PHYLLOCOLPAROLLERISPNOV. 183 ANEWSPECIES OFPHYLLOCOLPA BENSONPHYLLOCOLPA ROLLERI SP.NOV. (HYM.: TENTHREDINIDAE,NEMATINAE) ONSALIXHASTATA AndrewD. Liston DeutschesEntomologischesInstitut/ZALF,EberswalderStr.84,D-15374Muncheberg, Germany {e-mail:[email protected]) Abstract Phyllocolpa rolleri sp. nov. (Hym.: Tenthredinidae, Nematinae) is described from specimens collectedonSalixhastataintheLowerTatraMountains, Slovakia. Introduction During the last two days of the Ninth International Sawfly Workshop, held in the Slovak Republic from 17-23 June 2005, the author collected on a mountain summit in the upper montane zone ofthe Lower Tatras. The fauna and flora at this locality was unusual in that it contained a mixture of montane/subalpine species and those normally considered to be characteristic of warmer sites at much lower altitudes. Several of the montane sawflies collected were associated with Salix hastata, including thepreviously undescribedPhyllocolpa species which is the subjectofthis paper. The full species listofSymphytacollectedin the LowerTatras by participants ofthe workshop willbepresentedelsewhere. Taxonomic study ofthe genus Phyllocolpa has lagged behind that ofPontania in recent years. Perhaps this is because the open galls of Phyllocolpa (often termed "leaf-folds" or "leaf-rolls) are less conspicuous than the closed galls of Pontania. The latter display a wide range of shape and are often coloured bright red. As indicated by research by J.-P. Kopelke, nearly all species of the gall-making nematine sawfly genera Phyllocolpa, Pontania and Euura are strictly monophagous on singlewillow species (Kopelke, 2003). Phyllocolparolleri sp. nov. Female: Head dull with coriaceous sculpture, except fornearly unpunctured clypeus and labrum. Hollow around outside of antennae pubescent. Frontal ridges low, rounded, without lateral carinate extensions above antennae. Antennae long, slender, equal in length to costa offorewing. Antennomeres 3 and 4 subequal. Antennomere 8 is 3-7-3-9x as long as maximal width. Mesonotum dull; sculpture similar to upper head. Mesopleura slightly sculptured on upper third, shining between pubescence below this and with abroadglabrouspatchbelow stemo-pleural line. Scutellum only slightly convex, shining between evenly distributed pubescence except for glabrous posterior third. Post-tergite only pubescent laterally. Basitarsus extremely long and slender (5-5x apical width). Tarsus 0-85-0-88 as long as tibia. Inner hind tibial spur halfas long as basitarsus. Abdominal terga and sternadull with transverse sculpture. ^ Cerci projecting almostas farastip ofsawsheath. Sawsheath and saw as inFigs. 616 &636inBenson (1958). 184 ENTOMOLOGIST'SRECORD,VOL. 117 25.ix.2005 Black. Clypeus, labrum, base of mandibles, more or less apices of palpi, whole of tegula, trochanters, narrow apex ofcoxa, more orless apices offemora, basal0.75 of rear tibia, tibial spurs, basal half of stigma white or pale yellow. Tarsus entirely black. Length: 4-5mm. Variation: in a few specimens a small triangular, brown fleck is present adjacent to inner top of eye. The pronotum is usually completely black, but may be very narrowly lined with brown on upper posterior edges. Hind femora vary from black hned on fore and rear edges with base all black, to almost entirely black except for theextreme apex. Male: As female, butstigmadarker, withonly approximatelybasal thirdpale. Holotype (female): Slovak RepubHc, Lower Tatras, Krakova hola, 1700-1750m, 48°58.08N 19°38.00E, approx. 12km south of Liptovsky Mikulas, 21-22.06.2005, leg. Liston. Deposited in DeutschesEntomologisches Institut (DEI), Miincheberg. Paratypes: 22 females and 8 males, same collection data as holotype. Deposited in L. RollerCollection (Bratislava), Deutsches Entomologisches Institut (Miincheberg), Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (Frankfurt a. M.), National Museums of Scotland (Edinburgh), Zoologische Staatssammlung (Munich). Etymology: The species name is dedicated to Dr. Ladislav Roller of Bratislava, in appreciation of his efforts in the organisation of the 9th International Sawfly Workshop (2005) in Slovakia. Biology Leaf-rolls were numerous on the plants ofSalix hastata from which the adults were swept. The larvae had not yetemerged from the eggs. The leafis rolled along nearly its whole length, and twisted around its axis. Although the imagines of P. rolleri were merely swept from these plants, there is no doubt that S. hastata is the host. This is the only Salix species present onthis part ofthe summit. Onthe northface of the mountain, several hundred metres from where the Phyllocolpa were collected, some large patches of Salix alpina were present, but close examination of these revealednot asingle sawfly ofany species, eitheras adultorlarva. Identification Thenew species is readily distinguishedfrommostknown Palaearctic speciesby the combination ofvery dark colouration (particularly the legs), long cerci and lack ofa carina between lateral frontal area and top of head. The structure of the ovipositor sheath, saw and the quality and distribution of body surface sculpture closely resemble P. coriacea (Benson, 1953) (onSalixcinerea), suggesting thatthey maybe related. P. coriacea can best be distinguished by its shorter hind tarsus (only 0-65- 0-70 as long as tibia) and palerhind leg colour (coxa with apical halfpale, femur at PHYLLOCOLPAROLLERISPNOV. 185 most narrowly lined with black, tibia with only extreme apex black, basitarsus with atleastundersidepale). Remarks Salix hastata has a wide Eurasian distribution, occurring also in Alaska and North- West Canada. It is therefore probable that P. rolleri occurs in other regions apart from the Tatras. Possibly some ofthe published records ofP. coriacea from the Alps really refer to P. rolleri. The few Phyllocolpa species described from within or adjacent to the territory of Salix hastata in North America (Smith, 1979) all differ significantly in imaginal morphologyfromthenew species. Acknowledgements Special thanks to Laco Roller (Bratislava) and Andreas Taeger (DEI) for organising such anenjoyable meeting. References Benson, R. B., 1958. Hymenoptera Symphyta. Handbooksfor the Identification ofBritish Insects,6(2c): 139-252&vipp. Kopelke, J.-P., 2003. Gall-forming Nematinae, their willow hosts (Salix spp.) and biological strategies (Insecta, Hymenoptera, Symphyta, Tenthredinidae, Nematinae: Euura, Phyllocolpa, Pontania).Senckenbergianabiologica,82: 163-189. Smith, D. R., 1979. Symphyta. In: Krombein, K. V., Hurd, P D., Smith, D. R. & Burks, B. D. Catalog ofHymenoptera in America north ofMexico: 3-137. Smithsonian Institute, Washington,D.C. TheSword-grassXylenaexsoleta (L.) (Lep.: Noctuidae): Monitoringdifficulties For the last 150 years or more, The Sword-grass Xylena exsoleta has declined steadily in Britain. The distribution maps in Heath & Emmet (1983. Moths and Butterflies ofGreat Britain and Ireland vol. 10, Harley Books) and Waring (1992. Moth Conservation ProjectNewsBulletin 4. JNCC), show farmore formersites than current ones, particularly south of the Scottish Highlands, despite ever-increasing recording effort. In Scotland, the decline has not been so great. The Sword-grass seems to be holding its own in many parts ofnorth-east Scotland, especially Aberdeenshire. I am fortunate enough to have it on my own land at Ordiquhill, near Cornhill in Banffshire. Because of the concern about its status, I have monitored the species carefully everyyearsince 1990. Most sightings are at sugar. As so much recording nowadays is done with light traps, this may partly explain the scarcity of recent records. In some autumns, no moths are recorded in my garden Robinson trap, despite regular attendance at the line of sugared fence posts that begins only 20m away. In spring, sugar is still the most reliable method, but captures at light are more frequent. Indeed, the highest single count was 12 in the Robinson trap on 7.iv.l997. This was so untypical that I