown as HITENDRA SINGH BHARTTYA. 1 is ettiied tht [ve complied with olher legs sequements in this contesion, HITENDRA SINGH YADAY [Signane (im esisang old rome 1, bites Ion wu SUBHASH PALVE soe of Sti. G.PALVE. emplayed as Veterinary Assia Sutgeon in the Deparuaece of Animal Husbendary. & Yesrnary Serucer, A&M Adnicisitoo, Por Blas, siding = [Loum Nagar Vilage. Campbell ry, Great Nobo & de Tela, have changed ‘mp nama and chal beeeaier be nasa as SUBHASH BADURAO PALYE, 1s cetfied wat have complied with other legal rexuineanta in his connection. SUDHASH PALYE, [Siguane Gn exising off name] 1. hthere kaowa as MADHURI KUMARI dvghtr of Late Mr MK, SINGH, emploged as Bakes Consolanuin the ‘Tennovile ¥ Solution, eeskding a 3655, Khskl Ex, Malviya Nopar, New Dethi-IT000?, have chaoged my ane a sal berate be Inown w2 MADHURI SINGH, Patt VL ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 21, 2006 (MAGHA 1, 1927) 0 1 in cetied thx [have complied with oter legal requirements it dis eoeqzctlon MADHURI KUMART [signatore (oe exiting old nape] 1, hitherto faowa a RAMCHANDRA KRISHNA RAUL 00 of KRISHNA RAMI RAUL, employed « ‘Trudcaman, in Ponder Metallongy Division (habe ‘oulig Research Cone), Deparmer: of secu Baesy, ‘Gor of luda, Vashi Complee. Kivi Mumba zeslng 10-824, Senor 46. Nerul Navi Mune. hae changed sy tame and shall ereafier be kuown Bs RAMCHANDRA KRISHNA RAWOOL. Wi eelifed hat 1 Rave complied wilh other ea ceyireeat ne conection RAMCHANDRA KRISHNA RAUL. {Signe Co otalng of mane) 1. Miter: bnown as HARUAN KALUBHAI soo of HARIAN SANABHAL, employed 2 Senior Regulir ‘Mardoor in the BSNL Of SDE (erat), Fasehgan} Bechnogs, Futhegan) Vadodar- 200002, residing at 499 Saved Quinen. Harei Road, Vadodsre, Gujant Sats, fave changed iy name and ball breaer be Snow us SOLANKI KALUBHAL SANABHA ie esifid a T have cerptied wit ethor leg requceage i ts conneclon HARUAN KALUBHAT [Signauce Gn xiang fd gael] [.tithero known ws YUAY LAXML davpher of Tate BHAGAT RAM wife of Sh. RAM KUMAR AGRAWAL, 5 Tlousevie, siding at ANE21, Shima Bayh, Dobie TORRE, fave ehanged my name aid shall heres be ow at YUAY TARMT AGRAWAL, 1 is cortfied tat T bwve complied with oer legal requirements in lbs connection, ‘YUAY LAXMI isigeatae Go existing cl name} f, hicerio Known as RAM KUMAR son of Lalo SYOCHAND RAL, ws ef employed (Advocue), residing a AM21, Shalimar Bogh, Deke 170088, have changed ‘ny name a shall hereafter be known 8 RAM KUMATE AGRAWAL, 1k fe cerlified that Ihave complied ih other Wega rmavireatens fe this conden. RAM. KUMAR [sigurue (in cxising old eee) 1, hitherto known ax VISWANATHAM son of Late GORAYYA, employed w Looe Shuans in Loco Shod Under Ss, DME-Kharagenr, 8, E, Railway. residing at By. Gre, No. MSM, Unit - °B* Madura’, Pose Nanpara Kheragyen, Dist, Reschim Midnapur, Fi ‘7213S, WE, bane changed ony aor and bal ereaicr be Keown an DAYALA VISWANATHAM son ot |e GORATIA. 1 seca that Ihave eompliod wih other Inge requrenene in this comer, VISWANATHAM [Sigsauce Go existing old nate) 1 tehate knew af TEIINDER PAL. SINGH fon af JOOINDER SINGH, eading wt B53, 1 Fer, Lapat ‘Nagar New Deli 110024, tae cbanged sry name and shall hereaNer be knows a8 TENNDER PAC SINGH! SACHDEVA. 1s coed that 1 have complied with other legal sequleemens fa this connection ‘TEIINDER PAL SINGH [Signature Gn existing otd name) 1, Miberta kgowe at GULNEET KAUR daoghier of ‘TENDER PAL SINGH SACHDEVA, esiing ot 8-133, It Floor, Lajpal Noget-l, New Defhirt 10038, have changed my nome and shall hereafter be Enowa as ‘GULNEET KAUR SACHDEVA. 1s cerified that 1 ave complied wit ole lal requirements 9a this concen. ‘GULNEET EAUR [Signare Ga existing old suze] 1, himera known ap STTENDER KAUR fe of ‘TETINDER PAL SINCM SACHDEVA, residng'x B-133, Ist Floor, Lojpat Nagar-t, New Deln-110034, have hanged my name and sal Hereafter be kaown TENDER KAUR SACHDEVA. 1 have comofied wit caer feel eanneedon, is ected 1 eapiraments ib ATTENDER KAUR [Signatune (in ering old. ane} [hitherto know a2 JOGINOER KUMAR son of. Si DHANU RAM MANARTALLA, reiding al P20, Mada Dagar, New Delt-110017, have Ghunged ry name and shall bereafter be known es JOGINDER KUMAR MANAKTALIA, 40 THe GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 21, 2006 (MAGHA L, 1997) Bory Ue is cenifid thet T have complied with other legal reghtements in thie conection, ToGINDER KUMAR [Signature in exiting old mira) 1, bitherco known as SANTOSH MALIK site of Siri HALBIK MALIK, raiuing a 2-27 Neb Valley 235, Neb Sarai, Suinik Larms, Rew Delbi-11006R. have changed my name and shill hereaftor be hacen as SANGIDA MALOC 1 is eomtiied Oat 1 have compied with uber est! requirements in hit conection SANTOSH MALIK [Signaure Gn exiting 616 mire 1, biter kgowa aa KAMAL RANI wife of RAIESH UMAR. residing 2.215, Ind Pl, Seto 16, Robin ‘Beln-A4, ave changod my tome and shall hereafer be Sawn af RITU PANDEY. 1 in cei that T have complied wit ether Tegal requitamons in thle contection, KAMAL RANI Isignture Gn exiting old same 1, hitteces Saou 86 CURMEET DHINGRA wife of ANAND SEHGAL, siding a A-VSD Green Apseimenis Paschims Vihar, New Detti-110063, hove changed my rune and shall breaker be know ot MEETU SEHGAL. Us cerifed at I have complied with omer legal Jeguvenents fy tis commen, GURMEET DHINGRA. [Signature Gin exiting old ratoy) ( hither Rn 3 MANISH RAKHEIA von of Shi BAL KRISHAN RAKHRIA. reidng ¢ 15904, Vik ‘Vt Lepat NagartV, New Lsbs24, have changed ny rane an sal heeft be kno a6 RAHUL RAKEHIA Tis ceuitied that I hase compli’ ih ther legal requirements in dhs caonesdon DMANTSH RAKHRIA [Signature (a existing ald nam) [, Ribena Know a5 SANDER son of JACISH CHANDER BHALLA, employed ax Se consol in tie Capgee'ad India Pot Led, Munba, residing a1 ®Z. (PL Shot Nagar Lane No. It, Now Dslinsk, ave change ‘my came and shall hereafter be known aa SANDFEP HALA 1s conified that [have romped wi cxher legal equtements in this conection SANDEL ‘Sigoature (0 existing old name 1. hitherto known ax LILY KERKETTA wife of ‘Shei SUMTT CHAUHAN, Govt. Service, resting 40-3, TVI92, Tind Fla. Sectrel& Rohini Del (10085, have changed oiy ume and shal reer be own a SILIMA LILY CHAUHAN. 1 ie certified that T have complied wih other leg requcerens inthis conection Laie [Signaure (in existing old mame} [, higherto known as ARVIND KUMAR con of Shel JOGINDER LAL OBEROT, a6 Eusngtsman, tiling 1263/1, Gavsbala Marg, New Ram Ron, Kel Bagh, New Deli-1T0005, have change me nae nd Sal! erase be known 48 ARVIND QHEROL is coved tht I bave compliod Wid oer leat reauiremens fo is couscetion ARVIND KUMAR, ISigontoe Gn existing old nate] 1. hitherto knowo 1 DEFPAK KUMAR soa of Shvi SOHAN LAL residing a B22, Krishan Xun) ai, Tain Naga, Debi 2, Save caged ny nae nd tall bereter be kaon as DEEPAK KISHORE, is cesifiod hat T hive complied ish other legal requirement in tis connetion, DEEPAK KUMAR Siuomure Gn exisigg old nane}] 1, bitheaa Known 48 MAHESH MALIK ton uf Sh XHARATILAL MALIK, employee as Foon af jn De DeIhi Jal Bowed, rsicing at M02, Un Foe, Bera Boclave. Paschien Vibar, New Delhi L10082, have hanged my name and shall eneafer be kyon as ASHVIN MALIK. 1s cesifed that T have somplad wih other legal cequtement im his conection MABRSE MALIE [signatre (in existing old wate 1, baberta known a4 SHWETA AVASTHI wife of Shri SANJAY KUMAR AVASTHL reidig #1 GEL, 362, PeachinVibar, Deh 110087, have chadyed ny ne and shall heveller be Jon at SHWETA SHARMA, AVASTHL Page IV) ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA, JANUARY 21, 2006 (MAGHA |, 1927) 4“ ia confi! that T ave ompliod with olkor egat requirement Ie wt connection, ‘HIWETA AVASTHE [Sige (iu eclaing. old same) 1. hitherto known as SUNTL KUMAR son of Siri MAAN LAL TANDON, engajed ‘o lbp Busnes, teeing of 231, Bharat Nagar, Ashok Vita, Dei-110082, have changed my nme wed sal Roeder be knoe st ‘SUN, TANDON. 1 is contiied that T have complied wth ater egal reqicoments 3m Quit connect, SUNIL KUMAR [Sigoaure Gn existing old nae 1, biter known as PUSHPENDER KUMAR son of ‘Shei HANS RAJ, erp at Contant ix Xan Tia Lid, Noidn, Ud, riding ot TESD, Pocket, Bbepir Vihar, PhaveF, Deli 110001, have changed ny nae and ull ecaer be kok at PUSHPENDER KUMAR IINDAL. 1 ie cried hat 1 havo complied wit ther nga roysitemen im tis connection. PUSHPENDER KUMAR (Signature Gin exining old. sae] [hora known as DEVENDER son of Shri YOCRAS, fesiing at Valags Dhawwes Pow ce wazirpr, Test ‘Farukh Noga. Dist, Gurgaon. Haryans, hove chaaged ty agene ard sail hereater be Known an DEVENDER. YADA, 1s certified shat L have ‘compe wil thi legal requirements in his conncctiow: DEVENDER LSsigeace Ga, acing old named] [hiv noun is ARVIND son of Shi KHAZAN SINGH, residing at Village Post Otic Rachel Diet CGunguon, Hucyana, have changed my nave and shall berafer be knows as ARVIND KUMAR, 1s ceniied that Te compli with oter-leval requirements in this conection, ARVIND [Signmore Gn exiaing off marae] i, “bitmerto known ax BASANT sun of Shri [RAMKISHAN, eviding a: Vilage Pip, uot Ofer Bhods Kalaa, Tehsil Purged Wagar, Dish Gurgaon, Haryana, have banged my aura ead shall horafee be nwa a3 BASANT KUMAR, eis carted sat 1 have ccmplind Wit, obey Joga rqiremee In ie ecanation. BASANT (Signaine (exiting id eume)] 1, hilben knows at ITTENDER 10x of Stei SIV RUMAR, residing at Vilage ard Post Officer Lohar, ‘ina, Jair, Haryana, hve changed say uame tnd aba hemifer be Known at FTTENDER CHAUHAN, eis cared that I hae complied wi-other leat esqizeazat in tis conacsion. ITTENDER {Sigemore (iv exaing old mae] 1 bite known at UMA SHANKAR RAM sae of La BI TAGANNATH RAM eroplayed a Ispecex 2) in she Die, General, CRE, Lodhi Rosd, New Dati, sing athe Nehru Naga, nagar Road Ajnes, have changed ay nape ant shall heat be know os UMA, SHANKAR VERMA. a cxtiied thas Thve commie ith othr gel requirments i this conection, UMA SHANKAR RAM ‘Sigauue Cinoriting olf named] |, Stherta knew FIDANDRA KUMAR, s00 of Sci MRRAKBAN, residing x C69/A2, Gall No, 1. Bhungomy, Delhi-53, have changed say ame and shal Yereetie te know ew SFTENDER KUMAR v0 Shri MARRAKHAN SINGH, Fis ceifiad da 1 have cowgtied wb cher taal requirement inthis comnecdon LITANDRA KUMAR (Signaimre: (ro exiting old nare}] 1, hithens knows’ ac IVAN SYOTT wife of Siri RAM SINGH, evidng oe guratwar Greater Kala, Now Del T10048 Reve charged my name and call breaher ‘be knowe as PRABHIOT KAUR. 1 is cetifid shat | have complied with ober legal cquromats in thin coundcion VAN Front [Sigonure Gn exkdeg old ame! 1, hitherta known a5 NITISH LODHA son of PADAMCHAND JAIN employed es Consutanc the 2 ‘THE GAZETTE OF INDIA. JANUARY 21, 2006 (MAGMA 1, 1927) Poe 1¥ ‘wipes Tecbrotogios, residing, ot $0, Chhapatnagar azrodcum Road, fndere (MP) buve changed my name fed aall eater be krow#¥ NUTISH JATN 1 is contified hat € have compliod with aber legs! requirewencs inthis connection NETISH LODEA (Signaure (in eslsing off name) 1, bicheren knowa as PARDEEP son of Lae Sori KANHAYA LAL VERMA, residing at M38, Sricivas Por, New Deli-L10065, favs changod my name and tall erouce be known az PRADEEP VERMA, Ik 8 eofied that T have compliog vith other Tepe reguiremenis [a shis coneccin. PARDEEP {Sigoatie (io editing ola came) 1, hitherto known 98 SURINDER BADGA wife of Ste HARSHITT SUSHIL employed ar Secretary in the DP India Lid. New Delhi, residiog at 6t, New Deluse Ayarimenis, Seotor9, Roti, Detbi-L 10085, have ‘hinged ory tuane aed stl, teteaPer be hoon PRITANKA SUSHIL. (cis ceriied thal 1 have complied ih oer Tegal roauicemen in tls eamection SURINDER BAGOA [Signatoe (in exining old esr 1. bideno known as KANKU son of Sit GAYADIN, sesiing at Pot No, 15, Kaushlya Park, Haur Khas, Det T1oor6, bave changed rey name and soll heater bE ven as NANKY VERMA, 1 is coved that {have complied th ater legal requiietts in bis consection, AND pest {ther Keown a EARABUET SINGH son of Sh SURHDEY SINGH employed as Chief Festmeser in New (Gelhi GEO, New Dethi- (0001, residing at Rejinder Nagar Post Offie (atucted accommodation), have hanged my néme apd thall berester be novia as PRAM SINGH ARORA, Wis enifed tha I nave compliod wid eter lps requirements in the comecion PARAMIIT SINGH. (Sipourue fi existing old sxe) F,htkeuo knows ay RAIT sn of Skt CHOV SINGH, residing a the Vil & PO-Nagls Ann, Te Fewer, Dat, Bah (U.P)QOTMID, bive changed wt Mic and shal ‘refer be Kren an RAL KUMAR oy dat of Births 20 Tay (987 1 fy coed hat T have compled ich oder Tegel spquiremens Un is comection RA Isignacare Ga exiag old name) ‘werd sitfone Isso mel ate wae § 44. oat Prd ates wor ‘herr om o3_sop16— abe Fete FHP 26, 1999) aa {0 2. ae fe ait seh ay TTT OT 1g ae, an0s Hr tgS wraeT 9-2-ceneton Ts ‘Som, aa fre, RETA Socogs (HE a Tae HT 6, 98 ee er, ere a, RAE, T5082 agg a) er fre Pris era fr ret v1 fc wee wert ot cae ches @ ered ex seer a sets 81 smd 8 8 al 8 at ot ‘bee ee er fe ara wafed te Shee coma fa ‘ie, Fis font 200s fi te (Par ft, 19521982 174) sr a Be a A a TE aT HL aeptcr tre raed de Heifer anette, 25 fed, 2008 wh cr are ST TV A FER, 39 B07 8 pier rer uf He A A, pee A et A rE eer Tf, am atin # YS 390 (a Owe a hdr SA fies ate e 1 fire me aE: CO ric hsaaivaickshincakoikal fat, ead tate, 208 oH TET (2) eae an aris ater te aa, ‘erm ae

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