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Annual financial report of the town officers of Franconia, N.H PDF

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Preview Annual financial report of the town officers of Franconia, N.H

,'s~~l 1995 FINANCIAL REPORT FRANCONIA NEW HAMPSHIRE Tnis Town Report is aeaicatea to all tnose TOWN EMPLOYEES & VOLUNTEERS wno spent many long days, nignts, and weekends - during and aiter eacn storm - digging us out, opening our roadways, clearingfallentrees, manning downedpower lines, putting out lires, responding to calls for nelp, and keeping us safe from narm. THANK YOU! ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT of the TOWN OFFICERS of NH FRANCONIA, INCLUDING REPORTS OF THE Water Commissioners Abbie Greenleaf Library Chamber of Commerce Frost Place FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1995 PrintedattheHarrisonPublishingHoicse-Littleton, NewHampshire Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from Boston Library Consortium IVIember Libraries http://www.archive.org/details/annualfinancialr1995fran TABLE OF CONTENTS TownMeetingWarrant Inthe Budget Center Comparative Statement Section TownOfficers 4 Auditor 6 BalanceSheet 8 SummaryInventoryofAssessedValuation 10 StatementofAppropriationsandTaxesAssessed 10 StatementofBonded Debt 11 ScheduleofTownProperty 11 TownClerk 12 TaxCollector 13 Treasurer 18 LandUseRind 20 .., YieldTaxAccount 20 McLachlinMemorialTrustFund 20 FranconiaMuseumFund 20 FranconiaWaterDepartmentFund 21 Franconia-MittersillWaterDepartmentFund 21 SummaryofRevenues 22 Detailed StatementofRevenues 23 SummaryofExpenditures 26 Detailed StatementofExpenditures 28 Valuation& DepreciationofDepartmentEquipment 36 FranconiaWaterDepartment 40 Franconia-MittersillWaterDepartment 42 ReportoftheTrustFbnds 44 AbbieGreenleafLibrary 46 Franconia-MittersillWaterCommissioners 50 PoliceDepartment 51 FireDepartment 52 ForestFireWarden 53 ChamberofCommerce 54 FrostPlace 56 RecreationPrograms 58 LifeSquad 59 ZoningBoardofAdjustment 60 PlanningBoaid 61 ConservationCommission 62 History-Museum Committee 63 VitalStatistics 64 TOWN OFFICERS Boardof Selectmen RUTHA. VAILL (Termexpires 1996) EDWARD CARBONARO (Termexpires 1997) RONALDA. HUNT (Termexpires 1998) Administrative Assistant SALLYL. SMALL (Appointed) Town Clerk/Tax Collector TRINALUCE (1998) Treasurer Moderator CHRISTINE D. PEABODY(1996) DAVID E. SCHAFFER(1996) Road Agent Health Officer DAVID HUNT(Appointed) PHILIPA. PAYETTE (Appointed) Auditor FRANCISJ. DINEEN &CO. (Appointed) Fire Chief ChiefofPolice WILLIAM L. MEAD(Appointed) MARKR. MONTMINY(Appointed) Water Commissioners JON PEABODY(1996) CHARLES CASEY (1997) RICHARD McLACHLIN (1998) Library Trustees HARRIETTAYLOR Scholarship Advisory Committee HARRIETTAYLOR, LibraryRepresentative CHARLESWOLCOTT, ChurchRepresentative HAROLD D. TUTTLE,JR., Town Representative Planning Board EARLE COLLINS (1996) STEVEN HEATH (1996) JENNIFERGAUDETTE(Alternate) (1996) FRED GRIFFIN (1997) EDWARD CARBONARO WALTERELANDER (1997) (Alternate) (1997) JOSEPH NELSON (1997) SYBILCAREY (1998) ROBERTBALL JOHN McGURIN (1998) (1998) KENETH FORD (Alternate) (1998) ZoningBoardofAdjustment MARYELLEN GILBERT (1996) BARBARABARRAND (1996) GEORGE ROORBACK(Alternate) (1996) DANAJOHNSON(Alternate) (1996) JOSEPH NELSON (1997) CHRISTOPHERBROOKS (1997) RICHARD GAUDETTE (1998) BERTRAM HERBERT(Alternate) (1998) Conservation Commission GRETCHEN BUNKER AMYBAHR (1996) (1996) LUCYHALL ELIZABETHWELCH (1997) (1997) H. ASHTON CROSBY (1998) CHRISTIE SHAW-DORAN (1998) ROBERTBALL (1998) Recreation Committee -SUGARHILL- -FRANCONIA- -EASTON- LORI HENEAULT STEVE PLANT KELLEYKING SALLY FIELD KIMCOWLES CARRIE HAMBLIN Franconia History -Museum Committee AMYBAHR SYLVIACASEY BEATRICE HUNT EILEEN BALL WARRENTAYLOR SHIRLEYLYMAN CHRISTOPHERBROOKS HAMILTONFORD(Emeritus) Dow Committee DARALD&JULIE LIBBY JENNIFERGAUDETTE(1996) JANE FERRELLI(1996) RUTHVAILL(1996) LINDACAMELIO STEVE PLANT KENMOSEDALE (1997) (1997) (1997) STEVE CHARDON(1998) CHRISTIE SHAW-DORAN(1998) AUDITOR'S REPORT FRANCISJ.DINEEN & CO. CertifiedPublicAccountants 5MiddleStreet NH Lancaster, 03584 TotheMembersoftheBoardofSelectmen TownofFranconia Franconia,NewHampshire03580 Wehaveauditedtheaccompanyinggeneralpurposefinancialstatementsandthecombining andindividualfundfinancialstatementsoftheTownofFranconia,NewHampshireasof,and fortheyearendedDecember31,1995,asUstedinthetableofcontents. Thesefinancialstate- ments aretheresponsibilityofthe Town'smanagement. Ourresponsibilityisto express an opiniononthesefinancialstatementsbasedonouraudit. We conducted ourauditin accordancewith generally accepted auditingstandards. Those standardsrequirethatwe plan and performthe auditto obtainreasonable assurance about whetherthefinancialstatementsarefreeofmaterialmisstatement. Anauditincludesexam- ining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessingthe accountingprinciples used and significant estimatesmadebymanagement,aswellasevaluatingtheoverallfinancialstatementpresen- tation. Webelievethatourauditprovidesareasonablebasisforouropinion. Asis thepracticewithmany NewHampshire municipahties, the Town ofFranconia, New Hampshire has notmaintained arecord ofits generalfixed assets and, accordingly, a state- ment of general fixed assets, required by generally accepted accounting principles, is not includedinthefinancialreport. As explained in Note 3, the Water Fund is reported as a Special Revenue FUnd, whereas generallyacceptedaccountingprinciplesrequirethatitbereportedasanEnterpriseFund. Inouropinion,exceptfortheeffectonthefinancialstatementsoftheomissiondescribedin thethirdparagraphandexceptasnotedinthefourthparagraph,thegeneralpurposefinan- cialstatementsreferredtoabovepresentfairly,inallmaterialrespects,thefinancialposition ofthe Town ofFranconia, New Hampshire as ofDecember 31, 1995, and the results ofits operationsandcashflowsofitssimilartrustfundtypesfortheyearthenendedinconformity withgenerallyaccepted accountingprinciples. Also, in ouropinion, the combiningandindi- vidualfundfinancialstatementsreferredtoabovepresentfairly,inallmaterialrespects,the financialpositionofeachoftheindividualfundsoftheTownofFranconia,NewHampshireas of December 31, 1995, and the results of operations of such funds and the cash flows of nonexpendabletrustfundsfortheyearthenendedinconformitywithgenerallyacceptedac- countingprinciples. Ourauditwasmadeforthepurposeofforminganopiniononthegeneralpurposefinancial statementstaken as awhole and on the combiningand individual fund financial statements. The accompanying financial information Usted as the supplemental schedule in the table of contents is presented for purposes ofadditional analysis and is not a required part ofthe financial statements ofthe TownofFranconia, NewHampshire. Such informationhasbeen subjected to the auditingprocedures appliedin the auditofthe generalpurpose, combining andindividualfundfinancialstatementsand,inouropinion,isfairlypresentedinallmaterial respectsinrelationtothefinancialstatementsofeachoftherespectiveindividualfundstaken asawhole. Verytrulyyours, FrancisJ.Dineen,C.EA. January25, 1996 BALANCE SHEET ASSETS Cash NOW Account $232,651.21 MMTA 4,331.82 YieldTaxAccount 5,260.24 $242,243.27 Investments(NH-PDIP) TaxesReceivable PropertyTaxesReceivable-Current PropertyTaxLiensReceivable ResidentTaxesReceivable YieldTaxesReceivable OtherAccountsReceivable TownofSugarHill LafayetteRegional School Departments Executive Elec/Reg/Vital Police TransferStation Welfare DuefromOtherFunds(WaterDept.) 7,000.00 DuefromCapitalReserveFunds(FireTruck) 500.00 TOTALASSETS $845,634.73

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