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BELLE-CONF-0612 Measurement of the absolute branching fraction of the D meson. ±s K. Abe, I. Adachi, J. Dragic, H. Fujii, T. Gershon, J. Haba, M. Hazumi, T. Higuchi, Y. Igarashi, R. Itoh, Y. Iwasaki, N. Katayama, H. Kichimi, P. Krokovny, A. Limosani, I. Nakamura, M. Nakao, H. Nakazawa, S. Nishida, T. Nozaki, 7 H. Ozaki, F. J. Ronga, S. Saitoh, Y. Sakai, R. Stamen, K. Sumisawa, S. Y. Suzuki, 0 0 O. Tajima, F. Takasaki, K. Tamai, M. Tanaka, K. Trabelsi, T. Tsuboyama, 2 n T. Tsukamoto, S. Uehara, Y. Unno, S. Uno, Y. Ushiroda, M. Yamauchi, and J. Zhang a J High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba 0 3 K. Abe, Y. Hoshi, and K. Neichi 1 v 3 Tohoku Gakuin University, Tagajo 5 0 1 H. Aihara, N. C. Hastings, A. Ishikawa, K. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, 0 7 H. Kakuno, A. Kusaka, Y. Nakahama, and K. Tanabe 0 / x Department of Physics, University of Tokyo, Tokyo e - p D. Anipko, K. Arinstein, V. Aulchenko, I. Bedny, A. Bondar, e h : S. Eidelman, D. Epifanov, N. Gabyshev, A. Kuzmin, A. Poluektov, v i X N. Root, B. Shwartz, V. Sidorov, Y. Usov, and V. Zhilich r a Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk K. Aoki, Y. Enari, K. Hara, K. Hayasaka, T. Hokuue, T. Iijima, K. Ikado, K. Inami, N. Kishimoto, Y. Kozakai, T. Kubota, Y. Miyazaki, T. Ohshima, T. Okabe, N. Sato, K. Senyo, and S. Yoshino Nagoya University, Nagoya T. Arakawa, T. Kawasaki, H. Miyata, N. Tamura, and M. Watanabe Niigata University, Niigata Y. Asano University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 1 T. Aso Toyama National College of Maritime Technology, Toyama T. Aushev, A. Bay, L. Hinz, C. Jacoby, T. Schietinger, O. Schneider, S. Villa, J. Wicht, and D. Zu¨rcher Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne, EPFL, Lausanne T. Aziz, S. Banerjee, G. Gokhroo, and G. Majumder Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay S. Bahinipati, A. Drutskoy, P. Goldenzweig, K. Kinoshita, R. Kulasiri, K. Sayeed, A. J. Schwartz, and A. Somov University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio 45221 A. M. Bakich, S. Cole, S. McOnie, N. Parslow, L. S. Peak, H. Stoeck, K. E. Varvell, and B. D. Yabsley University of Sydney, Sydney NSW V. Balagura, R. Chistov, M. Danilov, D. Liventsev, T. Medvedeva, R. Mizuk, P. Pakhlov, G. Pakhlova, I. Tikhomirov, and T. Uglov Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow Y. Ban and X. C. Tian Peking University, Beijing E. Barberio, J. Dalseno, R. Dowd, G. R. Moloney, M. E. Sevior, G. N. Taylor, Y. F. Tse, and P. Urquijo University of Melbourne, Victoria M. Barbero, T. E. Browder, H. Guler, M. Jones, J. Li, K. Nishimura, S. L. Olsen, M. Peters, J. Rorie, H. Sahoo, K. Uchida, and G. Varner University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 K. Belous, M. Shapkin, and A. Sokolov Institute of High Energy Physics, Protvino 2 U. Bitenc, I. Bizjak, S. Fratina, A. Goriˇsek, R. Pestotnik, M. Stariˇc, and A. Zupanc J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana S. Blyth, A. Chen, W. T. Chen, A. Go, S. Hou, and C. C. Kuo National Central University, Chung-li A. Bozek, P. Kapusta, T. Lesiak, A. Matyja, Z. Natkaniec, W. Ostrowicz, H. Palka, M. Rozanska, and J. Wiechczynski H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow M. Braˇcko and S. Korpar University of Maribor, Maribor and J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana J. Brodzicka High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), Tsukuba and H. Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Krakow M.-C. Chang, N. Kikuchi, Y. Mikami, T. Nagamine, P. Sch¨onmeier, A. Yamaguchi, and H. Yamamoto Tohoku University, Sendai P. Chang, Y. Chao, K.-F. Chen, W.-S. Hou, Y. B. Hsiung, Y.-J. Lee, C. Y. Lin, S.-W. Lin, Y.-T. Shen, Y. T. Tsai, K. Ueno, C. C. Wang, M.-Z. Wang, and C.-H. Wu Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei B. G. Cheon Chonnam National University, Kwangju J. H. Choi, H. Ha, J. S. Kang, and E. Won Korea University, Seoul S.-K. Choi Gyeongsang National University, Chinju 3 Y. Choi, Y. K. Choi, H. O. Kim, J. H. Kim, C. W. Park, and K. S. Park Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon A. Chuvikov, A. Garmash, D. Marlow, and T. Ziegler Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544 M. Dash, D. Mohapatra, L. E. Piilonen, and Y. Yusa Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061 M. Fujikawa, H. Hayashii, A. Imoto, S. U. Kataoka, K. Miyabayashi, and S. Noguchi Nara Women’s University, Nara B. Golob and P. Kriˇzan University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana and J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana M. Grosse Perdekamp and R. Seidl University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois 61801 and RIKEN BNL Research Center, Upton, New York 11973 T. Hara, D. Heffernan, and H. Miyake Osaka University, Osaka Y. Hasegawa, N. Satoyama, and N. Takada Shinshu University, Nagano K. Hoshina and O. Nitoh Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo H. Ishino, H. R. Khan, A. Kibayashi, T. Mori, S. Ono, and Y. Watanabe Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo M. Iwabuchi, Y. J. Kim, Y. Liu, T. R. Sarangi, and Y. Uchida The Graduate University for Advanced Studies, Hayama J. H. Kang, T. H. Kim, and Y.-J. Kwon 4 Yonsei University, Seoul H. Kawai and E. Kurihara Chiba University, Chiba H. J. Kim and H. Park Kyungpook National University, Taegu S. K. Kim, J. Lee, S. E. Lee, and Heyoung Yang Seoul National University, Seoul R. Kumar, J. B. Singh, and N. Soni Panjab University, Chandigarh J. S. Lange University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt G. Leder, J. MacNaughton, F. Mandl, W. Mitaroff, M. Pernicka, C. Schwanda, and L. Widhalm Institute of High Energy Physics, Vienna T. Matsumoto, T. Nakagawa, T. Seki, T. Sumiyoshi, and S. Yamamoto Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo J. Mueller University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15260 A. Murakami, A. Sugiyama, and S. Suzuki Saga University, Saga Y. Nagasaka Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Hiroshima E. Nakano, H. Sakaue, and Y. Teramoto Osaka City University, Osaka 5 A. Ogawa RIKEN BNL Research Center, Upton, New York 11973 S. Ogawa and H. Shibuya Toho University, Funabashi S. Okuno Kanagawa University, Yokohama H. Sakamoto Kyoto University, Kyoto J. Schu¨mann and C. H. Wang National United University, Miao Li S. Staniˇc University of Nova Gorica, Nova Gorica Q. L. Xie, Y. Yuan, S. L. Zang, and C. C. Zhang Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing Y. Yamashita Nippon Dental University, Niigata L. M. Zhang and Z. P. Zhang University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei 6 Abstract The D± K±K∓π± absolute branching fraction is measured using e+e− D∗±D∓(2536) s → → s s1 events collected by the Belle detector at the KEKB e+e− asymmetric energy collider. Using the ratio of yields when either the Ds1 or Ds∗ is fully reconstructed, we find (Ds± K±K∓π±) = B → (4.0 0.4(stat) 0.4(sys))%. ± ± PACS numbers: 14.40.Lb, 13.66.Bc,13.25.Ft 7 Knowledge of D+ meson1 absolute branching fractions is important for normalization of s many decays involving a D+ in a final state. The poor accuracy of the branching fraction s (D+ K+K−π+) = (5.2 0.9)% [1] has been a systematic limitation for some pre- s B → ± cise measurements. In particular, the recent study of the CP violation in B0 D(∗)±π∓ → decays is restricted by the knowledge of the ratio of two amplitudes that determine the CP-asymmetry [2, 3]. The amplitude B0 D(∗)+π− can be calculated from the branching → fraction of B0 D(∗)+π− decays assuming factorization. On the other hand, the factoriza- s → tion hypothesis can be tested by measuring the ratio of B0 D(∗)−π+ and B0 D(∗)−D+ s → → decays. Both (B0 D(∗)+π−) and (B0 D(∗)−D+) measurements can be improved s s B → B → with better accuracy in D+ absolute branching fractions. s Recently, the absolute branching fraction of D+ φ( K+K−)π+ was measured by the s → → BaBar collaboration, which used partialandfullreconstruction ofB D(∗)D(∗)+ decays [4]. s → Anotherresult obtainedfroma√s-scanaboveD+D− thresholdwaspresented bytheCLEO- s s c collaboration [5]. In this paper we report on a measurement of the D+ K+K−π+ branching fraction s → using two body e+e−-continuum annihilation into a D∗+D−(2536) final state. The analysis s s1 is based on 552.3fb−1 of data at the Υ(4S) resonance and nearby continuum, collected with the Belle detector [6] at the KEKB asymmetric energy storage ring [7]. I. METHOD We use the partial reconstruction of the process e+e− D∗+D−. In this analysis 4- → s s1 momentum conservation allows us to infer the 4-momentum of the undetected part. The method used was described in Ref. [8] and applied to the measurement of the e+e− → D(∗)+D(∗)− cross sections. Here we reconstruct the process e+e− D∗+D− using two different tagging procedures. → s s1 The first one (denoted as the D− tag) includes the full reconstruction of the D− meson via s1 s1 D− D∗K decay and observation of the photon from D∗+ D+γ, while the D+ is not s1 → s → s s reconstructed. The measured signal yield with the D− tag is proportional to the branching s1 fractions of the reconstructed D∗ modes. In the second procedure (denoted as the D∗+ tag) s 1 Charge conjugation is implied through the paper. 8 we require full reconstruction of D∗+ through D∗+ D+γ and observation of the kaon s s s → from D− D∗K, but the D∗ is not reconstructed. Since the D+ meson is reconstructed s1 → s in the channel of interest, D+ K+K−π+, the signal yield measured with the D∗+ tag s s → is proportional to this D+ branching fraction. The (efficiency-corrected) ratio of the two s measured signal yields is equal to the ratio of well-known D∗ branching fractions and the branching fraction of the D+. s In order to calculate reconstruction efficiencies and optimize event selection criteria, Monte Carlo (MC) signal events are generated and simulated using a GEANT-based full simulator, including initial state radiation (ISR), and assuming no form-factors for D∗+ and s D− mesons. s1 To identify the signal we study the mass recoiling against the reconstructed particle (or combination of particles) denoted as X. This recoil mass is defined as: Mrecoil(X) q(ECM EX)2 PX2, (1) ≡ − − where EX and PX are the center-of-mass (CM) energy and momentum of X, respectively; ECM is the CM beam energy. We expect a peak in the Mrecoil distribution at the nominal mass of the recoil particle. The resolution in M is 50MeV/c2 according to the MC, which is not sufficient to recoil ∼ separatedifferentfinalstates, e.g. D+D−,D∗+D− andnon-resonantD+DK. Todisentangle s s1 s s1 s the contribution of these final states we use another kinematic variable, the recoil mass difference ∆M : recoil ∆M (D−γ) M (D−) M (D−γ), (2) recoil s1 ≡ recoil s1 − recoil s1 ∆M (D∗+K) M (D∗+) M (D∗+K). (3) recoil s recoil s recoil s ≡ − In the D− tag procedure the signal events make a narrow peak in the ∆M (D−γ) dis- s1 recoil s1 tribution at the nominal D∗+ D+ mass difference with a resolution of σ 5MeV/c2, s s − ∼ dominated by the γ energy resolution according to the MC. The ∆M (D∗+K) spectrum recoil s peaks at the D− D∗ mass difference with a resolution of σ 2MeV/c2. s1 − ∼ II. SELECTION All primary charged tracks are required to be consistent with originating from the in- teraction point. Charged kaon candidates are identified using information from dE/dx 9 measurements in the central drift chamber, aerogel Cherenkov counters and time-of-flight system. No identification requirements are applied for pion candidates. K0 candidates are S reconstructed from π+π− pairs with an invariant mass within 15MeV/c2 of the nominal K0 S mass. The distance between the two pion tracks at the K0 vertex is required to be smaller S than 1cm, the flight distance in the plane perpendicular to the beam from the interaction point is required to be greater than 0.1cm and the angle between the K0 momentum direc- S tionand decay path inthis plane should be smaller than 0.01rad. Photons arereconstructed in the electromagnetic calorimeter as showers with energies above 50MeV that are not asso- ciated with charged tracks. π0 candidates are reconstructed by combining pairs of photons with invariant masses within 15MeV/c2 of the nominal π0 mass. D0 candidates are reconstructed using five decay modes: K−π+, K−K+, K−π−π+π+, K0π+π− and K−π+π0. D+ candidates are reconstructed using the K−π+π+ channel. D+ S s candidates are reconstructed using the K+K−π+ decay mode. A 15MeV/c2 mass window ± is used for all D modes (approximately 2.5σ in each case) except for the D0 K−π−π+π+ → where 10MeV/c2 is applied and D0 K−π+π0 with 20MeV/c2 mass window. All D+, s ± → ± D+ and D0 candidates are subjected to a mass and vertex constrained fit to improve their momenta and thus the recoil mass resolution. D∗ candidates are selected via D∗+ D0π+ and D∗0 D0π0 decay modes with → → 2MeV/c2 mass window. D∗+ candidates are reconstructed via D+γ channel with s s ± 10MeV/c2 mass window. D− is reconstructed in D∗0K− and D∗−K0 decay modes. ± s1 S In the case of multiple candidates, the candidate with the minimum value of χ2 (χ2 = tot tot χ2 +χ2 for D− tag and χ2 = χ2 for D∗+ tag, respectively) is chosen. Each χ2 M(D) M(D∗) s1 tot M(Ds+) s is defined as the square of the ratio of the deviation of the measured mass from the nominal value and the corresponding resolution. III. RECONSTRUCTION A. D− tag s1 As the ratio of D− D∗0K− and D− D∗−K0 branching fractions is unknown, we s1 → s1 → S perform the analysis for these two channels separately and average the results. TheD∗0K− andD∗−K0 mass spectra with apreselection requirement onM (D∗K) < S recoil 10

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