Yc % CERN 96-02 4 March 1996 XC96FG801 ORGANISATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLEAIRE C E RN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH CERN ACCELERATOR SCHOOL CYCLOTRONS, LINACS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IBM International Education Centre, La Hulpe, Belgium 28 April-5 May 1994 PROCEEDINGS Editor: S. Turner GENEVA 0 - Mn 0 -? 1996 Copyright CERN, Genfeve, 1996 Propriety litteraire et scientifique reservee Literary and scientific copyrights reserved in pour tous les pays du monde. Ce document ne all countries of the world. This report, or peut etre reproduit ou traduit en tout ou en any part of it, may not be reprinted or trans- partie sans l'autorisation ecrite du Directeur lated without written permission of the copy- general du CERN, titulaire du droit d'auteur. right holder, the Director-General of CERN. Dans les cas appropries, et s'il s'agit d'utiliser However, permission will be freely granted for le document a des fins non commerciales, cette appropriate non-commercial use. autorisation sera volontiers accordee. If any patentable invention or registrable Le CERN ne revendique pas la propriety des design is described in the report, CERN makes inventions brevetables et dessins ou modules no claim to property rights in it but offers it susceptibles de depot qui pourraient etre for the free use of research institutions, man- decrits dans le present document; ceux-ci peu- ufacturers and others. CERN, however, may vent etre librement utilises par les instituts de oppose any attempt by a user to claim any recherche, les industriels et autres interesses. proprietary or patent rights in such inventions Cependant, le CERN se reserve le droit de or designs as may be described in the present s'opposer a toute revendication qu'un usager document. pourrait faire de la propriete scientifique ou industrielle de toute invention et tout dessin ou modele decrits dans le present document. ISSN 0007-8328 ISBN 92-9083-083-2 KS002037930 CERN 96-02 R: FI 4 March 1996 DE008816145 45* ORGANISATION EUROPEENNE POUR LA RECHERCHE NUCLEAIRE C E RN EUROPEAN ORGANIZATION FOR NUCLEAR RESEARCH CERN ACCELERATOR SCHOOL CYCLOTRONS, LINACS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IBM International Education Centre, La Hulpe, Belgium 28 April-5 May 1994 PROCEEDINGS Editor: S. Turner GENEVA 1996 CERN-Service d'information scientifique-RD/958-2500-mars 1996 Abstract fl—^ p These proceedings present the lectures given at the eighth specialized course organized by the CERN Accelerator School (CAS), the topic this time being 'Cyclotrons, Linacs and Their Applications'. Following an introductory lecture on linacs, the fundamental features of electron, ion and induction linacs are described together with their RF systems and particle sources. Cyclotrons are then introduced followed by details of their different types, their magnet and RF design, and their injection and extraction systems, with a glance towards exotic and possible future machines. Chapters are then presented on the use of linacs and cyclotrons for medical, fission, fusion and material applications, as well as for isotope production. Finally, descriptions of the design of a radioisotope facility, the matching of accelerators to their task and the computational tools used in their design are included. , CERN ACCELERATOR SCHOOL CRC, UNIVERSITE CATHOLIQUE DE LOUVAIN, BELGIUM will organize a course on CYCLOTRONS, LINACS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS 28 April-5 May, 1994 IBM International Education Centre, La Hulpe, Belgium This course is intended for staff in laboratories, university departments and hospitals where cyclotrons and linear accelerators have a practical application. Companies specialising in such equipment may also be interested. Participants should have at least a first-degree knowledge of physics, mathematics or engineering. For further information and application forms, please contact: Mrs. S. von Wartburg CERN Accelerator School CH-1211 Geneva 23 E-mail: [email protected] Switzerland Telefax: + 41 22 7824836 Head of School: E.J.N. Wilson. Programme Committee: B. Allardyce, O. Barbalat, V. Bechtold, H. Haseroth, D. Lewis, P. Mandrillon, J.C. Malglaive, G. Ryckewaert, S. Turner, M. Weiss, D. Warner, E.J.N. Wilson, K. Zeigler. Local Organizing Committee: N. Postiau, G. Ryckewaert, S. Turner, S. von Wartburg. CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: 1 FEBRUARY 1994 PROGRAMME FOR COURSE ON CYCLOTRONS, LINACS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IBM International Education Centre, La Hulpe, Belgium, April 28 - May 5, 1994 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Time 28 April 29 April 30 April 1 May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 08.00 BREAKFAST 09.00 Introduction toRF Fundamentals of Fundamentals of Application of Fundamentals of Engineering Designing a linear accelerators electron linacs ion linacs, I linacs to fusion ion linacs, II design and sub- radio isotope systems for facility linacs 10.00 P. Lapps toll e D. Warner M. Weiss I. Hofmann M. Weiss D. Tronc D. Lewis COFFEE BREAK COFFEE BREAK 10.30 Introduction to Overview of Cyclotron E Injection into RF systems for Extraction from Exotic cyclotrons cyclotron types magnet cyclotrons cyclotrons cyclotrons cyclotrons calculations X c 11.30 T. Stammbach T. S lam m bach Y. Jongen P. Mandrillon C. Bieth J. Botman U. Trinks u MID MORNING BREAK MID MORNING BREAK 11.45 Medical Cyclotrons for Non-medical Applications of Applications of Application of Review of applications of therapy application of R ion linacs cyclotrons for high intensity commercially electron linacs linacs materials p-linacs to available (including S research, I spallation machines dosimetry) sources 12.45 A. Wambersie P. Mandrillon K. Bethee I K. Bethge K. Ziegler H. Lengeler O. Barbalat LUNCH LUNCH 14.30 Ion sources and Isotope O RF systems for Applications of The use of electron guns VISIT TO production linacs cyclotrons for accelerators in TRANSPORT IBA AND CRC N materials the fission LOUVAIN-LA- research, II energy field TO NEUVE 15.30 C. Hill V. Bechtold W. Pirkl K. Ziegler J. Schapira AIRPORT TEA TEA TEA BREAK 16.00 Induction linacs Computational PET imaging Medical imaging Matching tools for accelerators to accelerator the task design 17.00 J. de Mascureau L. Rinolfi J.C. Clark S. Askienazy M. Weiss 18.00 COCKTAIL 19.00 EVENING MEAL 20.00 BANQUET VII Foreword The mission of the CERN Accelerator School to collect, preserve and disseminate the knowledge accumulated in the world's accelerator laboratories applies not only to accelerators and storage rings, but also to the related sub-systems, equipment and technologies. This wider aim is being achieved by means of the specialized courses listed in the Table below. The latest of these was on the topic of Cyclotrons, Linacs and their Applications and was held in La Hulpe, Belgium, 28 April-5 May 1994, its proceedings forming the present volume. List of specialised CAS courses andtheir proceedings Year Course Proceedings 1983 Antiprotons for colliding beam facilities CERN 84-15 (1984) 1986 Applied Geodesy for particle accelerators CERN 87-01 (1987) also Lecture Notes in Earth Sciences 12, (Springer Verlag, 1987) 1988 Superconductivity in particle accelerators CERN 89-04 (1989) 1989 Synchrotron radiation and free-electron lasers CERN 90-03 (1990) 1990 Power converters for particle accelerators CERN 90-07 (1990) 1991 RF engineering for particle accelerators CERN 92-03 (1992) 1992 Magnetic measurement and alignment CERN 92-05 (1992) 1993 RF engineering for particle accelerators — (repeat of the 1991 course) 1994 Cyclotrons, linacs and their applications Present volume The La Hulpe school was held almost exactly 100 years after W. Rontgen's discovery of X-rays, considered to be the first application of a particle accelerator. It was, therefore, most appropriate to examine at the school the vast range of present-day medical, industrial and research applications of accelerators, and the wide range of machines used to produce the required particles. It was also most fitting to hold the school in a region where accelerators are used for medical and research purposes as well as being manufactured commercially for use all over the world. Certainly it was a refreshing change to have the opportunity to concentrate for once on the lower particle energies. In preparing the course the very significant guidance from the Centre de Recherches du Cyclotron at the Universite Catholique du Louvain was most essential. As usual the School's Advisory and Local Organizing Committees, especially two members of the latter, G. Ryckewaert and N. Postiau, as well as W. Mondelaers from the Instituut voor Nucleaire Wetenschappen, played a very large role in ensuring the course was successful. The CERN Management again gave their generous financial and moral support and sponsorship was also provided by the Institut Interuniversitaire des Sciences Nucleaires in Bruxelles, the CRC, Universite Catholique de Louvain, and Ion Beam Applications (IBA) at Louvain-la-Neuve. The tremendous effort made by the lecturers in preparing, presenting and writing-up their allotted topics was one of the most significant items in ensuring the success and utility of the course. Finally must be mentioned the support of the participants in the course who came from many parts of the world and took such active interest in the lecturers. CAS is most grateful for all the help and support mentioned above. S. Turner, Editor NEXT left BLANK IX Contents Page Foreword P.M. Lapostolle Introduction to RF linear accelerators (linacs) 1 Brief history of linacs 1 Longitudinal motion. Phase stability. Acceleration by a travelling wave 2 Transverse motion. Defocusing action of the accelerating field 6 Linac accelerating structures 6 Detailed particle dynamics computation 9 Space charge effects. Intensity limits 11 Appendix 15 D.J. Warner Fundamentals of electron linacs 17 Introduction 17 Some background history 17 The electron 18 Accelerating field and the dispersion curve 18 The accelerator design 20 Review of beam dynamics 27 The complete linac 31 Beam loading considerations 34 Some more advanced applications 36 M. Weiss Fundamentals of ion linacs 39 Introduction 39 Empty cavities: wave types and modes 39 Loaded cavities: space harmonics, travelling and standing wave structures 42 Fundamental cavity parameters 43 Some typical ion linacs 44 Structure computations: drift tube linac 48 Action of electromagnetic fields on particles 49 Beam loading of cavities: space charge 51 The RFQ linear accelerator 52 Conclusion 57