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New Record of Heteropneustes Microps (Gunther) (Clariidae: Heteropneustidae) from Western Ghats Rivers, India PDF

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Preview New Record of Heteropneustes Microps (Gunther) (Clariidae: Heteropneustidae) from Western Ghats Rivers, India

MISCELLANEOUS NOTES the two locations (26.3° C intheriverand26.9° FishCommunity’;thispaperisapartofthestudy C in the stream). High flow rate was measured carried out under the project. We thank Dr. K. intheriver(50cm/sec)whileitwaslow(15 cm/ Rema Devi, ZSI, Southern Regional Station, sec) in the stream. The riparian vegetation was Chennai, forconfirmingthe identificationofthe dominated by grasses and shrubs with little species and the Principal and Head of the canopyvalue. Thestreamisverynarrow,having Department of Zoology, Mar Thoma College, m a width of2-3 m, while the river is 120 wide. Perumbavoor, Ernakulam, for laboratory Detritus, mud and sand were the dominant facilities and encouragement. We also thank substrates in the stream, whereas in the main Mr. V.O. Varghese, laboratory assistant for his riverthemainsubstratewasbedrock(80%)with help in the field. mud and sand. P. boro was reported from the lowland area. At the study site, the substratum December 2, 1998 M. JOHN GEORGE* was dominated by detritus and mud which may K. RAJU THOMAS be suitable for the survival ofthis species. C.R. BIJU C.R. AJITHKUMAR Acknowledgements Bombay Natural History Society, Hornbill House, SB. Singh Road We thank the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Mumbai 400 023. ServiceandMinistryofEnvironmentandForests *Mar Thoma Collegefor Women, forsponsoringtheproject‘EcologyofHillstreams Perumbavoor, Ernakulam, ofthe Western Ghats with special reference to Kerala 683 542. References Chacko, P.I. (1948): Development offisheries of the fishesfromTravancore.Rec.Ind.Mus. 43:233-256. Periyarlake.J.Bombaynat.Hist.Soc. 48: 191-192. Jayaram, K.C. (1981): The freshwater fishes ofIndia, DattaMunshi,J.S. &M.P. Srivastava(1988): Natural Pakistan,Bangladesh,BurmaandSriLanka-Ahand historyoffishesandsystematicsoffreshwaterfishes book.ZoologicalSurveyofIndia,Calcutta. ofIndia.NarendraPublishingHouse,NewDelhi. John, C.C. (1936): Freshwaterfishes of Travancore.J. Day, F. (1865): Fishes of Malabar. Bernard Quaritch, Bombaynat. Hist. Soc. 38: 702-733. London, repr. Bishen Singh Mahendrapal Singh, Pillay, R.S.N. (1929): FishesofTravancore.J. Bombay DehraDun. nat. Hist. Soc. 33: 347-379. Day,F.(1878):TheFishesofIndia;beinganaturalhistory Remadevi,K.&T.J.Indra(1986): FishesofSilentValley. ofthefishesknowntoinhabittheseasandfreshwaters Rec. Zoo/. Sur. India. 84:243-257. ofIndiaBurmaandCeylon.Repr.JagmanderBook Silas,E.G.(1949):OnacollectionoffishfromTravancore. Agency,NewDelhi. J. Bombaynat. Hist. Soc.48: 792-797. Hora,S.L.&N.C.Law(1941): Thefreshwaterfishesof Talwar, P.K. & A.G. Jhingran (1991): Inland fishesof Travancore.Rec.Ind.Mus. 43:234-256. India and adjacent countries. Oxford and IBH Hora,S.L.&K.K.Nair(1941):Newrecordsoffreshwater PublishingCo,NewDelhi. NEW RECORD OF HETEROPNEUSTESMICROPS(GUNTHER) 18. (CLARIIDAE: HETEROPNEUSTIDAE) FROM WESTERN GHATS RIVERS, INDIA {With one text-figure) The stinging catfish of the genus arethetwoknownspeciesofthis genus. Among Heteropneustes are found in rivers, ponds and these, H.fossilishasawide rangeofdistribution shallowwaterbodies. H.fossilis and//, microps and is very common along the Western Ghats. 330 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(2) AUG. 1999 MISCELLANEOUS NOTES Fig.l: A. Heteropneustesfossilis; B. Heteropneustes microps H. microps is a Sri Lankan form which has a India (Talwar and Jhingran, 1991). The present very restricted distribution in India (Uttar record shows range extension to Western Ghats PradeshandBihar).Duringarecentsurveyunder (thatto southernpartofTamilNadu andKerala the Western Ghats fish diversity programme, a part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve) and fewspecimensofH. micropswerecollectedfrom distribution affinities between Sri Lanka and Mananthavadi puzha near Sulthan Boththery, a Western Ghats, India. tributary of Kabini river (Cauvery basin), Wynaad, Kerala (Nilgiri Biosphere), and froma Description riverine wetland of Tamiraparani river at Thimarajapuram, Tirunelveli dist., Tamil Nadu. DI-II/5; PI/5-6; VI/6; A+C 72-74. Body H. microps was originallydescribedbyGunther deep, elongate and compressed, its depth 5.4 (1864) from Sri Lanka (type locality). In India, times in standard length. Head more depressed, H. micropshasbeenreportedonlyfromDambuva broad and 7.4 times standard length; occipital (near Yakvala), Uttar Pradesh and Maltidhar in extendingtobasalboneofdorsalfin.Eyessmall, Khagaria District, Bihar (Datta Munshi and 6.1 times in head length. Mouth terminal, lips Srivastava 1988). Current literature and reports well developed. Barbels four pairs. Dorsal fin onCauvery(Day, 1967; Hora, 1942; Jeyaramet short, insertedjust behind the origin ofventral al., 1982; Menon, 1992; Easa and Shaji, 1997) fin. Pectoralfinwithstrongspine,serratedalong and Tamiraparani (Menon, 1992; Rema Devi, inneredge;thespineis2/3 aslongashead. Anal 1992; Arunachalam, 1996, Rema Devi et. al, fin with a long base, confluent with caudal fin. 1997) drainage systems show that this species There is no distinct notch between caudal and was not reported from this region by earlier anal fin. workers. Tillnowthepresentdistributionofthis GeographicaldistributioninIndia: This speciesisSriLankaandBiharandUttarPradesh, species inhabits rivers, canals, ponds, tanks and JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(2), AUG. 1999 331 MISCELLANEOUSNOTES shallowwaterbodiesofUttarPradeshandBihar. NewDelhi, forSeniorResearch Fellowship. We We have recorded this species from Western are thankful to Dr. K. Rema Devi, Zoological Ghats for the first time. Survey of India, Southern Regional Station, Remarks: Heteropneustesmicropsdiffers Chennai, for her kind co-operation. from the only other known species, H.fossilis, in having a long-based anal fin which is October 3, 1998 M. ARUNACHALAM, confluentwiththecaudalfin. Thereisnodistinct J.A. JOHNSON, notch between anal and caudal fins (Fig. IB), A. MANIMEKALAN, whereas inH.fossilis (Fig. 1A) anal and caudal SPK CentreforEnvironmentalSciences, fins are separatedby a distinct notch. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Alwarkurichi 627 412, TamilNadu. Acknowledgements SRIDHAR S. CentreforAquaculture Research and Two ofthe authors J. Antony Johnson (8/ Extension, 297(9)/98-EMR-I-SPS)andA.Manimekalan(9/ St. Xavier’s College (Autonomous) 652(7)/97-EMR-I-SPS) are grateful to Council Palayamkottai 627 002, of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), TamilNadu. References Arunachalam, M. (1996): Inventoryofriverassociated Jeyaram,K.C.,T.V.Venkateswarlu&M.B.Ragunathan wetlandsofTamiraparaniriversystem,Tirunelveli (1982):AsurveyoftheCauveryriversystemwith District,TamilNadu.Finalreport,Manonmaniam amajoraccountoffish fauna. Occ. PapersZool. SundaranarUniversity,pp.96. Surv. India36: 115pp, 12pis. DattaMunshi,J.&M.P.Srivastava(1988):Naturalhistory Menon,A.G.K.(1992):Conservationoffreshwaterfishes offishes and systematicsoffreshwater fishes of ofPeninsularIndia.Finalreport. 136pp. India.NarendraPub.House,NewDelhi.403pp. Rema Devi, K. (1992): Fishes of Kalakad Wildlife Day,F.(1967): OnsomefishesfromtheWynaad.Proc. Sanctuary,TirunelveliDistrict,TamilNadu,India, Zool. Soc.London: 347-350. witharedescriptionofHoralabiosajoshuaiSilas. & Easa,P.S. C.P.Shaji(1997):Freshwaterfishdiversity Rec. Zoo. Surv.India92(1-4): 193-209. inKeralapartoftheNilgiriBiosphereReserveCurr. RemaDevi,K.,T.J.Indra,M.B.Raghunathan,M.Mary Sci. 73(2): 180-182. Bai & M.S. Ravichandran(1997): Ichthyofauna Gunther,(1864): Car.fish.Brit.Mus. London5:31. oftheTamiraparaniriversystem,TamilNadu.Zoos Hora, S.L. (1942): Fishes ofthe Mysore State and Print12(7): 1,2. of the neighbouring hill ranges ofthe Nilgiris, Talwar,P.K.&A.G.Jhingran(1991):InlandFishes,Vols. WynaadandCoorg.Rec.IndianMus. 44(2): 193- I&II.Oxford&IBHPublishingCo.Pvt.Ltd.,New 200. Delhi,India, 1097pp. 19. ADDITIONS TO THE FISH FAUNA OF PAMBARRIVER, KERALA Pambar river is one of the three east elevenspeciesfromthesanctuarypartofPambar flowing rivers inKerala. As apartofthe studies river. Inthepresentstudy,however,morespecies on the hill-stream fishes along the eastern side werecollectedfromtheSanctuaryareaitselfand oftheWesternGhats, asurveywasconductedin otherparts ofthe river (Tables 1 & 2). the Pambar river and its tributaries in February, The present survey indicated that fifteen 1998. Earlier, Easa and Shaji (1996) studiedthe speciesbelongingtothreefamilieswereadditions freshwater fishes of the Pambar river in the to the fish fauna ofPambarriver. Thus the total Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary area. They listed number ofspecies has increasedto 26. 332 JOURNAL, BOMBAYNATURAL HISTORYSOCIETY, 96(2) AUG. 1999

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