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Pacific Affairs: Volume 85, No. 4 — December 2012 Weiss, Meredith L. and Edward Aspinall, Yang, Daqing et al (eds.), TOWARD (eds.), STUDENT ACTIVISM IN A HISTORY BEYOND BORDERS: ASIA: Between Protest and Powerlessness Contentious Issues in Sino-Japanese [William A. Hayes] 615-616 Relations [Jens Sejrup] 881-883 Wong, Joseph, BETTING ON BIOTECH: Innovation and the Limits of Asia’s Developmental State [Roberti L. Curry] 120-122 China and Inner Asia Barr, Michael, WHO’S AFRAID OF Dierkes, Julian (ed.), CHANGE IN CHINA?: The Challenge of Chinese Soft DEMOCRATIC MONGOLIA: Social Power [Xiangfeng Yang] 390-392 Relations, Health, Mobile Pastoralism, Brady, Anne-Marie (ed.), CHINA’S and Mining [Morris Rossabi] 642-644 THOUGHT MANAGEMENT [Borge Flath, James and Norman Smith (eds.), Bakken] 629-631 BEYOND SUFFERING: Recounting War Brady, Anne-Marie (ed.), LOOKING in Modern China [Kenneth Swope] NORTH, LOOKING SOUTH: China, 909-911 Taiwan, and the South Pacific [Yuan- Florini, Ann, Hairong Lai, Yeling Chao Tung] 136-138 Tan, CHINA EXPERIMENTS: From Brautigam, Deborah, THE DRAGON'S Local Innovations to National Reform GIFT: The Real Story of China in Africa [Stephen Trott] 896-898 [Anshan Li] 138-140 Gong, Haomin, UNEVEN MODERNITY: Brown, Kerry, BALLOT BOX CHINA: Literature, Film, and Intellectual Grassroots Democracy in the Final Major Discourse in Postsocialist China [Shuyu One-Party State [Andrew Brennan] Kong] 151-152 392-394 Hamrin, Carol Lee with Stacey Bieler Carlson, Allen and Ren Xiao (eds.), NEW (eds.), SALT AND LIGHT 2: More FRONTIERS IN CHINA’S FOREIGN Lives of Faith That Shaped Modern China RELATIONS = ZHONGGUO WAIJIAO [Ruth Hayhoe] 401-405 DE XIN BIANJIANG [Eric Hyer] Hamrin, Carol Lee with Stacey Bieler 128-131 (eds.), SALT AND LIGHT 3: More Chan, Anita (ed.), WALMART IN CHINA Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China [John A. Donaldson] 140-142 [Ruth Hayhoe] 401-405 Chang, Felix B. and Sunnie T. Rucker- Hamrin,, Carol Lee with Stacey Bieler Chang (eds.), CHINESE MIGRANTS (eds.), SALT AND LIGHT: Lives of IN RUSSIA, CENTRAL ASIA AND Faith that Shaped Modern China [Ruth EASTERN EUROPE [Martina Bofulin ] Hayhoe] 401-405 405-407 Hill, Emily M., SMOKELESS SUGAR: The Chen, Xi, SOCIAL PROTEST AND Death of a Provincial Bureaucrat and the CONTENTIOUS AUTHORITARIAN- Construction of China’s National Economy ISM IN CHINA [Sophia Woodman] [ElizabethJ .R emick] 394-396 901-903 Jeans, Roger B. (ed.), THE MARSHALL Chiasson, Blaine R., ADMINISTERING MISSION TO CHINA, 1945-1947: The THE COLONIZER: Manchuria’s Letters and Diary of Colonel John Hart Russians Under Chinese Rule, 1918-29 Caughey [Jingbin Wang] 147-149 [Bruce A. Elleman] 407-409 Lai, Pak-sang and Michael Byram, Dallmayr, Fred and Zhao Tingyang RE-SHAPING EDUCATION FOR (eds.), CONTEMPORARY CHINESE CITIZENSHIP: Democratic National POLITICAL THOUGHT: Debates and Citizenship in Hong Kong [Wing-Wah Perspectives [Stella Xu] 894-895 Law] 905-907 978 Pacific Affairs: Volume 85, No. 4 — December 2012 Weiss, Meredith L. and Edward Aspinall, Yang, Daqing et al (eds.), TOWARD (eds.), STUDENT ACTIVISM IN A HISTORY BEYOND BORDERS: ASIA: Between Protest and Powerlessness Contentious Issues in Sino-Japanese [William A. Hayes] 615-616 Relations [Jens Sejrup] 881-883 Wong, Joseph, BETTING ON BIOTECH: Innovation and the Limits of Asia’s Developmental State [Roberti L. Curry] 120-122 China and Inner Asia Barr, Michael, WHO’S AFRAID OF Dierkes, Julian (ed.), CHANGE IN CHINA?: The Challenge of Chinese Soft DEMOCRATIC MONGOLIA: Social Power [Xiangfeng Yang] 390-392 Relations, Health, Mobile Pastoralism, Brady, Anne-Marie (ed.), CHINA’S and Mining [Morris Rossabi] 642-644 THOUGHT MANAGEMENT [Borge Flath, James and Norman Smith (eds.), Bakken] 629-631 BEYOND SUFFERING: Recounting War Brady, Anne-Marie (ed.), LOOKING in Modern China [Kenneth Swope] NORTH, LOOKING SOUTH: China, 909-911 Taiwan, and the South Pacific [Yuan- Florini, Ann, Hairong Lai, Yeling Chao Tung] 136-138 Tan, CHINA EXPERIMENTS: From Brautigam, Deborah, THE DRAGON'S Local Innovations to National Reform GIFT: The Real Story of China in Africa [Stephen Trott] 896-898 [Anshan Li] 138-140 Gong, Haomin, UNEVEN MODERNITY: Brown, Kerry, BALLOT BOX CHINA: Literature, Film, and Intellectual Grassroots Democracy in the Final Major Discourse in Postsocialist China [Shuyu One-Party State [Andrew Brennan] Kong] 151-152 392-394 Hamrin, Carol Lee with Stacey Bieler Carlson, Allen and Ren Xiao (eds.), NEW (eds.), SALT AND LIGHT 2: More FRONTIERS IN CHINA’S FOREIGN Lives of Faith That Shaped Modern China RELATIONS = ZHONGGUO WAIJIAO [Ruth Hayhoe] 401-405 DE XIN BIANJIANG [Eric Hyer] Hamrin, Carol Lee with Stacey Bieler 128-131 (eds.), SALT AND LIGHT 3: More Chan, Anita (ed.), WALMART IN CHINA Lives of Faith that Shaped Modern China [John A. Donaldson] 140-142 [Ruth Hayhoe] 401-405 Chang, Felix B. and Sunnie T. Rucker- Hamrin,, Carol Lee with Stacey Bieler Chang (eds.), CHINESE MIGRANTS (eds.), SALT AND LIGHT: Lives of IN RUSSIA, CENTRAL ASIA AND Faith that Shaped Modern China [Ruth EASTERN EUROPE [Martina Bofulin ] Hayhoe] 401-405 405-407 Hill, Emily M., SMOKELESS SUGAR: The Chen, Xi, SOCIAL PROTEST AND Death of a Provincial Bureaucrat and the CONTENTIOUS AUTHORITARIAN- Construction of China’s National Economy ISM IN CHINA [Sophia Woodman] [ElizabethJ .R emick] 394-396 901-903 Jeans, Roger B. (ed.), THE MARSHALL Chiasson, Blaine R., ADMINISTERING MISSION TO CHINA, 1945-1947: The THE COLONIZER: Manchuria’s Letters and Diary of Colonel John Hart Russians Under Chinese Rule, 1918-29 Caughey [Jingbin Wang] 147-149 [Bruce A. Elleman] 407-409 Lai, Pak-sang and Michael Byram, Dallmayr, Fred and Zhao Tingyang RE-SHAPING EDUCATION FOR (eds.), CONTEMPORARY CHINESE CITIZENSHIP: Democratic National POLITICAL THOUGHT: Debates and Citizenship in Hong Kong [Wing-Wah Perspectives [Stella Xu] 894-895 Law] 905-907 978 Index Lai, Sherman Xiaogang, A SPRINGBOARD Park, Bae-Gyoon, Richard Child Hill, TO VICTORY: Shandong Province and Asato Saito (eds.), LOCATING and Chinese Communist Military and NEOLIBERALISM IN EAST ASIA: Financial Strength, 1937-1945 [Diana Neoliberalizing Spaces in Developmental Lary] 149-150 States [David Edgington] 131-133 Larus, Elizabeth Freund, POLITICS Peterson, Glen, OVERSEAS CHINESE IN AND SOCIETY IN CONTEMPORARY THE PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA CHINA [Jay Goulding] 627-629 [James K. Chin] 631-633 Lee, Seung-joon, GOURMETS IN THE Potter, Pitman B. with Thomas Adams LAND OF FAMINE: The Culture (eds.), ISSUES IN CANADA-CHINA and Politics of Rice in Modern Canton RELATIONS [Andrew F. Cooper] [Tomoko Shiroyama] 911-913 633-635 Li, Cheng; (ed.), CHINA’S EMERGING Schneider, Helen M., KEEPING MIDDLE CLASS: Beyond Economic THE NATION’S HOUSE: Domestic Transformation [Sophia Woodman] Management and the Making of Modern 133-135 China [Harriet Evans] 396-398 Lin, Paul T.K. with Eileen Chen Lin, JN Shao Dan, REMOTE HOMELAND, THE EYE OF THE CHINA STORM: A RECOVERED BORDERLAND: Life Between East and West {Michelle Manchus, Manchoukuo, and Manchuna, Tisseyre] 145-146 1907-1985 [Thomas David DuBois] Loyalka, Michelle Dammon, EATING 153-154 BITTERNESS: Stories from the Front Shen, Zhibua and Danhui Li, AFTER Lines of China’s Great Urban Migration LEANING TO ONE SIDE: China [Grace Huang] 907-909 and Its Allies in the Cold War [Sergey Luttwak, Edward N., THE RISE OF Radchenko] 142-144 CHINA VS. THE LOGIC OF STRATEGY Shin, Doh Chull, CONFUCIANISM AND [S. Mahmud Ali] 898-900 DEMOCRATIZATION IN EAST ASIA Manning, Kimberley Ens and Felix [Taku Tamaki] 398-400 Wemheuer (eds.), EATING Strand, David, AN UNFINISHED BITTERNESS: New Perspectives on REPUBLIC: Leading by Word and China’s Great Leap Forward and Famine Deed in Modern China [Richard S. [Woyu Liu] 638-640 Horowitz] 913-915 McCormick, Brett & Jonathan H. Ping Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf, THE CHINA (eds.), CHINESE ENGAGEMENTS: THREAT: Memories, Myths, and Realities Regional Issues with Global Implications in the 1950s [Martin Laflamme] [Wayne Bert] 625-627 636-638 Paik, Keun-Wook, SINO-RUSSIAN OIL Wang, Zheng, NEVER FORGET AND GAS COOPERATION: The Reality NATIONAL HUMILIATION: Historical and Implications [Roman Sidortsov] Memory in Chinese Politics and Foreign 903-905 Relations [Xiangfeng Yang] 640-642 Northeast Asia Ambros, Barbara R., BONES OF Dusinberre, Martin, HARD TIMES CONTENTION: Animals and Religion IN THE HOMETOWN: A History of in Contemporary Japan [Aaron Community Survival in Modern Japan Skabelund] 917-919 [Peter Matanle] 644-647 Amos, Timothy D., EMBODYING Iles, Timothy and Peter Matanle (eds.), DIFFERENCE: The Making of RESEARCHING TWENTY-FIRST Burakumin in Modern Japan CENTURY JAPAN: New Directions and [Christopher Bondy] 161-163 Approaches for the Electronic Age [Ken Arai, Paula, BRINGING ZEN HOME: Coates] 915-917 The Healing Heart ofJ apanese Women’s Rituals |J essica Starling] 649-651 Pacific Affairs: Volume 85, No. 4 — December 2012 Joo, Rachael Miyung, TRANSNATIONAL Okada, Akito, EDUCATION POLICY AND SPORT: Gender, Media, and Global EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN JAPAN Korea [Joanna Elfving- Hwang] [Steve Entrich] 411-413 930-932 Park, Kyung-Ae and Scott Snyder (eds.), Kim, Bogook (ed.), CATALOG OF NORTH KOREA IN TRANSITION: THE CONFIDENTIAL DIPLOMATIC Politics, Economics and Society [Robert DOCUMENTS CONCERNING SOUTH Kelly] 932-934 KOREA AND NORTH KOREA FROM Rabson, Steve, THE OKINAWAN THE MINISTRY OF FOREIGN DIASPORA IN JAPAN: Crossing Borders AFFAIRS OF HUNGARY (1945-1993) Within [Patrick Heinrich] 647-649 [Avram Agov] 653-655 Ronald, Richard and Allison Alexy, Kim, Byung Kwan, Gi-Wook Shin HOME AND FAMILY IN JAPAN: and David Straub (eds.), BEYOND Continuity and Transformation [Aya NORTH KOREA: Future Challenges to Ezawa] 409-411 South Korea’s Security [Rudiger Frank] Schoppa, Leonard J. (ed.), THE 417-419 EVOLUTION OF JAPAN’S PARTY Kim, Richard S., THE QUEST FOR SYSTEM: Politics and Policy in an STATEHOOD: Korean Immigrant Era of Institutional Change {Kuniaki Nationalism and U.S. Sovereignty, Nemoto] 157-158 1905-1945 [Sean (Chong Bum) Kim]- Snyder, Scott (ed.), THE US-SOUTH 415-417 KOREA ALLIANCE: Meeting New Kitamura, Hiroshi, SCREENING Security Challenges [Wookhee Shin] ENLIGHTENMENT: Hollywood and 651-653 the Cultural Reconstruction of aD efeated Soeya, Yoshihide, Masayuki Tadokoro, Japan (Harald Salomon] 923-925 and David A. Welch (eds.), JAPAN AS Minamida, Katsuya and Izumi Tsuji A ‘NORMAL COUNTRY’?: A Nation (eds.); translated by Leonie R. in Search of Its Place in the World {Paul Stickland, POP CULTURE AND THE Midford] 154-156 EVERYDAY IN JAPAN: Sociological Thomas, Jolyon Baraka, DRAWING Perspectives [Brian J. McVeigh] 921- ON TRADITION: Manga, Anime, 923 and Religion in Contemporary Japan Moore, Ray A., SOLDIER OF GOD: [Michael Newton] 919-921 MacArthur’s Attempt to Christianize Tierny, Robert Thomas, TROPICS OF Japan [Arnel E. Joven] 159-160 SAVAGERY: The Culture of Japanese Morris-Suzuki, Tessa, BORDERLINE Empire in Comparative Frame {Lung- JAPAN: Foreigners and Frontier Controls chih Chang] 928-930 in the Postwar Era [Chris Burgess] Wada- Marciano, Mitsuyo, JAPANESE 413-415 CINEMA IN THE DIGITAL AGE [Marc Steinberg] 926-927 South Asia Ahmed, Manzoor (ed.); contributors, Brass, Paul R., AN INDIAN POLITICAL Fazle Hasan et al, EDUCATION IN LIFE: Charan Singh and Congress BANGLADESH: Overcoming Hurdles to Politics, 1937-1961 [Ronojoy Sen] Equity with Quality. [John Richards] 419-421 173-177 Chacko, Priya, INDIAN FOREIGN Bass, Daniel, EVERYDAY ETHNICITYI N POLICY: The Politics of Postcolonial SRI LANKA: Up-country Tamil Identity Identity from 1947 to 2004 [Sukh Deo Politics [Bart Klem] 939-941 Muni] 657-659 Brass, Paul R (ed.), ROUTLEDGE HAND- Crawford, Mary, SEX TRAFFICKING BOOK OF SOUTH ASIAN POLITICS: IN SOUTH ASIA: Telling Maya’s Story India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, {Ruchira Gupta] 421-423 and Nepal [Robin Jeffrey] 165-167 980 Index Dodson, Michael S. and Brian A. Mullen, Rani D. , DECENTRALIZATION, Hatcher (eds.), TRANS-COLONIAL LOCAL GOVERNANCE, AND MODERNITIES IN SOUTH ASIA SOCIAL WELLBEING IN INDIA: [Arnab Dey] 659-662 Do Local Governments Matter? [S.S. Dutt, Sagarika and Alok Bansal (eds.), Meenakshisundaram] 167-169 SOUTH ASIAN SECURITY: 21st Nelson, Matthew J., JV THE SHADOW Century Discourses [Sukh Deo Muni] OF SHARI'AH: Islam, Islamic Law, and 934-937 Democracy in Pakistan [Ayaz Qureshi] Gellner, David N. (ed.), VARIETIES 426-428 OF ACTIVIST EXPERIENCE: Civil Ruparelia, Sanjay , Sanjay Reddy, John Society in South Asia [Douglas Olthof] Harriss and Stuart Corbridge (eds.), 169-171 UNDERSTANDING INDIA’S NEW Ikegame, Aya, PRINCELY INDIA RE- POLITICAL ECONOMY: A Great IMAGINED: A Historical Anthropology of Transformation? [Jeffrey Witsoe] Mysore from 1799 to the Present [Robin 163-165 Jeffrey] 937-938 Sen, Ronojoy, ARTICLES OF FAITH: Jeffrey, Robin, Ronojoy Sen, Pratima Religion, Secularism, and the Indian © Singh (eds.), MORE THAN MAOISM: Supreme Court [Arvind Sharma] Politics, Policies and Insurgencies in 423-424 South Asia [Ganeshdatta Poddar] Sidhu, Aman with Inderjit Singh Jaijee, 655-657 DEBT AND DEATH IN RURAL INDIA: Kilby, Patrick, NGOS IN INDIA: The The Punjab Story [Nilotpal Kumar] Challenges of Women’s Empowerment and 171-173 Accountability [Purna Sen] 664-666 Singh, Pritam, ECONOMY, CULTURE Kohli, Atul, POVERTY AMID PLENTY IN AND HUMAN RIGHTS: Turbulence in THE NEW INDIA [Rahul Mukherji] Punjab, India and Beyond {Ashutosh 662-664 Kumar] 424-426 Lewis, David, BANGLADESH: Politics, Economy and Civil Society [John Richards] 173-177 Southeast Asia Ananta, Aris and Richard Barichello Diamond, Catherine, COMMUNITIES (eds.), POVERTY AND GLOBAL OF IMAGINATION: Contemporary RECESSION IN SOUTHEAST ASIA Southeast Asian Theatres [Michael [Amrita Daniere] 180-182 Bodden] 666-668 Au, Sokhieng, MIXED MEDICINES: Dittmer, Lowell (ed.), BURMA OR Health and Culture in French Colonial MYANMAR:?: The Struggle for National Cambodia [Trude Jacobsen] 449-451 Identity [Maitrii Aung-Thwin] 451- Barrett, Tracy, THE CHINESE DIASPORA 453 IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA: The Overseas Ear, Sophal, AID DEPENDENCE IN Chinese in Indo-China [Gungwu Wang] CAMBODIA: How Foreign Assistance 668-670 Undermines Democracy |D. Gordon Bautista, Julius (ed.), THE SPIRIT OF Longmuir] 951-953 THINGS: Materiality and Religious Elliott, David W.P., CHANGING WORLDS: Diversity in Southeast Asia |J ustin Vietnam’s Transition from Cold War McDaniel] 943-945 to Globalization [Benedict J. Tria Butt, Simon, CORRUPTION AND Kerkvliet] 945-947 LAW IN INDONESIA [Priyambudi Feillard, Andrée and Rémy Madinier; Sulistiyanto] 687-688 translated by Wong Wee, THE END OF INNOCENCE: Indonesian Islam and the Temptations of Radicalism [Robin Bush] 445-447 981 Pacific Affairs: Volume 85, No. 4 — December 2012 Gillespie, Robert M., BLACK OPS, Ingawanij, May Adadol and Benjamin VIETNAM: The Operational History McKay (eds.), GLIMPSES OF of MACVSOG [Priscilla Roberts] FREEDOM: Independent Cinema in 186-189 Southeast Asia [David C.L. Lim] Goh, Beng-Lan, (ed.), DECENTRING & 437-439 DIVERSIFYING SOUTHEAST ASIAN Johnson, Irving Chan, THE BUDDHA STUDIES: Perspectives From the Region ON MECCA’S VERANDAH: Encounters, [Doreen Lee] 182-184 Mobilities, and Histories Along the Goscha, Christopher E., HISTORICAL Malaysian-Thai Border [Mary Beth DICTIONARY OF THE INDOCHINA Mills] 954-956 WAR (1945-1954): An International Knapp, Ronald G. , Photographs by and Interdisciplinary Approach {David A. Chester Ong; foreword by Wang P. Chandler] 439-441 Gungwu, CHINESE HOUSES OF Graf, Arndt, Susanne Schr6éter and SOUTHEAST ASIA: The Eclectic Edwin Wieringa (eds.), ACEH: Architecture of Sojourners and Settlers History, Politics and Culture [David [Abidin Kusno] 433-435 Kloos] 193-195 Kuhonta, Erik Martinez, THE Grossman, Nicholas, Dominic INSTITUTIONAL IMPERATIVE: The Faulder (eds.), KING BHUMIBOL Politics of Equitable Development in ADULYADE]: A Life’s Work: Thailand's Southeast Asia [Philip Hirsch] 428-430 Monarchy in Perspective {Jim Taylor] Larsson, Tomas, LAND AND LOYALTY: 679-682 Security and the Development of Property Hamilton-Hart, Natasha, HARD Rights in Thailand |J anet C. Sturgeon] INTERESTS, SOFT ILLUSIONS: 672-674 Southeast Asia and American Power Leach, Michael and Damien [Tony Day] 941-943 Kingsbury(eds.), THE POLITICS Harris, Vandra and Andrew Goldsmith OF TIMOR-LESTE: Democratic (eds.), SECURITY, DEVELOPMENT Consolidation After Intervention {Gerry AND NATION-BUILDING IN TIMOR- van Klinken] 956-958 LESTE: A Cross-sectoral Assessment London ,J onathan D. (ed.), EDUCATION [Thushara Dibley] 691-692 IN VIETNAM [Anne Raffin] 189-191 Hau, Caroline S. and Kasian Tejapira McKinnon, Katharine, DEVELOPMENT (eds.), TRAVELING NATION- PROFESSIONALS IN NORTHERN MAKERS: Transnational Flows and THAILAND: Hope, Politics and Practice Movements in the Making of Modern [Aim Sinpeng] 677-679 Southeast Asia [Tim Bunnell] 184-186 Molle, Francois, Tira Foran and Mira Heng, Derek and Syed Muhd Khairudin Kakénen (eds.), CONTESTED Aljunied (eds.), SINGAPORE IN WATERSCAPES IN THE MEKONG GLOBAL HISTORY [Albert Lau] REGION: Hydropower, Livelihoods and 195-197 Governance {Ian G. Baird] 191-193 Hill, Hal, Tham Siew Yean, Ragayah Moller, Jorgen O@rstrom , HOWASIA CAN Haji Mat Zin (eds.), MALAYSIA’S SHAPE THE WORLD: From the Era of DEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES: Plenty to the Era of Scarcities [James Graduating From the Middle [Hwok- Manicom] 431-432 Aun Lee] 684-686 Nguyen, Mimi Thi, THE GIFT OF Hitchcock, Michael, Victor T. King FREEDOM: War, Debt, and Other and Michael J.G.Parnwell (eds.), Refugee Passages [Thy Phu] 949-951 HERITAGE TOURISM INSOUTHEAST Nicholson, David , ENVIRONMENTAL ASIA [DallenJ . Timothy] 435-437 DISPUTE RESOLUTION IN Holliday, lan, BURMA REDUX: Global INDONESIA [Anton Lucas] 688-691 Justice and the Quest for Political Reform Nishizaki, Yoshinori, POLITICAL in Myanmar [Trevor Wilson] 692-694 AUTHORITY AND PROVINCIAL IDENTITY IN THAILAND: The Making of Banharn-buri [Nicholas 982 Farrelly] 200-202 Index Roces, Mina, WOMEN’S MOVEMENTS Tickamyer, Ann R. and Siti Kusujiarti, AND THE FILIPINA, 1986-2008 POWER, CHANGE, AND GENDER {Leonora Angeles] 441-443 RELATIONS IN RURAL JAVA: A Tale Rumbaugh, Thomas (ed.), JNVDONESIA: of Two Villages [Rebecca Elmhirst] Sustaining Growth During Global 958-960 . Volatility [David Dapice] 443-445 Va Trong Phung; translated, with an Saw, Swee-Hock (ed.), MANAGING introduction by Shaun Kingsley ECONOMIC CRISIS IN SOUTHEAST Malarney, LUC XI: Prostitution and ASIA [Ross McLeod] 178-180 Venereal Disease in Colonial Hanoi {Lisa Singh, Sarinda, NATURAL POTENCY Drummond] 948-949 AND POLITICAL POWER: Forests and Walker, Andrew, THAILAND’S State Authority in Contemporary Laos POLITICAL PEASANTS: Power in [Rodolphe De Koninck] 670-672 the Modern Rural Economy [Jim A. Stenross, Kurt, MADURESE SEAFARERS: Placzek] 674-676 Prahus, Timber and Illegality on the Weiss, Meredith L., STUDENT ACTIVISM Margins of the Indonesian State (W. IN MALAYSIA: Crucible, Mirror, Glenn Smith] 447-449 Sideshow [Maznah Binti Mohamad] Sun, Shirley Hsiao-Li, POPULATION 197-199 POLICY: Making Future Citizens [Ern Ser Tan] 682-684 Australasia and the Pacific Region Besnier, Niko, ON THE EDGE OF THE Maddocks, Ian, PARI HANUA: An GLOBAL: Modern Anxieties in a Pacific Appreciation of the Traditional, Colonial Island Nation [Sina Emde] 454—456 and Modern Life of a Papuan Village, Dobbin, Jay with Francis X. Hezel, Inspired by 50 Years of Contact and 6 SUMMONING THE POWERS Years of Residence {Michael Goddard] BEYOND: Traditional Religions in 965-967 Micronesia {Glenn Petersen] 204-206 Matsuda, Matt K., PACIFIC WORLDS: A Gershon, Ilana, NO FAMILY IS AN History of Seas, Peoples, and Cultures ISLAND: Cultural Expertise among [Judith A. Bennett] 694-696 Samoans in Diaspora [Jessica A. McQuarrie, Peter, THE GILBERT Hardin] 702-704 ISLANDS IN WORLD WAR TWO Goddard, Michael, OUT OF PLACE: [Glenn Petersen] 967-969 Madness in the Highlands of Papua New Patterson, Mary & Martha MacIntyre Guinea [John Barker] 696-698 (eds.), MANAGING MODERNITY Hermann, Elfriede (ed.), CHANGING IN THE WESTERN PACIFIC [Kate CONTEXTS, SHIFTING MEANINGS: Barclay] 202-204 Transformations of Cultural Traditions in Rutherford, Danilyn, LAUGHING AT Oceania [Sébastien Galliot] 456-458 LEVIATHAN: Sovereignty and Audience Imada, Adria L., ALOHA AMERICA: Hula in West Papua [Sjoerd R. Jaarsma] Circuits Through the U.S. Empire 698-700 [Miriam Kahn] 960-962 Salmond, Anne, BLIGH: William Bligh James, Paul et al., SUSTAINABLE in the South Seas [Bernd Lambert] COMMUNITIES, SUSTAINABLE 458-460 DEVELOPMENT: Other Paths for Schneider, Katharina, SALTWATER Papua New Guinea [Laura Zimmer- SOCIALITY: A Melanesian Island Tamakoshi] 962-965 Ethnography |Anna-Karina Hermkens] Kirksey, Eben, FREEDOM IN 704-706 ENTANGLED WORLDS: West Papua and the Architecture of Global Power [Larry M. Lake] 701-702 Pacific Affairs: Volume 85, No. 4 — December 2012 DOCUMENTARY FILM REVIEWS Hallacy, Jeanne and the Democratic Voice Huang, Kathy; Editor, Carla Gutierrez; of Burma; directed by Jeanne Marie Composer, Gil Talmi; Associate Hallacy; Editors, Ken Schneider and producers, Tiara Bahtiar, Aldy Ellen Bruno, INTO THE CURRENT Mardianus, TALES OF THE WARIA = YAYZAN LAN: Burma’s Political {Intan Paramaditha] 969-973 Prisoners |J ane M. Ferguson] 461-463 Redmond, David and A. Sabin, Directed, Hoaglund, Linda; Cinematography, produced and edited by ; consulting Yamazaki Yutaka; Editor, Scott producers, Marcy Garriott, Robert Burgess; Music, Satoshi Takeishi, Garriot, GIRL MODEL [Apichai W. Shoko Nagai, ANPO, ART X WAR: Shipper] 206-207 The Art of Resistance [Simon Avenell] The Children of Srikandi Collective, 706-708 Directed by; produced by Laura Coppens (Sri Kandi Films) and Angelika Levi (Celestefilm), CHILDREN OF SRIKANDI [Intan Paramaditha] 969-973 CONTRIBUTORS Agov, Avram (R) 653-655 Cho, Youngwon (R) 877-879 Ali, S. Mahmud (R) 898-900 Coates, Ken (R) 915-917 Anderson, Robert S. (R) 382-384 Cooper, Andrew F. (R) 633-635 Ang, Cheng Guan (R) 892-893 Costa, Anna (A) 95-115 Angeles, Leonora (R) 441-443 Cotton, James (R) 386-387 Anwar, Sajid (R) 613-615 Curry, Robert L. (R) 120-122 Aung-Thwin, Maitrii (R) 451-453 Daniere, Amrita (R) 180-182 Avenell, Simon (R) 706-708 Dapice, David (R) 443-445 Bae, Yooil (A) 759-783 D'Arcy, Paul (I) 217-232 Baird, Ian G. (R) 191-193 Day, Tony (R) 941-943 Bakken, Borge (R) 629-631 De Koninck, Rodolphe (R) 670-672 Balakrishnan, Sai (A) 785-811 Dey, Arnab (R) 659-662 Barclay, Kate (R) 202-204 Dibley, Thushara (R) 691-692 Barker, John (R) 696-698 Donaldson, John A. (R) 140-142 Bélanger, Daniéle (A) 31-50 Douglass, Mike (A) 731-758 Bennett, Judith A. (R) 694-696 Drummond, Lisa (R) 948-949 Bert, Wayne (R) 625-627 DuBois, Thomas David (R) 153-154 Bodden, Michael (R) 666-668 Edgington, David (R) 131-133 Bofulin, Martina (R) 405-407 Elfving- Hwang, Joanna (R) 930-932 Bondy, Christopher (R) 161-163 Elleman, Bruce A. (R) 407-409 Brennan, Andrew (R) 392-394 Elmhirst, Rebecca (R) 958-960 Bunnell, Tim (1) 715-729 (A) 857-876 Emde, Sina (R) 454-456 (R) 184-186 Entrich, Steve (R) 411-413 Burgess, Chris (R) 413-415 Evans, Harriet (R) 396-398 Bush, Robin (R) 445-447 Ezawa, Aya (R) 409-411 Byrne, Jeffrey (R) 384-385 Farrelly, Nicholas (R) 200-202 Caron, Joseph (R) 379-381 Ferguson, Jane M. (R) 461-463 Chandler, David P. (R) 439-441 Filer, Colin (A) 305-325 Chang, Lung-chih (R) 928-930 Frank, Rudiger (R) 417-419 Chin, James K. (R) 631-633 Galliot, Sébastien (R) 456-458 Cho, Choong-Bin (A) 51-71 Ganguly, Sumit (R) 617-618 984 Index Goddard, Michael (R) 965-967 Lucas, Anton (R) 688-691 Goh, Daniel P.S. (R) 373-375 MacDermott, Therese (A) 471-491 GouldingJ,a y (R) 627-629 Manicom, James (R) 431-432 Gupta, Ruchira (R) 421-423 Matanle, Peter (R) 644-647 Hamid, Ahmad Fauzi Abdul (A) 73-94 Maurin, Cristelle (A) 281-303 Hardin, Jessica A. (R) 702-704 McCarthy, Joseph (A) 257-280 Harriss, John (1) 561-568 McDaniel, Justin (R) 943-945 Hayes, William A. (R) 615-616 McLeod, Ross (R) 178-180 Hayhoe, Ruth (R) 401-405 McVeigh, BrianJ . (R) 921-923 Heinrich, Patrick (R) 647-649 Meenakshisundaram, S.S. (R) 167-169 Hermkens, Anna-Karina (R) 704-706 Mehra, Diya (A) 813-833 Hirsch, Philip (R) 428-430 Midford, Paul (R) 154-156 Hoffman, Lisa (A) 835-855 Miller, Michelle (I) 715—729(A) 857-876 Holmes, James R. (R) 118-120 Mills, Mary Beth (R) 954-956 Horowitz, Richard S. (R) 913-915 Minohara, Tosh (R) 889-891 Huang, Grace (R) 907-909 Mohamad, Maznah Binti (R) 197-199 Hyer, Eric (R) 128-131 Moskowitz, Marc L. (R) 619-620 Iles, Timothy (R) 885-887 Mukherji, Rahul (R) 662-664 Ismail, Muhamad (A) 73-94 Muni, Sukh Deo (R) 657-659 (R) Jaarsma, Sjoerd R. (R) 698-700 934-937 Jacobsen, Trude (R) 449-451 Nagarajan, Vijaya (A) 471-491 Jeffrey, Robin (R) 165-167, (R) 937-938 Nantais , Simon (R) 623-625 Jenkins, Rob (A) 591-612 Nemoto, Kuniaki (R) 157-158 Joven, Arnel E. (R) 159-160 Newton, Michael (R) 919-921 Judge, Joan (R) 883-885 Olthof, Douglas (R) 169-171 Kahn, Miriam (R) 960-962 Paisley, Richard (R) 117-118 Kelly, Robert (R) 932-934 Paramaditha, Intan (R) 969-973 Kerkvliet, BenedictJ .T ria (R) 945-947 Petersen, Glenn (R) 204-206, (R) Kim, Sean (Chong Bum) (R) 415-417 967-969 Kim, Seok-Hyang (A) 51-71 Phelps, Nicholas (A) 857-876 Kivimaki, Timo (R) 375-377 Phu, Thy (R) 949-951 Klem, Bart (R) 939-941 Placzek, Jim A. (R) 674-676 Kloos, David (R) 193-195 Plsek, Ivo (R) 122-124 Kong, Shuyu (R) 151-152 Poddar, Ganeshdatta (R) 655-657 Kumar, Ashutosh (R) 424-426 Qureshi, Ayaz (R) 426-428 Kumar, Nilotpal (R) 171-173 Radchenko, Sergey (R) 142-144 Kusno, Abidin (R) 433-435 Raffin, Anne (R) 189-191 Kwak, In-ok (A) 51-71 Remick, ElizabethJ . (R) 394-396 L’ Heureux, Marie-Alice (R) 387-390 Richards, John (R) 173-177 Laflamme, Martin (R) 636-638 Roberts, Priscilla (R) 186-189 Lake, Larry M. (R) 701-702 Rossabi, Morris (R) 642-644 Lambert, Bernd (R) 458-460 Rosser, Andrew (A) 539-560 Lankov, Andrei (A) 51-71 Ruparelia, Sanjay (A) 569-590 Lary, Diana (R) 149-150 Salomon, Harald (R) 923-925 Lau, Albert (R) 195-197 Scott, David (R) 377-379 Law, Wing-Wah (R) 905-907 Sejrup, Jens (R) 881-883 Lee, Christopher (R) 124-126 Sen, Purna (R) 664-666 Lee, Doreen (R) 182-184 Sen, Ronojoy (R) 419-421 Lee, Hwok-Aun (R) 684-686 Sharma, Arvind (R) 423-424 Li, Anshan (R) 138-140 Shin, Wookhee (R) 651-653 Lim, David C.L. (R) 437-439 Shipper, Apichai W. (R) 206-207 Liu, Woyu (R) 638-640 Shiroyama, Tomoko (R) 911-913 Longmuir, D. Gordon (R) 951-953 Sidortsov, Roman (R) 903-905 Pacific Affairs: Volume 85, No. 4 — December 2012 Sinpeng, Aim (R) 677-679 van Klinken, Gerry (R) 956-958 Skabelund, Aaron (R) 917-919 Varrall, Merriden (A) 233-255 Smith, Graeme (I) 217-232 (A) 327-349 Wang, Gungwu (R) 668-670 Smith, W. Glenn (R) 447-449 Wang, Hong-zen (A) 31-50 Séderberg, Marie (R) 879-881 Wang, Jingbin (R) 147-149 Starling, Jessica (R) 649-651 Wesley-Smith, Terence (A) 351-372 Steinberg, Marc (R) 926-927 Williams, Brad (A) 493-513 Sturgeon, Janet C. (R) 672-674 Wilson, Trevor (R) 692-694 Sulistiyanto, Priyambudi (A) 539-560 Witsoe, Jeffrey (R) 163-165 (R) 687-688 Won, Jaeyoun (R) 621-622 Swope, Kenneth (R) 909-911 Woodman, Sophia (R) 133-135, (R) Tamaki, Taku (R) 398-400 901-903 Tan, Ern Ser (R) 682-684 Xu, Stella (R) 894-895 Taylor, Jim (R) 679-682 Yang, Xiangfeng (R) 390-392, (R) Taylor, John (A) 857-876 640-642 Timothy, DallenJ . (R) 435-437 Yeophantong, Pichamon (A) 281-303 Tisseyre, Michelle (R) 145-146 Zang, Xiaowei (A) 7-29 Topgyal, Tsering (A) 515-538 Zhang, Dewei (R) 126-128 Trott, Stephen (R) 896-898 Zimmer- Tamakoshi, Laura (R) 962-965 Tung, Yuan-Chao (R) 136-138 Zur, Dafna (R) 888-889 We would like to thank the following individuals for their service in refereeing manuscripts submitted to Pacific Affairs during the year 2013 Abel, Andrew Han, Dong Aldrich, Daniel P. Hanson, Fergus Andrews-Speed, Philip Hudalah, Delik Bai, Ruoyun Hymans, Jacques Banks, Glenn Jeffrey, Robin Bedeski, Robert E. Keane, Michael Bellér-Hann, Idik6 Kennedy, John Beng, Ooi Kee Kersten, Rikki Bertrand, Jacques Kim, Hyung-A Bose, Pablo Shiladitya Kinley, David Brautigam, Deborah Kong, Lily Caprioni, Elena Kuhonta, Erik Chakravartty, Paula Kumar, Kundan Chandhoke, Neera Kwon, Tae-Ho Chin, James Lal, Brij V. Cho, Jeong-ah Lee, Francis L.F. Chopra, Deepta Lin, Ting-Sheng Colombijn, Freek Lindstrom, Lamont Cooke, Fadzilah Majid Lo, Ming-Cheng Corbridge, Stuart E. Lynch, Daniel C. Corkin, Lucy MacLean, Ken Dickson, Bruce Matthews, Bruce Firth, Stewart Mawdsley, Emma Friedmann, John McCargo, Duncan Furukawa, Katsuihisa McGee, Terry Gold, Thomas Merlan, Francesca Gomez, Edmund Mobrand, Eric Grunfeld, A. Tom Mukherji, Rahul 986

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