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Paranthrene dominiki sp. n., a new clearwing moth species from the Cameron Highlands in West Malaysia PDF

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by  FischerHeinz
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Preview Paranthrene dominiki sp. n., a new clearwing moth species from the Cameron Highlands in West Malaysia

Nachr. entomol. Ver. Apollo, N. F. 27 (/2): 53–54 (2006) 53 Paranthrene dominiki sp. n., a new clearwing moth species from the Cameron Highlands in West Malaysia (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae, Sesiinae) Heinz Fischer Dipl.-Math. Heinz Fischer, Rainerweg 25, D-83700 Rottach, Germany; [email protected] Abstact: Pa­ra­nthrene dominiki sp. n., a clearwing moth a mix of yellow and black scales, dorsally almost yellow species from the Cameron Highlands in West Malaysia, is throughout. described as new for science (holotype ♂ in Zoologische Wings: Forewing very narrow, densely covered with Staatssammlungen, Munich). A diagnosis to distinguish the new taxon from related species of the genera No­ko­na­ Matsu- brown blue metallic shining scales and opaque through- mura, 93, Sco­lio­ko­na­ Kallies & Arita, 998 and congeners out, no transparent areas developed. Discal spot darker, of Pa­ra­nthrene Hübner, [89] is given. R –R long stalked, R and R arising from the same 4 5 3 4/5 Key words: Paranthrenini, new species, taxonomy, tropical point. ATA-cell reddish-brown and brighter. Hindwing area. transparent throughout but with yellow sheen especially in apical area. Cu clearly arising before crossvein. Outer Paranthrene dominiki sp. n., eine neue Glasflüglerart  margin consisting of brownish-black scales. Base of von den Cameron Highlands in Westmalaysia hindwing with some black and yellow hairs. Discal spot (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae, Sesiinae) strongly reduced. Zusammenfassung: Die neue Glasflüglerart Pa­ra­nthrene dominiki sp. n. wird aus den Cameron Highlands in Westma- ♂ genitalia (Figs. 2–6, Gen.-Prä­p. [= dissection number] laysia beschrieben (Holotypus ♂ in Zoologische Staatssamm- HF Ses–type 8): Valva ovoid, relatively elongated. Ven- lungen, München). Es wird eine abgrenzende Diagnose tral half of inner surface basally sparcely covered with gegenüber den zum Teil sympatrisch vorkommenden Arten strong simple setae marginally, followed by strong multi- der Gattungen No­ko­na­ Matsumura, 93 und Sco­lio­ko­na­ furcate setae more centrally, becoming more and more Kallies & Arita, 998 sowie weiterer nah verwandter Arten der Gattung Pa­ra­nthrene Hübner, [89] gegeben. dense apically. Dorsal half of inner surface densely covered with a mix of simple and multifurcate setae dist- Introduction ally, switching to only strong multifurcate and highly specialized setae basally. All setae pointing to bare cen- Recent field studies on the Malayan Peninsula by Domi- tral zone of valva. Crista sacculi with a extremly reduced nik Ströhle (Weiden/Opf., Germany) resulted besides patch of strong simple setae. Gnathos and tegumen other material in collecting a single specimen of a new short, uncus very long and slender, curved and bilobed, clearwing moth of the genus Pa­ra­nthrene Hübner, [89]. dorsoapically densely covered with simple broad, black This is described here: and rounded setae, ventroapically a large patch of back- pointing dense hairs. Phallus (formerly called aedoeagus; Paranthrene dominiki sp. n. see Kristensen 2003: 03) rectilinear, reaching two thirds Holotype: ♂, [West] Malaysia, Cameron Highlands, of length of valva, with a sclerotized flat process apically. 4°7'23" N, 0°9'6" E, 350 m, 23. viii.–9. ix. 2002, leg. Saccus rounded, as long as more sclerotized vinculum Dominik Ströhle, ex coll. Ströhle in Zoologische Staatssamm- lungen, München (Munich), Germany. — No paratypes. and strongly angeled to it. Anellus almost quadratic with Derivatio nominis: The new species is named after its sclerotized and processed corners. collector Dominik Ströhle. The name is a noun in apposi- ♀ unknown. tion. Description ♂: Adult (Fig. ). Length of forewing 5 mm, alar expanse 34 mm, body length 20 mm. Head: Antenna black, softly clavate, bipectinate with apical tuft of scales. Labial palpus dorsally black, ventrally densely covered with long-tufted yellow scales and a mix of both laterally, exceeding the head only a little. Frons yellowish-white, patagia yellow throughout, more broad dorsally. Proboscis well developed, surely functional. Thorax: Tegulae, mesothorax and metathorax with little patches of bright yellow scales, long hair-like scales on base of wings. Mid and hind tibia black, tufted with long hair-like yellow scales ventro-laterally and with a blue- metallic sheen; tarsi without specialized scales. Abdomen: First tergite with a narrow yellow stripe, exceeding laterally but not closing at sternite. All other tergites covered with blue scales. Anal tuft spread with Fig. 1: P. dominiki sp. n., holotype, ♂; scale in mm. © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main 54 row in Sco­lio­ko­na­) and in habitus (Kallies & Arita 998: 260). All known species of Pa­ra­nthrene Hübner, [89] 2 differ from P. do­miniki sp. n. in the relatively elongated shape of valva, in the crista sacculi (with very reduced patch of setae in P. do­miniki sp. n.), in the shape of uncus (very slender and rounded), the structure of the phallus (sclerotized flat process instead of apical spine) and in external features. From the closely related Pa­ra­nthrene a­ureo­viridis Petersen, 200, the new species differs in 3 the forewing, in the structure of the abdomen and the shape of uncus and saccus (lower ETA hyaline, segments 4 and 5 of abdomen depressed, uncus not rounded and saccus thin in P. a­ureo­viridis: Petersen 200: 705). The minimal differences between P. do­miniki sp. n. and the definition of the genus Pa­ra­nthrene Hübner, [89] (see structure of the phallus) are not sufficient to introduce a new genus in Paranthrenini. Life history: Unknown. 6 Distribution: Only known by the holotype from the Cameron Highlands in Malaysia. 4 Remarks In spite of intensive attempts attracting sesiid moths by synthetical pheromons the holotype was caught accident- ally by walking in virgin forest. Especially in Paranthre- nini, tropical species are often recorded in one specimen only. 5 Figs. 2–6: P. dominiki sp. n., ♂ genitalia. Fig. 2: Valva. Fig. 3: Tegumen, Acknowledgements uncus and gnathos. Fig. 4: Saccus. Fig. 5: Phallus. Fig. 6: Anellus. — Scale bars: 1 mm. I express my cordial thanks to Dr. Axel Kallies, Mel- bourne, Australia, for valuable discussion by email. Diagnosis By the structure of the antenna, the opaque forewing, References the venation of the wing (R –R of forewing long stal- 4 5 Arita, Y., & Gorbunov, O. (200): Sesiidae of Taiwan. I. The tribes ked, Cu of hindwing arising before crossvein) and the  Tinthiini, Similipepsini, Paraglosseciini, Pennisetiini, Par- structure of the ♂ genitalia (valva ovoid, gnathos and anthrenini and Cissuvorini. — Japanese Journal of Systema- tegumen short, uncus very long), P. do­miniki sp. n. tic Entomology 7 (2): 3–88. belongs to the tribe Paranthrenini Niculescu, 964. The Kallies, A., & Arita, Y. (998): New and little known clearwing new species seems somewhat similar to some species of moths (Lepidoptera, Sesiidae) from the Philippine islands. No­ko­na­ Matsumura, 93, but cannot be confused with — Transactions of the Lepidopterists’ Society of Japan 49: any related species by external features. From all it dif- 245–270. fers clearly in certain characters of the ♂ genitalia (dor- Kristensen, N. P. (2003): 4. Skeleton and muscles: adults. — Pp. sal half of valva covered with specialized hand-shaped 39–3 in: Kristensen, N. P. (ed.), Lepidoptera, moths and setae in No­ko­na­; Špatenka et al. 999: 99). From Ta­iko­na­ butterflies. Vol. 2: morphology, physiology, and develop- ma­tsumura­i Arita & Gorbunov, 200, the only species ment. — Part 36 in: Fischer, M. (serial ed.), Handbook of Zoology, vol. IV, Arthropoda: Insecta. — xii + 564 pp.; Berlin, of Ta­iko­na­ Arita & Gorbunov, 200, it differs in the New York (W. de Gruyter). coloration of the forewing (more hyaline in Ta­iko­na­), in Petersen, M. (200): Zwei neue Glasflüglerarten aus Nepal. — the venation of the forewing (veins R and R shortly 3 4/5 Esperiana, Buchreihe zur Entomologie, 8: 704–708, pl. 30. stalked in Ta­iko­na­) and the conformation of the genitalia Špatenka, K., Gorbunov, O., Laštůvka, Z., Toševski, I., & Arita, Y. (Arita & Gorbunov 200: 65). It also can be easily distin- (999): Sesiidae — Clearwing moths. — In: Naumann, C. M. guished from all species of Sco­lio­ko­na­ Kallies & Arita, (ed.), Handbook of Palaearctic Macrolepidoptera 1: xv + 569 998 by the structure of the phallus (with sclerotized pp. — Wallingford (Gem Publ.). plate or plates in Sco­lio­ko­na­), the form of the setae of the valva (hand-shaped and additionally with well separated Received: 5. vii. 2005 © Entomologischer Verein Apollo e. V., Frankfurt am Main

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