PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 101(3), 1999, pp. 614-618 DESCRIPTION OF THE PUPA OF AEDES CRETINUS EDWARDS, A KEY TO THE PUPAE OF THE ALBOPICTUS SUBGROUP, SUBGENUS STEGOMYIA THEOBALD, GENUS AEDES MEIGEN, AND CHARACTERS TO SEPARATE THE EUROPEAN STEGOMYIA SPECIES (DIPTERA: CULICIDAE) Richard F. Darsie, Jr. Florida Medical Entomology Laboratory, University of Florida, 200 9th Street, SE, Vero Beach, FL 32962, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. The description of the unknown pupa of Aedes cretimis and a key to the known pupae of the albopictus subgroup, scutellahs group, subgenus Stegomyia, genus Aedes are presented. The three species of subgenus Stegomyia, genus Aedes, which occur in Europe, are characterized. Key Words: Aedes cretinus, pupa, albopictus subgroup, European Stegomyia Aedes {Stegomyia) cretinus Edwards, identification of known pupae of the sub- 1921, is the only species of subgenus Stego- group follows. The adult female, male and myia indigenous to Europe. It belongs to larva of Ae. cretinus were described by Group C of Edwards (1932), the scutellaris Mattingly (1954). group. It has been reported from Greece, Aedes {Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse) was Georgia (Mattingly 1953), Turkey and Cy- first reported in Europe by Adhami and prus (Lane 1982). Knight and Hurlbut Murati (1987) in Albania, then in Italy in (1949) divided the group into the scutellaris, 1990 (Sabatini et al. 1990). It has continued albopictus and mediopunctatus subgroups to spread in Europe (Romi 1995) but as yet and placed Ae. cretimis in the albopictus has not been found in Greece. However, Ae. subgroup along with nine other species. cretinus in Greece has been misidentified as Mattingly (1952, 1965) transferredAf. gran- Ae. albopictus, causing undue anxiety, fear- ti (Theobald) to scutellaris subgroup andAe. ing a potential for a dengue fever outbreak galloisi Yamada to Edwards Group B which (A. Samanidou, personal communication, Huang (1972b) reassigned to the albopictus 1997). Indeed the two species are quite sim- subgroup. Moreover, Aedes {Stegomyia) pa- ilar (Lane 1982) and knowing all oftheir life triciae Mattingly, 1954, Aedes {Stegomyia) stages, including the pupa, will be ofbenefit. seatoi Huang, 1969, Aedes {Stegomyia) si- Three species of subgenus Stegomyia biricus Danilov and Filippova (1978) and presently occur in Europe, Ae. aegypti (Lin- Aedes {Stegomyia) galloisioides Liu and Lu naeus) (Christophers 1960), Ae. albopictus and Ae. cretinus (Mattingly 1953). Char- (1984) have been added to the albopictus subgroup (Huang 1972a, 1979). acters to distinguish the adult females, pu- The pupae ofall species ofthe albopictus pae and larvae are given in Table 2. subgroup have been described (Huang Materials and Methods 1972a, Edwards 1941) except Ae. sibiricus and Ae. galloisioides and Ae cretinus, Methods of collecting mosquitoes in the which is characterized below. A key for the field followed those given by Belkin et al. VOLUME NUMBER 101, 3 615 B •floJiif*2<J«-r;«JJi>; Fig. 1. Pupa ofAedes cretiniis. A, Cephalothorax. B, Metathorax and abdomen; dorsal-left, ventral-right. Bu = external buttress; CT = cephalothorax; GL = genital lobe; Mr = midrib of paddle; Pa = paddle; T = respiratory trumpet. 616 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Table \. Pupal chaetotaxy ofAedes cietinus. VOLUME 101, NUMBER 3 617 Table 2. Distinguishing characters ofthree Stei^oniyia species in Europe. Character 618 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON — - Seta I-II usually with fewer than 8 branch- III. Culicine adults and pupae. British Museum es; seta 1-P 0.3 length of paddle (Natural History), London, 499 pp. unilineatiis (Theobald) Huang, Y. M. 1969. A new species ofAedes (Stego- 7(4). Seta 9-VlII not reaching beyond fringe of myia) from Thailand (Diptera: Culicidae). Pro- paddle 8 ceedings of the Entomological Society of Wash- - Seta 9-VIII reaching beyond fringe ofpad- ington 71: 234-239. dle 9 . 1972a. Contributionstothe mosquitofaunaof 8(7). Seta l-II with 5-7 branches; seta 9-VIII Southeast Asia. XIV. The subgenus Stei^oiuyia of — usually double pathciae Mattingly Aedes in Southeast Asia. I The sciitellarisgroup - Seta l-II double or triple; seta 9-VIII usu- of species. Contributions of the American Ento- ally single cretinus Edwards mological Institute 9(1): 1-109. 9(7). Seta 9-VIII with 2 branches; seta 10-CT . 1972b. Lectotype designation for Aedes about 0.6 length of seta 11-CT; seta 2-VII (Stei^omyia) galloisi Yamada with a note on its medial to seta 1-VII pseudalhopictiis (Borel) assignment to the scutellaris group of species Seta 9-VIII usually single: seta 10-CT sub- (Diptera: Culicidae). Proceedings of the Entomo- equal to seta 1 1-CT: seta 2-VII laterad of logical Society ofWashington 74: 253-—256. seta 1-VII cilhopictus (Skuse) . 1979. Medical entomology studies XI. The subgenus Stegomyia ofAedes in the Oriental Re- Acknowledgments gion with keys to the species (Diptera: Culicidae). Contributions of the American Entomological In- The author is deeply indebted to Dr. stitute 15(6): 1-79. Anna Samanidou and Christine M. Taafe Kinght, K. L. and H. S. Hurlbut. 1949. The mosquitoes for providing the individually reared Aedes ofPonape Island, easternCarolinas.Journalofthe cretinus. Without the support of the Florida Washington Academy of Sciences 39: 20-34. Medical Entomology Laboratory, Univer- Lane, J. 1982. Aedes (Stegomyia) cretinus Edwards 1921 (Diptera: Culicidae). Mosquito Systematics sity of Florida, this project would not have 14: 81-85. been possible. Thanks go to B. Bower-Den- Mattingly, P. E 1952. The subgenus Stegomyia (Dip- nis for the illustration and to Drs. A. Sa- tera: Culicidae) in the Ethiopian Region. (Part I). manidou, J. Nayar and J. R. Rey for re- Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) rviiceuwltiunrgalthEexpmearniusmcernitptS.taTthiiosn JisouFrlnoarlidSaerAige-s lEincti.doa1me9o)5l3io.ngTythhe2e:Est2uh3bi5og-pe3in0au4ns.RSetgeigoonmy(iPaart(DIiIp)t.eBrual:leCtui-n No. R-06462. of the British Museum (Natural History) Ento- mology 3: 1-65. Literature Cited . 1954. Notes on the subgenus Stegomyia (Dip- tera, Culicidae), with a description of a new spe- Adhami. J. and N. Murati. 1987. Presence du nious- cies. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitol- tique Aedes dlhopictiis en Albanie. Revista Mjke- ogy 48: 259-270. Belkisno,reJ.1N:..1-1R6..X. Schick, R Galindo. and T H. G. ala.ya1n96A5r.eaT.hePacrutliVcIi.neGemnosuqsuiAteodeessoMfetihgeenI,ndsoumb-- Aitken. 1965. Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culici- genus Stegomyia Theobald (Groups A, B, and D). dae) I. A project for a systematic study of the British Museum of Natural History, 67 pp. mosquitoes of Middle America. Contributions of Romi, R. 1995. History and updating on the spread of the American Entomological Institute 1(2): 78 pp. Aedes allyopictiis in Italy. Parassitologia 37: 99- Christophers, S. R. 1960. Aedes aegypti (L.) The yel- 103. lowfevermosquito. Itslifehistory,bionomicsand Sabatini, A., V. Raineri, G. Trovato, and M. Coluzzi. structure. Cambridge University Press, London, 1990. Aedes alliopictus in Italia e possible diffu- 738 pp. sione del la especie nelTarea mediterranea. Par- Edwards, F. W. 1921. Revision of the mosquitioes of assitologia 32: 301-304. the Palearctic Region. Bulletin of Entomological Wood, D. M., P T Dang, and R. A. Ellis. 1979. The Research 12: 263-351. insects and arachnids ofCanada Part 6. The mos- Edwards, E W. 1932. Genera Insectorum. Diptera. quitoes ofCanada. Biosystematics Research Insti- Family Culicidae. 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