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A new species of Podolepis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from New South Wales PDF

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Preview A new species of Podolepis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from New South Wales

Muelleria 34:3-9 ROYAL Published online in advance of the print edition, 4 August 2015. BOTANIC GARDENS VICTORIA A new species of Podolepis (Asteraceae: Gnaphalieae) from New South Wales Jeffrey A. Jeanes Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne 3004, Victoria, Australia; e-mail: [email protected] Introduction Abstract The genus Podolepis Labill. is generally regarded as polyphyletic (e.g. Podolepis omissa Jeanes, a new species endemic to north-eastern New South Short et al. 1989; Anderberg 1991; Konishi et al. 2000; Jeanes 2015) and Wales and closely related to P. neglecta in need of revision.The results of molecular work by Konishi et al. (2000) G.LDavis, is described and illustrated. support the reinstatement of both Panaetia Cass, and Siemssenia Steetz Its distribution, habitat and ecology are at some level and the removal of Podolepis kendallii (F.Muell.) F.Muell. and discussed. Podolepis georgei Diels (the latter to Schoenia ayersii (F.Muell.) J.M.BIack; Key words; taxonomy, morphology, see Wilson 1992). Although a few species are not represented in the data diagnostic features, Asteraceae set used by Konishi et al. (2000), it is clear that Podolepis s. str. (the clade that includes the type species, P. rugata Labill.) includes those species in which the limbs of the ray florets greatly exceed the involucre, and the individual involucral bracts have the claw and lamina discreet (i.e. attached only at the apex of the claw). Also included in this clade are P. arachnoidea (Flook.) Druce and P. neglecta G.LDavis. Podolepis s. str, consists currently of 18 species (Jeanes 2015) confined to Australia and found in all States as well as the Northern Territory and the Australian Capital Territory. For a detailed taxonomic and nomenclatural history of Podolepis and for an evaluation of the characters used to distinguish taxa, see Davis (1957). It is dear from the work of Davis (1957) and subsequent taxonomic treatments (e.g. Flenderson 1969; Beadle 1980; Cooke 1986; Stanley 1986; Everett 1992; Jeanes 1999, 2015), that the morphology of the intermediate involucral bracts is of importance in the delineation of species in Podo/ep/s. This remains true in the present ® Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria 2015 ISSN: 0077-1813 (print) • ISSN: 2204-2032 (online) Jeanes study, but other characters such as indumentum, leaf long and 2-10(-18) mm wide, apex acuminate. morphology and capitulum size and shape often also Capitulescences simple or paniculiform. Peduncles 1-10 prove useful. Furthermore, some species are apparently cm long, with several scarious scale leaves below the habitat specific. involucre passing into the leafy stem. Capitula 1 -several, In a recent paper (Jeanes 2015) I redefined Podolepis s. hemispherical, mostly 10-20 mm diam., 10-12 mm str. using a combination of morphological and molecular long. Involucral bracts multiseriate, with slender linear data. While researching this paper the name Podolepis claws, unequal (outermost shortest, intermediate sp. Warrabah, J.R. Hosking 1862, NSW Herbarium (APNI longest); claw stiff, glandular, shiny, straw-coloured, 2014), came to my attention. After an initial consultation with an elongate central depressed green section on with my colleague J.R. Hosking and the subsequent the stereome, most prominent towards the apex; lamina examination ofherbarium specimens, it became obvious scarious; intermediate bracts 5-8 mm long, claw c. 1 mm that this was a discrete taxon previously confused wide at the narrowest point, lamina ovate to triangular, with P. neglecta (Fig. 1). Some herbarium specimens to c. 3 mm wide, extending to c. 4 mm beyond apex were already segregated as P. sp. Warrabah (formally of claw, base attenuate and continuous with upper described below as P. omissa Jeanes), but most could margins of claw, apex acuminate. Florets bright yellow; still be found stored as P. neglecta, P. jaceoides (Sims) Voss ray florets female, 35-50, lamina linear, 10-20 mm long, or Podolepis indeterminate. Podolepis omissa is likely to 3(-4)-toothed, teeth to 2 mm long, to c. 1 mm wide; be part of Podolepis s. str. based on the long limbs of its disc florets bisexual, c. 10 mm long, numerous. Cypselas ray florets and on its apparent close relationship with P. c. 2 mm long, c. 1 mm wide, papillose; pappus bristles neglecta. 15-30, barbellate, shortly connate at base, 6-8 mm long. (Fig. 4) Taxonomy Selected specimens examined: NEW SOUTH WALES. Warrumbungle National Park, Wambelong Camp area. 15.V.1980, Podolepis omissa Jeanes, sp. nov. J.H. Willis s.n. (MEL 575040); Grounds of “Wagon Wheel” Motel, Type; NEW SOUTH WALES. Warrabah National Park, southern edge of Coonabarabran, 12.xii.1998, BJ. Lepschi 4126 27.iv.2000, J.R. Hosking 1862 (holotype, MEL 2131971! &J.R. Connors (MEL 2253130, CANB 626730, NSW, US); 31 km SW (Fig. 2), isotypes, TARCH 6097, CANB 539182!, NSW of Uralla on the New England Highway, 4.11.1996, M. Ito 96002, T. 447127, NE 72206). Nishino & I'. Kita (MEL 2030350, NSW, Tl); Forbes region. 1.4 km Podolepis neglecta sensu G.M. Cunningham et al. from N entrance gate to Mandagery State Forest, E side of track, (1981) non G.L. Davis. 14.xii.1990, S.M. Probersji. (CANB 00492321); 6 miles |9.7 km) north of Bundarra G.P.O. on Inverell road, 9.iii.1954, R.W. Jessup & M. Gray Podolepis neglecta sensu J. Everett (1992) p.p,. non G.L. 572 (CANB 97675); Burble Creek, Warrumbungle Range, 29 km W of Davis. Coonabarabran, 6x11.1973, H. Streimann s.n. (CBG 53893, NSW); 18 Podolepis sp. Warrabah {J.R. Hosking 1862) NSW km from Uralla on Kingstown road, 7x11.1989, D.L Jones 5549 & C.H. Herbarium sensu APNI (2014). Broers (CBG 8914078); 14.4 km W of Baldersleigh, between Armidale Illustrations: Everett (1992) page 264 (as P. neglecta): and Bundarra, 28x11.2008, A.R. Bean 28415 (BRIAQ820428). J.R. Hosking unpublished image (see Fig. 3 this paper). Distribution and habitat: Endemic to New South Perennial herb 30-70(-130) cm tall. Stems 1-several, Wales where it is distributed in the Brigalow Belt erect, often sparingly branched, variously woolly South, Nandewar, New England Tablelands, NSW South or glabrescent. Leaves covered sparsely to densely Western Slopes and Sydney Basin Regions (sensu with flattened elongate to coiled, multicellular IBRA7, Commonwealth of Australia 2012). Reports hairs, sometimes glabrescent, margins recurved to of this species from the Hillston-Cobar, Enngonia ±flat, entire; basal leaves several in a sparse rosette, and Paroo River areas of western New South Wales oblanceolate, 5-10 cm long and 5-10 mm wide, (Cunningham etal. 1981 as Podolepis neglecta) appear petiolate, base amplexicaul, often withering early; to be unsupported by voucher specimens and require cauline leaves alternate, sessile, stem-clasping, usually further investigation. Found mostly on sandy soils, but linear to linear-oblanceolate, mostly 1-10(-18) cm also on skeletal soils in volcanic areas (J.R. Hosking pers. 4 Vol 34 A new species of Podolepis \ (cid:9632)) ho- TYPE MEL 222581 NATIONAL HERBARIUM OF deL VICTORIA (MEL), AUSTRALIA Figure 1. Isotype of Podolepis neglecta (MEL 222581) Muelleria 5 Jeanes co p y rig h t re se rv e d fwASA JeAi\e,s HcAxrt^pp. Detentwiava JA JtSAcs TAMWORTH AGRICULTURAL RCSLARCH CENTRE HERBARIUM (TARCH) Fanilj: Asteiaceae PodoUpis sp. ifC negUcta Loc Warratah Natwful Park NSW SvMivUiM: NWS L.1 »/(cid:9632) FT ors Umt. ISO* »(cid:9632) «•£ , Alt. J90m ColL I. R. Hoskinf 1862, Dale 27 Aptil 2000 T.L.ftaRHakitig Na(«*ScMei«dbuicooBnoa(naii7 lOOOi in Wtmbati Natiooal Pait) twfblo85cabglL Few plaMsi* flow « dm time. Flowering oena afUBol, raacoc « base pmaaiaL Leaves (Ubrow and green above. Bligbtlx paler bdcpw and roughcried. narsiaa wnh a few hain. flower (including Itgulaie Oonu) lo 3 an wide. lovoliicni bncu green with tips angled OM bon head. Floieuyelkw. Ray flonts Ugulate. lo 1.3 an long, nwk; disc floras tubuUr with 5 lobes, bisexual. Landfbm: 0*20* slopes Sobairaie: New England adamellites Soil; gny^irown kauny sand Veyeiation: grawiag fai CallitrU glaucopftyfla J. Thompson & L. A S. Johnson and Eticafyptua spp. woodland TYPE Identity oonflrmed by I. R. Hosking using NSW (main coHcctton) on 21 lone 2000. Dupl in CANB MEL NSW NE NATIONAL HERBARIUM OF VICTORIA (MEL), AUSTRALIA TARCH fC 6097 Figure 2. Holotype of Podolepis omissa (MEL 2131971) 6 Vol 34 A new species ofPodolepis Figures. Photograph of flowering capitulum of Podolepis omissa (courtesy John Hosking) comm.) over basalt or granite substrates. Habitat varies more mesic habitats and more nutrient-rich soils that P. from shrubland to grassy woodland under Eucalyptus neglecta frequents. L'Her. (often Eucalyptus microcarpa (Maiden) Maiden Etymology: From the Latin omissa = omitted, left out, or Eucalyptus alba Reinw. ex Blume) species or mixed disregarded or neglected. Until recently this species has Eucalyptus/CallltrisVent species. (Fig. 5) been overlooked and included in Podolepis neglecta, Conservation status: Reasonably common, itself a species overlooked for many years until its first widespread and represented in conservation reserves description in 1957. and thus neither endangered nor threatened. Flowering period: Most months of the year, but most flowering herbarium specimens were collected in summer and autumn. Flowering is probably rain dependent. Diagnostic notes: Podolepis omissa is readily distinguished from P. neglecta by its intermediate involucral bracts which are shorter and have laminas with acuminate rather than acute to obtuse apices. These distinctions were consistent and unambiguous in the many herbarium specimens examined during this study. The two species are apparently never sympatric and inhabit discrete biogeographical regions. The generally broader lower cauline leaves and slightly larger capitula of P. neglecta are also useful features for Figure 4. Intermediate involucral bracts x5 a. Podolepis differentiating the two species, but may be due to the omissa; b. P. neglecta Muelleria 7 Jeanes Table 1. A summary of the diagnostic characters, habitat and distributional information of P. omissa and P neglecta. Length and width measurements are abbreviated as L and W respectively. Podolepis omissa Podolepis neglecta Lower cauline leaf size 50-100(-180) mm L X 2-10(-18) mm W 50-200 mm L X 10-40 mm W Capitulum diameter 10-20 mm 15-25 mm Capitulum colour on drying straw-coloured golden brown Claw of intermediate involucral with scarious margins in upper third with scarious margins throughout bracts Lamina of intermediate ovate to triangular oblong involucral bracts Intermediate involucral bract 5-8 mm 9-12(-14) mm length Apex of intermediate involucral acuminate acute to obtuse bract laminas Habitat shrubland, dry Eucalyptus or mixed wet sclerophyll forests and woodlands, rarely Eucalyptus/Callitris woodlands rainforest edges Distribution western slopes and plains of north¬ tablelands and coastal areas of north¬ eastern New South Wales eastern New South Wales and south-eastern Queensland 8 Vol 34 A new species of Podolepis Acknowledgements Cunningham, G.M., Mulham,W.E., Milthorpe, P.L and Leigh, J.H. (1981). Plants of western New South Wales. New South Wales My thanks go to Enid Mayfield for the line drawings and Government Printing Office: Sydney. to John Hosking (TARCH) for sharing his considerable Davis, G.L (1957). Revision of the genus Podolepis Labill. The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 81, knowledge of the new species and for the use of one 245-286. of his photographs. I am also grateful to Rita Macheda Everett, J. 0992).'Podolepis', in GJ. Harden (ed.), Flora of New (MEL), Pina Milne (MEL) and Angharad Johnson (MEL) South Wales 3, 262-265. New South Wales University Press: Kensington. for digital scans of specimens. I'm indebted to the Henderson, RJ.F. (1969). Podolepis monticola, a new species directors, collection managers and curatorial staff at AD, of Compositae from Queensland. Contributions from the BRI, CANB, and MEL for access to specimens. Queensland Herbarium 2,1-9. Jeanes, J.A. (1999). 'Podolepis', in N.G. Walsh and T.J. Entwisle References (eds). Flora of Victoria 4,777-782. Inkata Press: Melbourne. Jeanes, J.A. (2015). Studies in Podolepis (Asteraceae: Anderberg, A.A. (1991). Taxonomy and phytogeny of the tribe Gnaphalieae). Muelleria 33,21-59. Gnaphalieae (Asteraceae), Opera Botanica 104, 120-121. Konishi, N., Watanabe, K. and Kosuge, K. (2000). Molecular Council for Nordic Publications in Botany: Copenhagen. systematics of Australian Podolepis (Asteraceae: APNI (2014). Australian Plant Name Index, IBIS database. Centre Gnaphalieae): evidence from DNA sequences of the nuclear for Plant Biodiversity Research, Canberra. Accessed May rrS region and the chloroplast matK gene. Australian 2014. <http://www.anbg.gov.au/cgi-bin/apni> Systematic Botany tS, 709-727. Beadle, N.C.W. (1980). Students flora of north eastern New South Short, P.S., Wilson, K.E. and Nailon, J. (1989). Notes on the fruit Wales. Part IV. University of New England Printery: Armidale. anatomy of Australian members ofthe Inuleae (Compositae). Commonwealth of Australia (2012). Interim Biogeographic Muelleria 7,74-77. Regionalisation for Australia, Version 7. Accessed 4 July Stanley,T.D. (1986).‘Podolepis', inT.D. Stanley and E.M. Ross (eds). 2014. <http://www.environment.gov.au/system/files/ Flora of South-eastern Queensland 2, 547-549. Queensland pages/5b3d2d31-2355-4b60-820c-e370572b2520/files/ Department of Primary Industries: Brisbane. bioregions-new.pdf> Wilson, P.G. (1992). The Lawrencella complex (Asteraceae: Cooke, D.A. (1986). 'Podolepis', in J.P. Jessop and H.R. Toelken Gnaphalieae: Angianthinae) of Australia. Nuytsia 8,361-377. (eds). Flora of South Australia 3,1568-1573. South Australian Government Printing Division: Adelaide. Muelleria 9

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