The Addison-Wesley Book of Atari Software 1985 The Addison-Wesley Book of Atari Software 1985 by Dennis L. Foster and the editors of The D. L. Foster Book Company & 'Y'Y Addison-WesleyPublishingCompany, Inc. Reading,Massachusetts MenloPark,California DonMills,Ontario Wokingham, England Amsterdam Sydney Singapore Tokyo Mexico City Bogota Santiago SanJuan MarshallHenrichs,CoverDesign D.L. FosterBookCompany,InteriorDesign Copyright© 1985bytheD.L.FosterBookCompany Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmitted, inanyformorbyanymeans, electronic, mechanical,photocopying,recording,orotherwise, withouttheprior written permissionofthePublisher. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. Manyofthedesignationsusedbymanufacturersand sellerstodistinguish theirproductsareclaimedastrade- marks.Wherethosedesignationsappearinthisbook andAddison-Wesleywasawareofatrademarkclaim, thedesignationshavebeenprintedininitialcapsi.e.Atari. ISBN 0-201-12019-4 Printedfrom camera-ready ABCDEFGHIJ-AL-8987654 mechanicalssuppliedby Firstprinting,November1984 theauthors. The Editors Managing Editor Dennis L. Foster Associate Editors Susan Murany Kelly Brassel Adrienne Arnold Contributing Editors Pat Dervin, Ph.D John Dervin, M.D. John Byrne Alex Humphrey Research Associates Dawn Foster Kevin Robins Gail Frazier-West Design Michael Harman Foreword When a novelist in Sonoma County, California wakes with the embers of dawn, she throws on a robe, heats the teapot, and switches on the personal com- puter sitting atop the kitchen counter. Not long ago, she couldn't have told you the dif- ference between a daisy wheel and a magnolia leaf. Today she'll finish up her latest romance manuscript with a full screen text editor compatible with her pub- lisher's typesetting equipment. When a salesman in New Jersey finally earned his promo- tion to an executive position at his company's headquarters in Houston, he opened the phone book to the Yellow Pages. Call- ing around, he quickly located a book dealer who stocked a popular computer software guide. Three days later, his family move had been completely budgeted down to the penny. Today, he's successfully relocated in an af- fluent Houston suburb with all his tax deductible expenses securely organized on a floppy diskette only five and one-quarter inches in diameter. When a chef in New Orleans throws his weary frame into a soft leather recliner after a hectic weekend in the kitchen, the next thing he does is to slide a diskette into his home computer's disk drive. As the subtle glow of the monitor lights up his eyes, a craf- ty smile creases his face. Tapping at the keyboard, he frantically base of clients and customers. As manipulates an animated barbe- a consultant in computer science que grill across a neatly trimmed and education, I've personally lawn. Had he not found our reviewed several hundred pro- book, this chef might never have grams in installation. As a soft- grilled a single alien hamburger ware seller and developer, I've patty from outer space. had to master and implement All these folks - and 10 hundreds more. Through affilia- million other Americans - have tion with computer learning cen- at least one thing in common. ters, I've been fortunate to They use computers. These three develop important inroads in particular individuals from educational software. As a con- opposite corners of the nation tributing editor to computer trade share another trait: each found a journals (and as the author of computer program for a very this book), I continually receive special need by consulting the new software for evaluation from software evaluations contained in nearly every reputable producer. this book. Many of our evaluations were Why this book in particular? contributed by users, educators, Our reviews focus on factors executives, and professionals, that are important to the user, no and others were conducted by matter what the intended applica- paid researchers. But one of our tion. You'll find more than most important objectives is to names and prices in this book. make every review concise, You won't find promotional readable, and free of computer descriptions written by a software gobbledy-gook. company's ad man. What you'll It is only fitting to thank and find are subjective evaluations acknowledge the numerous soft- conducted by specialists in ware suppliers who graciously business, finance, education, submitted new products to evalu- health care, law, computer ate for this 1985 edition, as well science, and the arts. as those who rearranged their The D. L. Foster Book Com- schedules to accommodate our pany first began building a analysts. comprehensive data base of We sincerely believe this volume microcomputer software in 1979. to be the most valuable guide to Over the last six years the infor- microcomputer software currently mation pool has continually in print. Of course, we're equally swelled not only in size but in sincere in our desire to build and scope and detail as well. The improve future editions. The sources include numerous busi- editors welcome feedback and ness associates in a wide range of suggestions from all our readers, industries and an equally large as well as information about new software products that might the real architect of the Computer make the" Addison-Wesley 500" Revolution. in the future. This book is dedicated to you, Dennis L. Foster