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The larval stages of Ischnura fountainei Morton (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) PDF

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by  CarchiniG
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Preview The larval stages of Ischnura fountainei Morton (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae)

Odonalologica21(4):473-479 December 1. 1992 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS The larvalstages of Ischnura fountaineiMorton (Zygoptera: Coenagrionidae) G.Carchini and M.DiDomenico Dipartimentodi Biologia,IIUniversity di Roma ”Tor Vergata”, Via OrazioRaimondo, I-00173,Roma, Italy ReceivedJune 9. 1992 /AcceptedJuly 14. 1992 Thelarvaisdescribed andillustrated.Anoteonitsecologyisgiven,andacomparison isprovidedwith theother EuropeanIschnura larvae. INTRODUCTION The European Ischnura species are often the commonest damselflies in the areas where this genusexists. Their commonness is sotypical that in the first paper devoted to the larval stages of Odonata there is the description of an Ischnura species (ROUSSEAU, 1909).However, the descriptions remainedin- complete for along time, untilFraser’s (1949)description ofI. pumilio, CONC1 & NIELSEN’s(1956)description ofI.geneiandfinallyFERRERASROMERO’s (1981) description of I. graellsii. Nevertheless, ASKEW (1988), in his recent monograph on European Odonata,judges only the description ofI. elegans and I. pumilio satisfactory. Recently Ischnurafountainei Morton, 1905was addedto the European fauna, when some adults had been foundin the PantelleriaIsland (LOHMANN, 1989). It is a very common species (DUMONT, 1977), and widespread from Algeria to Uzbekistan (ASKEW, 1988).It couldbesympatric toother Ischnuraspecies, as shown by its discovery well inside therange ofI. graellsii inTunisia (DU- MONT, 1977),andalsoby itsfrequent associationwithI.evansiand I.senegalen- sis intheLevant(DUMONT, 1991). Figures of I.fountainei larvaehave recently been published by DUMONT (1991) but withoutany description. The aim ofthis paperis to describe, with some accuracy, the morphology of the last larval instars ofI. fountainei. 474 G. Carchini& M. Di Domenico METHODS WeadoptedhereCORBET’swellknown terminology(1953) forthelabium.However, in addition tothe usual tworows oflongpremental setae, two other groups ofshort spiniformsetae existon the prementum, between the previous setae and the articulation with the postmentum (Fig. 2a). Because these werenotdefinedby CORBET (1953),weindicatethemas"prementalsubsidiaryse- tae". Abdominal segments rangedfromSI toS10. The material described here iscomposedofexuviae fromtheecdysis ofsomespecimensreared in thelaboratoryup toemergence,andofsome larvaedeadbefore emergence. Instars weredefined withrespect toemergence; thelast larval stagewasindicated as”F” (final),and thepreviousinstars as ”F-1" and "F-2” (respectively 1 and 2 instars before the last). For the larvae that died before emergence, the stages were deduced by comparison with the dimensionsofthe exuviaeoftheemergedindividuals. Both exuviae andlarvae werestoredin 70% ethyl alcohol, and were drawn using a microscope and stereomicroscope with a camera lucida. Measurements were madeusing a micrometric eyepiece and were approximatedat the nearest 0.1 to0.02mm, dependingonthe magnification. MATERIALANDSITE Elevenlarvae werecollectedfrom a littlestream, whichcrossesthe road between Remadaand Tatouine, near Bir Amor,southern Tunisia, 13 May 1987, G. Carchini. M. Lucarelli, G. Pandolfi leg.Seven individuals emergedin the laboratoryafteroneortwoecdyses,fourdied beforeemergence aftertwo,oneornoecdysis.TogetherwiththeI.fountainei,severallarvaeofOrthetrum chrysostigma (Burnt.)werealso collectedin the stream. The bottom ofthe stream wassandy with some submergedplants. The area israther desolate, and there are no trees but only a few scattered tuftsofgrass. A sample ofwaterwas taken and analyzed in Italy after several days. The results ofthe chemical analyses were: pH = 7.4; - conductivityinmicrosiemens pS = 15,000; - hardness infrench degree°F=47; — totalalkalinity (CaCO,) =720 ppm: - Cl = 126 ppm; - Na+=4,830ppm; - K*= 125; - NO,= 9 ppm; - F = 1.3ppm. MORPHOLOGICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE LARVAE ISCHNURA FOUNTAINEI MORTON Figures 1-5 Larvae similar to the other Ischnura species, but smaller, colour very pale cream, without dark area or spots. Body relatively short (Fig. la, b). Antennae: in the F instar 6-segmented in three, 7-segmented in two and 6- and 7- in the other two specimens; in the F-l instar 6-segmented. The third segmentalways thelongest. Mandiblesas in Figure 2c-d. Mask relatively short, articulationbetweenprementumandpostmentumreaching themesosternum (Fig. lb). Prementumwith two seriesofpremental setae andtwo groupsofsubsidiary setae. Prementalsetae 4+ 4, 4, + c)4, + ,4, 5 + 5, 5] + p5 in theF instar; 4, + 04 or 4, + ,4 in the F-l instar and 4, + 04 in the F-2 instar. Two series of spiniform setae, starting from the palpus articulation and reaching '/> or [A of the lateraledge of the prementum in all instars (Fig. 2b). Larva ofIschnurafountainei 475 Palpus as usualinIschnu- ra. Palpal setae 5 & 5,6& 6or 6 & 7 inthe F instar,5 &6or6&6 intheF-1 instar, and unknown in the F-2 in- star. Distal marginofpalpus as in Figure 3a. Legs relatively short, fe- moral setae as in Figure 4a. Thoraxwithoutroworgroup of spiniform setae on the ventral surfaceofthemeso- and metathorax. Wing sheaths,inthe F in- star reaching halfway or (in two specimens) to distal margin on S3; in the F-l in- star reaching halfway or to distalmargin onS2(Fig la). Fig. I. Ischnura fountainei, habi- tus: (a) dorsal view; — (b)lateral view. Unknown in the F-2 instar. Abdomen conical in sha- pe, lateralkeelofS2- S9not very prominent, but with a row ofspiniform setae stron- gerthan those ofthe remai- ning surface. Nolinesof se- tae along the distal ventral margins of the abdominal segments(Fig 4b).Lamellae relatively broad, the maxi- mumwidth occurring atthe distal Vi -%, more or less pointed but without apical Fig.2. Ischnurafountainei:(a)pal- pi; — (b) prementum; — (c) left mandible; — (d)rightmandible.[* premenlalsubsidiary setae]. 476 G. Carchini& M. DiDomenico attenuation. Typical alter- nation of dark and light tracts on the tracheae, but less marked than inI. ele- gans. Nodal line not evi- dentinall specimens, pro- ximal part ofthe lamellae with marginal rows ofspi- niform setae disposed as usual in Ischnura, distal part of the lamellae with very few hair-like setae (Fig 5a-b). Fig. 3. Ischnurafountainei:(a) palpus: — (b) distalmarginof Measurements as in palpus. Table I. Our specimens differ in some characters from DUMONT’s (1991) figures. They show dark marks onthebody, medio-caudallamellaattenuate, differentteethon the mandi- bles and no subsidiary setae on the prementum. Except for this last character, which is consideredbelow, all remaining differencesmay referto intraspecific variationsusual in the Coenagrionidae larvae. Table I Measurements (mm) ofIschnurafountaineilarvae, - (n;number ofmeasuredspecimens; — S.E.: standard error; — "total";sum ofleftand right setae] Instar Features measured F F-1 F-2 n min. max. mean S.E. n min. max. mean S.E. Head width 5 2.72 3.60 3.28 0.30 5 2.84 3.00 2.90 0.05 2,52 antennalength 6 1.88 2.20 1.99 0.12 3 1.60 1.76 1.68 0.07 distancebetween insertions 8 1.14 1.28 1.19 0.05 5 1.00 1.08 1.03 0.04 0.90 antennalength/insertion ratio 6 1.57 1.72 1.65 0.05 3 1.56 1.76 1.64 0.09 prementum length 9 1.84 2.48 2.26 0.19 4 1.76 1.92 1.85 0.06 1.52 prementum width 9 1.74 2.20 1.90 0.13 4 1.60 1.64 1.62 0.02 1.40 total prem. subsidiarysetae 8 37 70 48 12 3 23 43 35 8 metatibialength 9 2.60 3.04 2.79 0.12 5 2.36 2.56 2.47 0.08 2.00 wingsheaths length 9 3.68 4.00 3.82 0.10 3 1.88 2.60 2.23 0.29 SIOlength 5 0.63 0.76 0.69 0.05 2 0.40 0.44 0.42 0.02 lateral lamella length 2 4.56 4.69 4.63 0.06 2 3.80 4.00 3.90 0.10 mediallamella length 4 4.00 4.56 4.31 0.23 2 3.12 3.32 3.22 0.10 lateral lamella width 2 0.88 1.44 1.16 0.28 2 1.08 1.16 1.12 0.04 medial lamella width 1 1.64 1.64 2 1.20 1.20 1.20 .00 medial latnella/S10length ratio 4 6.00 7.00 6.63 0.41 2 7.00 8.30 7.65 0.65 Larva ofIschnura fountainei 477 COMPARISONWITH THE OTHEREUROPEAN ISCHNURA LARVAE Even if, atthismoment, we have in our collection several species of Isch- nura, welack specimens of II. grae.llsiiand saharen- sis. Forthisreason wepre- fer to refrain from a com- plete comparison of all European Ischnura spe- Fig,4. Ischnurafountainei:(a) femur;—(b)abdomeninventral cies. However, some com- view. ments are possible now. Themostimpressive diffe- rences betweenfountainei and the other European congeneric larvae seem to be the shape ofthe caudal lamellaeandthesubsidiary setae onthe prementum. The lamellaeinthisspe- cies are about 3 times as long as broad, while they are about 4 times as long asbroadinelegans andpu- Fig. 5. Ischnurafountainei:(a) medial caudal lamella; — (b) milio(ASKEW, 1988)and lateral caudal lamella. thesameor moreingraell- sii from the drawing in FERRERAS ROMERO’s (1981)paper. In addition, the rows ofstoutspine-like setae ofthe lamellae seem rather shorter infountainei, both on dorsal and on ventral margins, than inthe other species. Thesubsidiary setaeontheinternalsurfaceofthe prementumfoundinfountai- nei are similar to those described in pumilio (cf. POPOVA, 1953). In general, these setae do notappear in the drawings oftheprementum published in papers and keys (cf. CONCI & NIELSEN, 1956;AGUESSE, 1968; FRANKE, 1979). Itis true that these setae are very difficult to see, especially iftheobservations are not made on exuviae, therefore it is possible that this character was missed bothby these authorsandby DUMONT (1991). We didnot noticesimilar setae in several specimens ofelegans and genei from Italy,but they may be present in the other specimens, as shown in elegans from Britain in Gardner’s key 478 G.Carchini & M. DiDomenico (HAMMOND, 1977). Anyway, in this case the setaeseemto be smallerthan in fountainei. The general shape of the body and its reduced length seem also useful to distinguishfountainei from the other species. In contrast, premental and palpal setaenumbers show such high intraspecific variationthat these charactersseem quite useless. NOTES ON HABITAT PREFERENCE AND LIFE CYCLE The water in which our specimens were found showed a very high mineral content. In particular the conductivity was halfthe normal value of sea water, i.e. about 30times the values observed in a littlestream in centralItaly (CAR- CHIN1& ROTA, 1985).It is interestingthat thisspecies was found inPantelleria Islandonacrater lakeaffectedbysulphureous springs,withveryhigh temperature and high salt content (LOHMANN, 1989).This species, thus, occurring in the desert zone oases from North Africa to the Middle East (AGUESSE, 1968), appears to be adapted to water with a high salt content. As abovereported, wefoundwell-grownlarvaeinmidMayinsouthernTunisia, thereforethe adultseason may commencein late May. However, a sample taken at the Pantelleria crater lake in May 1991 by some Italian zoologists, did not containany odonate larvae (even though several mayfly larvae were collected). This, andthe massive presence ofthe adults in midAugust (H. Lohmann,pers. comm.), suggests a delayed life-cycle inthe Pantelleriapopulation. REFERENCES AGUESSE, P.A., 1968. Les odonates de TEurope occidentale, du Nord de t'Afrique eldes lies Atlanliques.Masson, Paris. ASKEW.R.R., 1988.The dragonfliesofEurope. Harley,Colchester. CARCHINI.G.& E. ROTA,1984.Chemico-physicaldataonthe habitatsofrheophileOdonata from centralItaly. Odonatologica 14(3): 239-245. CONCI,C.& C.NIELSEN, 1956.Odonata. Calderini, Bologna. CORBET,P.S., 1953. A terminologyforthelabiumoflarval Odonata.EntomologistS6: 192-196 DUMONT, H.J., 1977. An analysis ofthe Odonata ofTunisia. Bull. Annls Soc. r. beigeEnl. 113: 63-94. DUMONT,H.J., 1991.Odonata oftheLevant. IsraelAcademyofSciences andHumanities,Jerusalem. FERRERASROMERO,M„ 1981.Lalarved’lschnuragraellsiRambur, 1842(Zygoptera:Coenagrio- nidae).Odonatologica10(3): 223-226. FRANKE, U., 1979.BildbestimmungsschlüsselmitteleuropäischerLibellen-Larven(Insecta:Odona- ta).Stuttgart.Beilr.Naturk. (A) 333:1-17. FRASER, F.C., 1949. The nymph ofIschnura pumilioCharpentier(order Odonata). Proc. R. enl. Soc.Land.(A)24: 46-50. HAMMOND, C.O., 1977.The dragonfiesof GreatBritainandIreland. Curwen Press,London. LOHMANN, H., 1989. Ischnura fountainei Morton auf der Insel Pantelleria, Italien: Erstnachweis fürEuropa(Zygoptera:Coenagrionidae).Nolulodonata!. 3(4): 61. Larva ofIschnurafounlainei 479 POPOVA,N., 1953.[Dragonflylarvaeofthe USSRFAUNA(Odonala)].Akad.NaukSSSR,Moscow- -Leningrad.- [Russ.] ROUSSEAU, E., 1909. Étude monografiquedes larves des odonates d'Europe.Annls Biol. lac.. Bruxelles 3; 300-366.

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