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Poet Lore 2003: Vol 98 Index PDF

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Vol. 98 Index 2003 Index Volume 98, Nos. 1-4, 2003 Number 1/2: Spring/Summer Number 3/4: Fall/Winte1 (Note: Pag4e numbers are preceded by an issue number) POETRY: 1935, Miriam Morsel Nathan, 1944, Joan Stern, 3/4-27 1 Close Dance, Geri Rosenzweig, 1 /2-14 1 Skating Lesson, David Wagoner, 3/4-12 1 Visit to the Bow Repair Shop, Laurel S. Peterson, 3/4-74 After Driving Through the Night Along the Susquehanna, Rosemary Winslow, 1/2-61 After the Body, Alison Stine, 1/2-88 Alice and Jack Grow Dim, Grow Bright, Gillian Parrish, 3/4-14 ill Men Novena, Kyle Thompson, 1 /2-27 in Invitation at the Edge of a Desert, David Wagoner, 3/4-13 ind Downstream the Stones Thorpe Moeckel, 3/4-73 Andrews, Nin, First Taste, 1/2-78 Angle, Renee, The Cymbal Line, 1/2-77 Arquilevich, Gabriel, Tourette's, 1/2-34; Night Shifting, 1/2-36 Arrivederci, Daniel Hefko, 1/2-58 The Arsonist, Kim Bridgford, 1/2-69 Ashton, Sally, Laundress, 1/2-20; Swept From Corners, 1/2-21 it Home in the Afternoon, Eric Trethewey, 1/2-95 At the Cemetery, Greg McBride, 1 /2-24 it the Radiation Clinic, Susan Cohen, 3/4-45 Atkins, Priscilla, Your Father’s Hands, 3/ 4-46 Atkinson, Michael, Pigs in the Rain, 1/2-82 Aubade: A Theory, Lenny Lianne, 3/431 Bamber, Linda, Hairdresser Near Harvard Square, 3 Bargowski, John, Stroke, 1/2-44; Limbo, 1/2-45 Bense, Robert, Garden Ornament, 1/2-96 Benton, Paul, The Weak Man, 3/4-77; They Hold Bottles, 3/4-79 Blood Loss, Jay Surdukowski, 3/4-47 Bloodwork, Carl Conover, 3/4-25 Blue Door: A Collection of Passings, Heather A. Slomski, 3/4-35 Bone, john Struloeff, 1/2-43 Bowker, Larsen, Stripped Down, 3/ 4-72 Brennan, Matt, The Washington Avenue Bridge, Minneapolis, 3/4-19 Index Bridgford, Kim, The Arsonist, 1/2-69 Brown, Fleda, You Must Perform the Ege Dance, 3/4-75 Bryant, Jen, Kotzin’s Used Furniture Store, 1917, 1/2-89 Candito, Kara, Lost and Delirious, 3/4-40 apricorn (from The Zodiac Suite), James Gurley, 1 /2-68 astleberry, R. T., This Morning, a White Mare, 3/4-5 asualties, Rick Mulkey, 3/4-28 at, James Grabill, 3/4-64 ease Holding Upor Ve, Elizabeth Crowell, 1 /2-22 haron, Mike White, 3/4-51 Cheap Trumpet, Bruce Tindall, 1/2-74 The Checkbook, jim Farrell, 3/4-49 Chin, Rita, Show, 3/4-76 Ciccotelli, Darin, City Life, 3/4-66 City Life, Darin Ciccotelli, 3/ 4-66 Civics, Melissa Morphew, 3/4-80 Cohen, Susan, At the Radiation Clinic, 3/ 4-45 Conover, Carl, Desire, 3/4-23; Purchase, 3/ 4-24; Bloodwork, 3/ 4-25 Considering a Photograph of DiMaggio, Dennis Sampson, 1 /2-16 Cooley, Beth, Witness, 1/2-29 Cowboy Movies, Mike Schneider, 3/4-84 Crochet, Patricia Davis, 1/ 2-65 Crowell, Elizabeth, Cease Holding { pon Me, 1/2-22 The Cymbal Line, Renee Angle, 1/2-77 Daniels, Jim, Falling Short of Miraculous, 1/2-41 Davis, Patricia, Crochet, 1 /2-65 Deatrick, Michelle M. Regalado, Hiking Near Natural Bridges, California Derrick, Curtis, The Veterinarian, 3/4-57 Desire, Carl Conover, 3/4-23 Dickman, Michael Conrad, Tree House, 1 /2-47 Doing Hard Time in Greensburg, Laurie Mazzaferro, 1/2-85 Dumb Tongue, Courtney Queeney, 3/437 Early Morning Milking, Karen Osborn, 3/4-59 Earthquake, North Anatolian Fault, Michele Wolf, 1/2-32 Easter Bunny, Ulf Kirchdorfer, 1/2-84 Eight Weeks: No News, David Scott, 1/2-38 The End of the Workshop, Jennifer Gresham, 1/2-94 The Essential Sweets and Sours, Geri Rosenzweig, | Eulogy, Meredith Hamilton, 3/444 Index Evensong, Richard Plant, 3/4-60 Falling Short of Miraculous, Jim Daniels, 1/2-41 Farrell, Jim, The Checkbook, 3/4-49 Feldstein, Charles R., Maddie Clifton, 1990-1998. 1 /2-66 First Taste, Nin Andrews, 1/2-78 For My Father, Emily Tuszynska, 1 /2-92 The Game, Louis McKee, 1/2-93 Garden Ornament, Robert Bense, 1 /2-96 Geometry, Kathe L. Palka, 1/2-33 The Good News, Matt Mason, 3/4-81 Grabill, James, Cat, 3/4-64; Seed, 3/4-65 Gresham, Jennifer, The End of the Workshop, 1/2-94 Growing Up in Washington, Charlotte Matthews, 3/4-90 Gurley. James Capmcor from The Zodiac Suite), 1/2-68 Hairdresser Near Harvard Square, Linda Bamber, 3/4-32 Hamilton, Meredith, Eulogy Hefko, Daniel, Arrivederci, | Henley, Lloyd, Road Hazard, 3 High Dive, jody Winer-Cook, 1/2-79 Hiking Near Natural Bridges, California, Michelle M. Regalado Deatrick, 1 /2-23 Hoagland, Tony, Lincoln, 3/4-91; Statues, 3/4-93 Hominid Love Letter, Tim Kahl, 1/2-28 Huston, Karla, Moonlight Skate, 3/4-10 Hydra in the Library, After School, Marilyn E. Johnston Invitation, Adam Tarleton, 1 /2-40 Jamaica Pond, Boston, Bobby ¢ gers, 3/4-20 Johnston, Marilyn E., Hydra in the Library, After School Jordan, André, So, 1/2-11 Kahl, Tim, Hominid Love Let Key, Sarah, Maiden Shave, 3 Kirchdorfer, Ulf, Easter Bunny Kotzin’s Used Furniture Store, 1917 Jc n Bryant, 1/2-89 Lamp, Ed Skoog, 3/430 Last Stop, Marina Rubin, | The Last Word, Ross Taylor. Index Laundress, Sally Ashton, 1/2-20 Lawrence, David, Recipe, 1/2-67 Learning Sanskrit, Amar Gaurav Shah, | Lee, Kateema, Market, 1/2-83 Lianne, Lenny, Aubade: A Theory, 3 Limbo, John Bargowski, 1/2-45 Lincoln, Tony Hoagland, 3/4-91 Long, Joel, The March, 1/2-15 Look, We are Snowflakes, and We are Falling, Joanne Lowery, 3/4-11 Lost and Delirious, Kara Candito, 3/4-40 Lowery, Joanne, Look, We are Snowflakes, and We are Falling, 3/4-11 Lutz, Brian, Retrospect, 3/4-71 Maddie Clifton, 1990-1998, Charles R. Feldstein, 1 /2-66 Maiden Shave, Sarah Key, 3/4-39 Mancina, Jill, Monkey Organ Festival, 1/2-75 The March, joel Long, 1/2-15 Market, Kateema Lee, 1/2-83 Mason, Matt, The Good News, 3/481 Matthews, Charlotte, Growing Up in Washington, 3/4-90 Mazzaferro, Laurie, Doing Hard Time in Greensburg, 1 /2-85 McBride, Greg, At the Cemetery, 1/2-24 McFerron, Elaine, What are You Thinking?, 3/ 4-36 McKee, Louis, The Game, 1/2-93 Mesa, Helena, Visiting a Souk in Fez, 1/2-60 The Midnight Crossing, Michele Wolf, 1/2-31 Miller, Ed, The View, 1/2-18 Moeckel, Thorpe, And Downstream the Stones, 3 Monkey Organ Festival, jill Mancina, 1/2-75 Montesonti, Frank, Quitclaim of the Wizard of Oz, Moonlight Skate, Karla Huston, 3/4-10 Morphew, Melissa, Civics, 3/4-80 Mueske, Steve, This Man, 3/4-89 Mulkey, Rick, Casualties, 3/4-28 Murawski, Elisabeth, Wake of Brother Ray, 1/2-64 Nathan, Miriam MoOrsel, 1935, 1/2-91 Night Shifting, Gabriel Arquilevich, 1/2-36 North, Dorothy, Sylvia Plath Puts “Daddy” up for Workshop, 3/4-62 Novena For Weariness and the Old Tale of Fire, Kyle Thompson, 1/2-25 One Childhood, Jac k Ridl, 1/2-17 134 Index One of Those Gifted Southern Boys Lately Come to the City, Oliver Rice, 1/2-70 Orfalea, Gregory, What Kind of Day Was It?, 1/2-54 Osborn, Karen, Winter Deer, 3/4-58; Early Morning Milking, 3/ 4-59 Oxygen, Bradford Tice, 1/2-12 Palka, Kathe L , Geometry, ] 2- 53 Parrish, Gillian, Alice and Jack Grou Dim, Grou Bright, 5 j-] } Patient, R. T. Smith, 1/2-53 Peterson, Laurel S., A Visit to the Bow Repair Shop, 3/4-74 Pigs in the Rain, Michael Atkinson, 1 /2-82 Plant, Richard, Evensong, 3/4-60 Poem Beginning with a Line by Philip Larkin, |. R. Solonche, +-9 The Protocol, Thom Schramm, 3/441 Purchase, Carl Conover, 3/4-24 Queeney, Courtney, Dumb Tongue, 3/4-37 Quitclaim of the Wizard of Oz, Frank Montesonti, 3 Recipe, David Lawrence, 1 /2-67 Retrospect, Brian Lutz, 3/4-71 Rezende, Trisha, Three-Staged Innocence, 1/2-80 Rice, Oliver, One of Those Gifted Southern Boys Lately Come to the City, | Ridl, Jac k, One Childhood, | /2-17 Rings, Joseph Zaccardi, 1/2-73 Road Hazard, Lloyd Henley, 3/4-55 Rogers, Bobby C., Jamaica Pond, Boston, 3/ 4-20 Rosenzweig, Geri, The Essential Sweets and Sours, 1/2-13; A Close Dance, 1/2-14 Rubin, Marina, Last Stop, 1/2-19 Sampson, Dennis, Considering a Photograph of DiMaggio, 1/2-16 Schneider, Mike, Spring Mills, 3/4-26; Cowboy Movies, 3/4-84 Schramm, Thom, The Protocol, 3/4-41 Scott, David, Eight Weeks: No News, | Scott, Nathaniel, 7ranslation, 3/4-22 Seed, James Grabill, 3/4-65 Shah, Amar Gaurav, Learning Sanskrit, 1/ 2-30 She Begins to Look Deeper, Mark J. Weston, 3/4-34 Show, Rita Chin, 3/4-76 Skoog, Ed, Lamp, 3/4-30 Slomski, Heather A., Blue Door: A Collection of Passings, 3 Smith, R. T., Patient, 1/2-53 So, André Jordan, 1/2-11 Index Sojourn in the City of Absence, Richard St. John, 3/4-17 Solonche, J. R., Poem Beginning with a Line by Philip Larkin, 3/4-9 The Sparrows of Bahrain, Richard St. John, 3/4-16 Spireng, Mathew ]., The Young Creator, 1/2-72 Spring Mills, Mike Schneider, 3/4-26 St. John, Richard, The Sparrows of Bahrain, 3/4-16; Sojourn in the City of Absence, »/4-17 Statues, Tony Hoagland, 3/4-93 Stern, Joan, 1944, 3/4-27 Stine, Alison, Tidal Basin, 1/2-8 / ifter the Body, 1/2-88 The Story of One Tall Glass of Water, Jonah Winter, 3/48 Stripped Down, Larsen Bowker, 3/4-72 Stroke, John Bargowski, 1 /2-44 Struloeff, John, Bone, 1/2-43 Surdukowski, Jay, Blood Loss, 3/4-47 Swept From Corners, Sally Ashton, 1 /2-21 Sylvia Plath Puts “Daddy” up jor Workshop, Dorothy North, 3/4-62 Tarleton, Adam, /nvitation, 1/2-40 Taylor, Ross, The Last Word, 3/4-43 They Hold Bottles, Paul Benton, 3/4-79 This Man, Steve Mueske, 3/4-89 This Morning, a White Mare, R. T. Castleberry, 3/4-53 Thomas Eakins’s Nude Photographs of Walt Whitman, John Wylam, 1/2-90 Thompson, Kyle, Novena For Weariness and the Old Tale of Fire, 1/2-25; All Men Novena, 1 /2-27 Three-Staged Innocence, Trisha Rezende, 1 /2-80 Tice, Bradford, Oxygen, 1/2-12 Tidal Basin, Alison Stine, 1 /2-87 Tindall, Bruce, Cheap Trumpet, | Tourette's, Gabriel Arquilevic h, 1 Translation, Nathaniel Scott, 3/4-2°5 Tree House, Michael Conrad Dickman, | Irethewey, Eric, At Home in the Afternoon, Tuszynska, Emily, For My Father, 1/2-92 The Veterinarian, Curtis Derrick, 3/4-57 The View, Ed Miller, ] 2-18 Visiting a Souk in Fez, Helena Mesa, 1 /2-60 Wagoner, David, A Skating Lesson, 3/4-12; An Invitation at the Edge of a Desert, 3/4 | >’ 136 Index Wake of Brother Ray, Elisabeth Murawski, 1 /2-64 The Washington Avenue Bridge, Minneapolis, Matt Brennan, 3/4-19 The Weak Man, Paul Benton, 3/4-77 Weston, Mark J., She Begins to Look Deeper, 5 / 4-34 What are You Thinking?, Elaine McFerron, 3/4-36 What Kind of Day Was It?, Gregory Orfalea, 1/2-54 White, Mike, Charon, 3/45] Winer-Cook, Jody, High Dive, 1 /2-79 Winslow, Rosemary, After Driving Through the Night Along the Susquehanna, 1/2-61 Winter, Jonah, The Story of One Tall Glass of Water, 3/4-83 Winter Deer, Karen Osborn, 3/4-58 Witness, Beth Cooley, 1/2-29 Wolf, Michele, The Midnight Crossing 2-31; Earthquake, North Anatolian Fault, l Wylam, John, Thomas Eakins’s Nude Photographs of Walt Whitman, 1/2-90 You Must Perform the Egg Dance, Fleda Brown, 3/4-75 The Young Creator, Mathew J. Spireng, 1/2-72 Your Father’s Hands, Priscilla Atkins, 3/4-46 Zaccardi, Joseph, Rings, 1/2y- od7 3 POETS INTRODUCING POETS: Blevins, Adrian, Case Against April, 3/4-96; Women’s Lib, 3/4-98; Channel 58, 3/4- 100 Hoagland, Tony, introduces Adrian Blevins, 3> /4-95 PROSE Augustine, Jane, Arbor Vitae, reviewed by Daniela Gioseffi, 1/2-110 Bogen, Deborah reviews Steal Away, Selected and New Poems by C.D. Wright, 1/2-104 Boyle, Kevin reviews Spar by Karen Volkman, 1/2-99 3ursk, Christopher, Ovid at Fifteen, reviewed by Maia McAleavey, 3/4-114 Garrett, Nola reviews Stars at Noon by Enid Shomer, 1 /2-101] Gioseffi, Daniela reviews The Bodies We Were Loaned by Maria Terrone and Arbor Vitae by Jane Augustine, 1 /2-110 McAleavey, Maia reviews Ovid at Fifteen by Christopher Bursk, 3/4-114 Nurkse, Dennis, The Fall, reviewed by Mary-Sherman Willis, 3/4-103 Index Sheck, Laurie, Black Series, reviewed by Mark Sullivan, 3/4-107 Shomer, Enid, Stars at Noon, reviewed by Nola Garrett, 1 /2-101 Sullivan, Mark reviews Black Series by Laurie Sheck, 3/4-107 Terrone, Maria, The Bodies We Were Loaned, reviewed by Daniela Gioseffi, 1/2-110 Volkman, Karen, Spar, reviewed by Kevin Boyle, 1 /2-99 Willis. Marv-Sherman reviews The Fallb y Dennis Nurkse, 3/4-103 Wright, C.D., Steal Away, Selected and New Poems, reviewed by Doborah Bogen, 1/2- 104

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