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Structural Stability in Physics: Proceedings of Two International Symposia on Applications of Catastrophe Theory and Topological Concepts in Physics Tübingen, Fed. Rep. of Germany, May 2–6 and December 11–14, 1978

Professor Dr. Werner Güttinger, Dr. Horst Eikemeier (auth.), Professor Dr. Werner Güttinger, Dr. Horst Eikemeier (eds.)
·308 Pages
·10.048 MB

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Theory Change, Ancient Axiomatics, and Galileo’s Methodology: Proceedings of the 1978 Pisa Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science Volume I

Ilkka Niiniluoto (auth.), Jaakko Hintikka, David Gruender, Evandro Agazzi (eds.)
·358 Pages
·9.148 MB

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世界主要发达资本主义国家 地区 情况资料汇编 1978-1987

·19.1138 MB

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